


2017-04-06 11:17:32 | 語学


❶Since in a junior high school, a friend and I have been interested in several critical social problems. Environmental destruction, juvenile delinquencies, global warming are appropriate instances. And yet, what has confused me the most is that the technology has been developing too rapidly. Many of the old people could suffer from those challenges.

❷It is true that I love my mobile phone and always have it in my bag, but the development of the Internet has led to a lot of intelligent crimes. However, what makes a big difference is how to use our convenient machine wisely. For example, all we must do is write sensible answers to the e-mails we receive. What is more, we can enjoy our smartphones by learning vital information, listening to music, taking many pictures and so on. There are a positive feature and a negative aspect.

❸According to a newspaper article and a television program, there have been various kinds of effective solutions under discussion by talented experts and researchers. But it is almost impossible for us to get enough information about them at a personal level. My conclusion is that I would like to continue learning vital crucial issues our earth has had for a few decades. This decision will become helpful and useful in my promising future.
