

googleあれこれ リターンズやっぱり

2007-06-12 01:33:07 | メディア
Privacy Internationalのことを英監督機関などと恐ろしい誤訳をしてくれるCNET(つうか、ここんち、翻訳早いんだけど意図的&凡ミスな誤訳多し)によるとgoogleとPrivacy Internationalがフレーミング(誤用でありますか?そうですか)中であるとのこと。

念のため指摘しておきますと、Privacy Internationalは、同団体のWebサイトに記載があるように、

Privacy International (PI) is a human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance and privacy invasions by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington, D.C. PI has conducted campaigns and research throughout the world on issues ranging from wiretapping and national security, to ID cards, video surveillance, data matching, medical privacy, and freedom of information and expression.


an independent, non-government organization



話をPIの発表したレポート、A Race to the Bottomに戻しますと、PIはなぜgoogleの慣習に問題があるかについて、具体的に、

Google account holders that regularly use even a few of Google's services must accept that the company retains a large quantity of information about that user, often for an unstated or indefinite length of time, without clear limitation on subsequent use or disclosure, and without an opportunity to delete or withdraw personal data even if the user wishes to terminate the service.
Google maintains records of all search strings and the associated IP-addresses and time stamps for at least 18 to 24 months and does not provide users with an expungement option. While it is true that many US based companies have not yet established a time frame for retention, there is a prevailing view amongst privacy experts that 18 to 24 months is unacceptable, and possibly unlawful in many parts of the world.
Google has access to additional personal information, including hobbies, employment, address, and phone number, contained within user profiles in Orkut. Google often maintains these records even after a user has deleted his profile or removed information from Orkut.
Google collects all search results entered through Google Toolbar and identifies all Google Toolbar users with a unique cookie that allows Google to track the user's web movement.17 Google does not indicate how long the information collected through Google Toolbar is retained, nor does it offer users a data expungement option in connection with the service.
Google fails to follow generally accepted privacy practices such as the OECD Privacy Guidelines and elements of EU data protection law. As detailed in the EPIC complaint, Google also fails to adopted additional privacy provisions with respect to specific Google services.
Google logs search queries in a manner that makes them personally identifiable but fails to provide users with the ability to edit or otherwise expunge records of their previous searches.
Google fails to give users access to log information generated through their interaction with Google Maps, Google Video, Google Talk, Google Reader, Blogger and other services.


株主資本主義チックに考えるなら、「文句あるなら使わなければいいじゃん」と突き放すことも出来ますが、自由主義社会ではもろもろのNGO(もちろん個人でもよろしくってよ)が企業行動を監視し、問題行動を社会に対して告発していくのも、もちろん有りでありますから、じゃんじゃんヤリあって落としどころを見つけていってくださいまし、と願うものでありますが、上述のレポートを発表した翌日に、PIが公表したAn Open Letter to Googleによると、

I am writing to express my concern not just at this unfortunate result, but also at communications between Google Inc and members of the media during the period immediately prior to publication of our report. Two European journalists have independently told us that Google representatives have contacted them with the claim that "Privacy International has a conflict of interest regarding Microsoft". I presume this was motivated because Microsoft scored an overall better result than Google in the rankings.


According to our sources, your representative or representatives made particular reference to one member of our 70-member international Advisory Board. This man is a current employee of Microsoft. I can confirm that he joined our Advisory Board well before he was headhunted by Microsoft. At the time he was the director of a leading UK non-governmental organization and had more than six years extensive involvement in the work of Privacy International. He is a decent, skilled and honorable man who upon his appointment with Microsoft offered us his resignation. We refused to accept it, and he continues to serve on the Board in a private capacity. As an exceptionally skilled IT and security expert he is a superb resource in our day-to-day work across many fields of privacy. To infer that he in any way influences our decisions with regard to Microsoft is not just inaccurate but it is also insulting.









そのような社会システムの形成過程ではAuthentication、Authorization、AccountingとそのトリガーとなるIdentity managementをどのような体制によって実現するかは秩序形成の根幹を成す重要なテーマであると認識しているので、この辺の議論はつまらない個人攻撃やら泥仕合やらでS/N比を低下させることなく、真摯にかつ徹底的に遣り合っていただきたいものであると心から思います。

