My English Note


Israel shut down Al Jazeera.

2024-05-08 10:04:00 | English Topics
shut down 停止する
Al Jazeera 
brand 位置付ける
mouthpiece for Hamas ハマスの代弁者
raid  強制捜査する
in the raid 強制捜査
blockage 閉鎖
effectively only partial  一部で効果的
claim 主張
ridiculous lie ばかげた嘘
accuse  批判する、告発する
anti-Israeli bias  反イスラエルな偏向
Israeli parliament イスラエル議会
close foreign broadcasters 放送局を閉鎖する
Naturally 当然ながら
human rights and press groups 人権、報道団体
violate press freedom 報道の自由を侵害する


Israel's government has moved to shut down the operations of the Al Jazeera television network in the country on May 5, branding it a mouthpiece for Hamas.

Police raided the Qatari broadcaster's office at the Ambassador hotel in Jerusalem on Sunday.
Their equipment had been taken in the raid.

However the blockage is effectively only partial, as the channel is still accessible through Facebook in Israel.

Al Jazeera called claims it was a threat to Israeli security a "dangerous and ridiculous lie".

For years, Israeli officials have accused the network of anti-Israeli bias.

Last month, the Israeli parliament passed a law giving the government power to temporarily close foreign broadcasters considered a threat to national security during the war against Hamas.

Naturally,the shut down of Al Jazeera in Israel has been criticised by a number of human rights and press groups.

I guess,
Al Jazeera may be  the network of anti-Israeli bias.
But I can’t agree with this decision of the Netanyav government.
Israel's actions definitely violate press freedom.


