My English Note



2024-07-10 18:12:00 | Robert Note
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Could Biden remain the Democratic nominee ?

2024-07-10 11:20:00 | English Topics
[words]Democratic nominee 民主党の候補者disastrous 悲惨なfuel 煽るpredict 予想するreiterate 繰り返すbe firmly committed to…しっかりとコミットするrun for re-election  走る再選に向けてmoreover  さらにはdare… to…させようとするat the conventi . . . 本文を読む


2024-07-03 16:27:00 | Robert Note
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What would Biden or Democrats do?

2024-07-03 16:22:00 | English Topics
[wirds]presidential debate 大統領選討論会withdraw 辞退するDemocratic nomination 民主党の指名as a result 結果としてstep aside 身を引くfor the good of. …の利益のためonce かつてpainful decision 痛みを伴う決定withdraw  引っこむ、撤退するHouse Democ . . . 本文を読む


2024-06-14 10:15:00 | Robert Note
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Trump was found guilty

2024-06-12 10:48:00 | English Topics
[words]be convicted  有罪判決を受けるbe convicted of a crime 犯罪で有罪判決を受けるbe found guilty 有罪判決を受けるhush money 口止め料porn star  ポルノスターfalsify 改ざんするfalsifying business records ビジ記録を改ざんindependent voters . . . 本文を読む

使いたいフレーズ 1

2024-06-06 09:36:00 | 使いたいフレーズ 1
Now that…今や..だからNow that the major issues are resolved, the next step is to consolidate the financial statements of all subsidiaries.Simply put  簡単に言えばSimply put, intra-group transactions cance . . . 本文を読む


2024-06-06 09:00:00 | Robert Note
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Sunak decide to call summer election

2024-06-05 10:35:00 | English Topics
[words]early….election  前倒しでの選挙in a rain-soaked speech 雨に濡れながらの演説でMP  議員 Member of Parliamentpost large leads. 大きくリードするnational opinion polls  世論調査bring forward  前倒しするfall in inf . . . 本文を読む


2024-05-22 19:22:00 | Robert Note
8a39 As has the price of beef.Describing similar and contrasting trends as can be used to link two parallel trends, while whereas can be used to contrasttdifferent trends.The price o . . . 本文を読む


2024-05-15 15:15:00 | Robert Note
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TikTok vows to fight US ban.

2024-05-15 09:31:00 | English Topics
[words]because of concerns 懸念のためshare…with …と共有するsign into law a bill  法案に署名すdivest the app  アプリを売却するbe blocked challenge an unconstitutional  law 違憲法に異議を唱えるin court 法廷でclaim 主張す . . . 本文を読む


2024-05-08 16:35:00 | Robert Note
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Israel shut down Al Jazeera.

2024-05-08 10:04:00 | English Topics
[words]shut down 停止するAl Jazeera brand 位置付けるmouthpiece for Hamas ハマスの代弁者raid  強制捜査するin the raid 強制捜査blockage 閉鎖effectively only partial  一部で効果的claim 主張ridiculous lie ばかげた嘘accuse   . . . 本文を読む


2024-05-01 15:28:00 | Robert Note
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