lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

The Biology of Genomes 2011. (May 10-14)

2011-05-11 18:41:50 | Science

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: The Biology of Genomes 2011. (Day-1.)

>> http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/genome11.shtml

The 2011 meeting will address DNA sequence variation and its role in molecular evolution, population genetics and complex diseases, comparative genomics, large-scale studies of gene and protein expression, and genomic approaches to ecological systems.

CSHLnews: ColdSpringHarborLab: Biology of Genomes 2011 Meeting
MT: For those following Biology of Genomes 2011 at #bg2011, also keep an eye on @lukejostins at http://bit.ly/lsyYaH

dgmacarthur: 膨大な遺伝子データを保有していても、シーケンスからレベル予測に至れないのは何故か?
Barak Cohen: we know a huge amount about gene expression, but still can't predict levels from sequence. Why not? #bg2011

lukejostins: Luke Jostins
TG: The number of predicted human genes (~50K, with ~20K protein coding ) has been stable for the last two years. #BG2011

Jason Ernst is talking about using ENCODE epigenomic mapping to shed light on GWAS hits #BG2011

Genomics: A guided tour of the genome : ENCODE - Nature http://bit.ly/l2M2ZD


"In essence, science is a perpetual search for an intelligent and integrated comprehension of the world we live in." - Van Neil

((NasdaqGS: ILMN)

portablegenomic: Ilumina社IGN、全ゲノムシーケンスのコスト低減
Illumina Reduces Price of Whole Human Genome Sequencing Through Illumina Genome Network down to $5000 finance.yahoo.com/news/Illumina-… (May 9, 2011, 6:00 am EDT)

Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN - News) today announced that it is significantly reducing the price for sequencing whole human genomes through the Illumina Genome Network (IGN). The new list price for the service is $5,000 per genome for projects of ten samples or more, and $4,000 for projects of fifty samples or more.


DailyNewsGW: 米Fluidigm社が第1四半期30%成長を達成。シングルセル研究の高まりとBioMark需要。R&Dは横ばい。
Fluidigm's Q1 Revenues Climb 30 Percent: The firm's product revenues were up 34 percent, while grant and collabo... http://bit.ly/kAOAKF

>> http://www.fluidigm.com/

"We experienced strong interest in single-cell genomics, genotyping consumables, and sample preparation for next-generation sequencing," Fluidigm President and CEO Gajus Worthington said in a statement. "More than half of the BioMark and new BioMark HD Systems sold during Q1 are being used to conduct single-cell research."

Fluidigm finished the quarter with cash and cash equivalents of $55.8 million and available-for-sale securities of $21.9 million.

DailyNewsGW: ライフテクノロジーズ日本、遺伝子解析PCR装置のマーケティング・クリアランス付与
Life Technologies Gets Japan OK for 7500 Fast Dx, 3500 Dx Instruments: read more http://bit.ly/kalKs4


iainh_z: 地域・組織間の医療データ共有バイオグリッド構想
NCRI Informatics Initiative spring newsletter http://bit.ly/mwZTx3 including a feature on data sharing and publication in #bmcresnotes

>> http://www.cancerinformatics.org.uk/

Refresh ?BioGrid Australia and the Australian Cancer Grid
Funded by the Victorian and Austral- ian Governments and led by clinical researchers, BioGrid is a not-for-profit data sharing technology organisation spanning a network of 41 hospitals and research organisations. BioGrid seeks to facilitate the improvement of health outcomes by providing easier access to health and research data across multiple institutions, geographic regions and dis- eases through the secure and ethical inte- gration of data.

eurogene: ゲノムワイド関連解析の表現型データサンプルサイズ縮小。
obesity as a trait in GWAS - use of extreme phenotypes enables small(ish) sample sizes say authors result http://1.usa.gov/m6Z5eA

sciam: Scientific American: 人間の『目』に隠された概日リズムと感情制御組織
Hidden Organ In Our Eyes Found to Control Circadian Rhythms and Emotions (preview) http://bit.ly/l204le


DebbieKennett: DNA解析によると、1万4千年前の北アメリカ人口は70人に満たなかった。
DNA research suggests that North America was populated by no more than 70 people 14,000 years ago: http://tinyurl.com/6ctslz8

oatp: OA Tracking Project
BioMed Central's 5th Annual Research Awards, and the winners are...: ""The winners of our [BioMed Central's] 5th... http://bit.ly/kAMzeF

PLoS:  情報:『フリー』であることと『オープン』であることの違い。
Understanding the difference between Free and Open Access http://tinyurl.com/freevsopen

openmeti_e: 東日本大震災対応アプリケーション開発プロジェクト
Open Government Laboratory to launch the “Apps for Japan” Project http://openlabs.go.jp/apps4japan/ #opengovjp #gov20 #opengov

As a first step, METI is cooperating with “Tasukeai Japan”. We are calling for the development of websites and apps that will make available the volunteering information provided by this organization.

In addition, we are presently considering options for projects aimed at addressing the expected rise in electricity demand during the summer. As with previous apps aimed at addressing the electricity situation, information on these projects will be provided through Twitter.

scholarlykitchn: 市場原理: ソーシャルメディアはツールであって戦略ではない。
Rely on marketing principles -- not trendy ideas. Social media is a tool, and a tool is not a strategy. http://ow.ly/4Re03 via @DUKEpress

Web Tools for Searching the Biomedical Literature ? part I blogs.plos.org/mfenner/2011/0…

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Lu/search/

The author describes 28 tools developed specifically for the biomedical domain. The tools are grouped based on their most important features into

1. Ranking search results
2. Clustering results into topics
3. Extracting and displaying semantics and relations
4. Improving search interface and retrieval experience


a systematic search within the archives of six major US and UK tobacco companies (American Tobacco, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, Lorillard, Brown & Williamson and British American Tobacco) that were Defendants in tobacco litigation settled in 1998.

Findings are dated from 1949 to 1999. Results: The documents revealed the strategies planned and used by the industry to enhance effects of smoking on weight and appetite, mostly by chemical modifications of cigarettes contents. Appetite-suppressant molecules, such as tartaric acid and 2-acetylpyridine were added to some cigarettes.

