Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

To see a friend from far is a joy

2015-05-27 18:30:00 | グルメ

Confucius said, "To learn and to review those you learned are pleasure. To see a friend from far is a joy. Not to have a grudge even if you are not appreciated by others. It is gentlemanly."


Wow!! Good Japanese Sake leads Charge Yen 23,000- per person (Total Yen 115,000- ).


1 コメント

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Confucius said (Simon Lemon)
2018-10-30 13:59:02
Hello Kong ji
Thank you so much for your message.
We love the quote you’ve sent to us. And it was the perfect timing!
Scuba diving, fantastic foods and drinks with families and friends...wonderful life!
Simon Lemon
