Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

Cream puff as Today's Sweet

2015-07-12 17:00:00 | グルメ

A profiterole, cream puff (US), or choux à la crème is a filled French choux pastry ball with a typically sweet filling of whipped cream, pastry cream, custard, or (particularly in the US) ice cream. The puffs may be decorated or left plain or garnished with chocolate sauce, caramel, or a dusting of powdered sugar. Savory profiterole are also made, filled with pureed meats, cheese, and so on. These were formerly common garnishes for soups.
The various names may be associated with particular variants of filling or sauce in different places.
Both the pastry and the name 'profiterole' come from France.

The word profiterole (also spelled prophitrole, profitrolle, profiterolle) has existed in English since 1604, borrowed from French. The original meaning in both English and French is unclear, but later it came to mean a kind of roll 'baked under the ashes'. A 17th-century French recipe for a Potage de profiteolles or profiterolles describes a soup of dried small breads (presumably the profiteroles) simmered in almond broth and garnished with coxscombs, truffles, and so on. The current meaning is only clearly attested in the 19th century.
The "cream puff" has appeared on US restaurant menus since 1851,if not earlier.

Zespri SunGod Kiwi Fruit at Today's Breakfast

2015-07-12 06:00:00 | グルメ

 Full of vitality, this juicy, golden-fleshed new variety has a refreshing sweet taste with just a hint of sour. An attractive, larger kiwifruit with a delicate texture inside a smooth skin. 10 years in the development, Zespri Gold has a beautiful consistent shape and is delighting consumers all over the world. Zespri SunGold is a great source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, folate and other minerals and antioxidants, making it one of the most nutrient-dense fruits available.

 Zespri Kiwifruit means vitality. It is a rich source of vitamin C, with one Zespri Kiwifruit providing more vitamin C than an orange. Zespri Kiwifruit fans have been enjoying this vitality for years and scientific studies have proven that eating kiwifruit improves mood and vitality.

 Zespri Kiwifruit is also a source of dietary fibre, which is important for keeping the digestive system healthy.

 In addition, Actinidin, the protease enzyme which is unique to kiwifruit, helps us to digest several food proteins, including those found in meat, milk, legumes and cereal.

 Zespri Kiwifruit consistently ranks as one of the most nutrient-rich fruit available, providing everyday good health. The high fibre content, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals of kiwifruit drive its superior nutritional value and make it one of the healthiest fruits available.

 Did you know that the powerful combination of vitamin C, dietary fibre, actinidin, potassium and folate, gives Zespri Kiwifruit one of the highest nutrient density and adequacy scores compared to other common fruit? The nutrition table (below) of all our varieties tells it all.

 Zespri Kiwifruit contain so many vitamins and minerals, they’re truly bursting with natural goodness. Zespri Kiwifruit is also a low glycaemic index (GI) food. There's nothing but goodness inside a kiwifruit – nothing to make you feel guilty in there!