

気ままにya-ku-so!:A Secret Sorrow.(15)

2021年04月18日 | 語学学習

☆テキスト出典 A Secret Sorrow. (1981) Karen van der Zee / Chapter 1より

She stared blindly at the mirror, feeling emotion flooding back, overwhelming her again.

Would it always be like that?

Would she never be able to think about it without hurting so much?

She felt broken, mutilated, incomplete, a feeling that tore at the very roots of her femininity.

It was a primitive, instinctive emotion, and she seemed to have no control over it.

She had tried, she had tried so hard in those last few weeks, but it only seemed to be getting worse.

And now she was here, in Connecticut, with her brother and his two children, fresh off the plane this very afternoon, in a last desperate attempt to start over ― To Start a New Life.

And it seemed as if nature was trying to encourage her, showing its new life in brightly coloured crocuses and daffodils blooming everywhere in this small Connecticut town of New Canaan.

And Faye had noticed it.

As they had driven to Chuck's home through the beautiful winding roads she had seen the flowers, the fresh green grass, the forsythias bursting into golden bloom.

