lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Delerium / "Music Box Opera"

2012-11-09 22:33:20 | delerium

□ Delerium / "Music Box Opera" Limited Edition

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Light Your Light

Release Date; 30/10/2012
Label; nettwerk
Cat.No.; 30969 2
Format: 1xCD

>> http://www.delerium.ca
>> http://ja-jp.facebook.com/Delerium

>> tracklisting. (Fixed)

01. Consciousness Of Love (Feat. Stef Lang)
02. Monarch (Feat. Nadina)
03. Days Turn Into Nights (Feat. Michael Logen)
04. Chrysalis Heart (Feat. Stef Lang)
05. Light Your Light (Feat. Jaël)
06. Raindown
07. Sky (Tears From Heaven) (Feat. Kristy Thirsk)
08. Hammer (Feat. Leona Naess)
09. Awakening (Feat. Nadina) ※ omission on credit.
10. Frostbite (Feat. Anna-Lynne Williams)
11. Keyless Door (Feat. Azure Ray)
12. Music Box Opera

Bonus Tracks.
13. Stargazing (Feat. Angela McCluskey) ※Actually, Not Available on CD (but appears on sleeve)
14. Lock Down (Feat. Kristy Thirsk)
15. Still Kill (Feat. Leigh Nash)

Delerium is Bill Leeb, Rhys Fulber and Jeremy Inkel
Additional Keyboards: Roy Salmond (5, 11)
Additional Guitar: Jared Slingerland, Emerson Swinford
Strings: Meghan Engel (10)
Bass Guitar: Leah Randi (11)
Art Direction: Carylann Loeppky

>> Related: lens, align: Delerium / "Nuages Du Monde" Review.

ヴァンクーバーを拠点に活動するIndusrial Music出身のコンポーザー、Bill LeebとRhys Fulber、そしてJeremy Inkelがプロデュースする、今やElectonica/Pop名義となった『Delerium』の 14th Album. 前作"Nuages Du Monde"から凡そ6年ぶりのリリースとなる。

"Music Box Opera (=オルゴール・オペラ)"と冠されたこのアルバムは、確かに、これまでDeleriumが辿った変遷の中にも類を見ない試みが為されている。


そのために、"Nuages Du Monde"で打ち出したバンド編成での演奏スタイルをとりやめ、ベース・プログラミングをRhys Fulberのキーボードに統括。重厚なベースワークと微細なサンプリングコラージュのバランスを実現している。

対照的に、"Frostbite"といったRhys不参加のトラックはベースの控えめさが顕著となっているが、Anna-Lynne Williamsの囁くような薄氷のヴォーカルに、Bii Leebの特徴的なアルペジオが冷艶な印象を湛える楽曲へと仕上げられている。

Deleriumのアルバム・メイキングにおけるスタイル、『フィーチャリング・ヴォーカリスト方式』は"KARMA"から前面に打ち出されたものであり、当然、歌い手の感性にトラックそのものが大きな影響を受ける。例えば"Days Turn Into Nights"と"Keyless Door"はイントロの旋律を共有しており、雛形のトラックが同じだったのではと思わせる曲も見受けられる。

"Music Box Opera"の前身(あるいは兆候)と言えるシングル曲、"Dust in Gravity (2009年)"は、北米で絶大な人気を誇るR&Bシンガー、Kreesha Turnerをフィーチャーし、US Danceチャートで一位を獲得したが、"Music Box Opera"の方向性は、基本的に"Dust In Gravity"のR&B/Pop路線の延長上にあると言って良い。



このジャンルにおいてEnigmaが最大の求心力を放っていたころ、Bill LeebとRhys Fulberは、インダストリアル・ダンス・ミュージック方面において既に成功を収めていたが、一方で多数の変名を用いて、主にテクノ・アンビエントを中心とした様々なスタイルを模索していた。

中でもDeleriumは、特異なアンビエント・ドローン系作品の名義として、1989年にDossierからアルバム"Face, Forms and Illusions"を発表。グレゴリオ聖歌をサンプリングするなど、Enigmaに先駆ける形で、既に卓越したセンスと慧眼を披露している。

Bill Leebは新しいジャンルを拓くタイプではなく、どちらかというと時勢に合わせて「売れる」スタイルを独自の世界観で表現することに長けていると言われる。"KARMA"然り、私には、"Music Box Opera"こそが、その最たるものとだと捉えられてならない。

"Music Box Opera"の作風がポップスであるにしても、"Monarch"や"Awakening"等に導入されるアラブ・イスラミック系の歌唱やアンビエント・ドローン、微細なプログラミングによるサウンド・コラージュは、そして新機軸といえるHip-Hop色の強いカリブビートの導入や、なお他のコンポーザーの追随を許さない特異なバッキングを構成している。プログラミングされたリズムから生ドラムのインサートや、Deleriumの最大の特徴である電子音のアルペジオを一つとっても、Bill Leebの面目躍如だろう。


<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F2682027&amp;auto_play=false&amp;show_artwork=true&amp;color=ff7700"></iframe>

ラテン音楽とソフトロックの書法を継承した"Days Turn Into Nights"は、アルバム中でも一際異彩を放つトラックだが、間奏部のエスノ・エレメントやスペーシーなアトモスフィアは、まさにDeleriumが得意としてきたイルビエントな音使いだ。この曲はシングル・カットされ、既にSolarstoneが自身のギグでRemixを回している。

レバノン出身の歌手Nadinaを迎えたインド・アラビック風の"Monarch"においては、"Nuages Du Monde"で打ち出した、民族歌唱の生パフォーマンスを取り入れるという方向性を維持。アルバム中もっともドープなアンビエントトラック、"Awakening"においても抜群のパフォーマンスを見せている。

"Consciousness of Love"は、現在売り出し中のカナディアン・シンガー、Stef Langの歌うストレートなR&Bであり、今作のハイライトトラックと言える"Chrysalis Heart"でも、ティーンエージャー受けのポップスタイルで若々しくときめきに満ちたヴォーカルを披露、彼女は"Music Box Opera"のカラーを決定する上で中心的役割を果たしている。


一方で、Leona Naessがアダルトで妖艶な魅力を醸し出す"Hammer"は、Deleriumの持ち味である中近東ドローン系イントロからのトリップホップといった趣であり、アルバムに大きくゴシック・カラーの印象を添えている。ダークで幽玄なエレクトロ音楽とポップの融合。それが様々なスタイルが入り乱れる"Music Box Opera"というアルバムを捉え得る表現かもしれない。

その要素として、FLAの共同プロデューサーとしても名を連ねるJeremy Inkel (a.k.a. Left Spine Down)及び、そのギタリストであるJared Slingerlandの存在がどの程度のものなのか、私は彼らの出自やバックグラウンドには詳しくないので測りかねるが、この六年の空白と動向も含めて、FLAとしての活動に目を向けていたインダストリアル方面のファンの方が、この作品を正しく評価出来るのかもしれない。

"Light Your Light"は、まさにオールドファッションなDeleriumだけど、スイスの歌姫Jaelの成長が目覚しい。もう可憐で可愛いだけのヴォーカルから脱皮を遂げている。重苦しいコーラスの導入から、感傷的に歌い上げるヴォーカルはまさに、2000年代中期のDeleriumの面影を写している。

Additional KeyboardのRoy Salmondは、"Chimera"の頃の流麗な打鍵を呼び戻していて、どこか漂う湿り気は彼のパフォーマンスによる処が大きいだろう。

"SKY (Tears From Heaven)"、"Lock Down"では、お待ちかねKristy Thirskの登場であるが、その特徴は彼女自身のバンド色を前面に打ち出したAlternative Rockのカラーを強くしたもので、全体から少し浮いた印象すら覚える。しかし、ノイズやサウンド・プログラミングそのものはエレクトロニカとして秀逸であり、スタイリッシュなボーカル・スタイルと相俟って、この暗鬱としたアルバムに、どこか乾いた芯の通った力強さを与えている。

しかしKristy Thirskからは、往時の天上に響き渡るようなファルセットを聞かれないのが残念。Nuages Du Mondeでもスロートヴォイスに偏っていたけれど、今や乙女だらけのDeleriumでの貴重なテラーボイス要員として自らの立ち位置を見出したのかもしれない。

本作の唯一のアコースティック楽曲と言える"Keyless Door"は、前述の通り"Days Turn Into Nights"の旋律で幕を開ける、切なくメランコリックな唄。歌い手のAzure Rayは、映像界での引用も目立つアメリカンDream-popシンガー。この曲ではRhys Fulberの妻であるLeah Randiがベースを弾いている。

古参のLeigh Nashが歌う"Still Kill"は病んだ感じで宜しい。大御所Emerson Swinfordのパンキッシュなギターと、プログラミングがイルビエントな感じでたまらない。グラスを叩いたようなパーカッションの音色も中毒性がある。

Télépopmusikの名曲"Breahte"などを歌ったAngela McCluskeyの"Stargazing"は、Deleriumにとっては真に初の試みと言えるDubstepの領域へと踏み込んでいる。Bill Leebは今作のインタビューにおいて、Portisheadと共演したい由を語っていたが、"Music Box Opera"に漂う暗鬱としてコケティッシュなオーラは、この10年不在だったトリップホップシーンへの、かつての病的な感傷性へのオマージュとしても聴こえてならない。

表題曲である"Music Box Opera"は、Delerium自身が10年間に置き去りにして来た書法の再現である。オペラ風の合唱、これはサンプリングであるが、あたかも機械仕掛けの旋律と歌声が魂を呼び覚ますように、"Semantic Spaces"以前のテクノ/アンビエントの方法論と呼応しながら、この作品に一種の回顧な寂しさと幽愁の色を添えて幕を閉じる。


"Light Your Light"

Vocals by Jaël
Written by Jaël, Bill Leeb, Rhys Fulber, Roy Salmond

Open your eyes He's never gonna change
He went through rough things in his life
Just get out of his range
I can't just sit here and watch
How he hurts you again and again
How can you still let him touch you?
You mistook him for something he's not
And now it's time to wake up

Light your light, Light your light
The right one is waiting out there
Light your Light, Light your light
And then someone will truly care

You tend to find excuse
For all the things he does
But look at your bruises
We all have a choice
You mistook him for something he's not
And now it's time to wake up

Light your light, Light your light
The right one is waiting out there
Light your Light, Light your light
And then someone will truly care

The damage is done
Your daydream is all gone
There's nothing left worth to hold on to

And thought it hurts to ignite
When you put so much effort in this
But it's time to look bright
You mistook him for something he's not
And now it's time to wake up

Light your light, Light your light
The right one is waiting out there
Light your Light, Light your light
And then someone will truly care
And then someone will truly care

目を醒して 彼が変わることはないわ
あなたは彼を取り違えていたのよ 彼じゃない誰かと

光を灯して あなたの灯火を
光を灯すのよ あなたの灯火を

あなたは誰かと取り違えていたの 彼じゃないわ

光を灯して あなたの灯火を
光を灯すのよ あなたの灯火を


だけど そのとき輝き射すの
あなたは彼を取り違えていたのよ 彼じゃない誰かと

光を灯して あなたの灯火を
光を灯すのよ あなたの灯火を

ASHG 2012.

2012-11-09 15:29:21 | Science News

□ ASHG 2012: Annual Meeting #ASHG2012

>> http://www.ashg.org/2012meeting/

The ASHG 2012 meeting will feature invited presentations by the world’s leading geneticists, in addition to symposia, workshops and other abstract-driven sessions about new developments in basic, translational and clinical human genetics research and technology. For a list of the 2012 scientific program topic areas...

Oxford Nanopore will be at ASHG 2012! Come visit us at booth 418/420!

□ Oxford Nanopore @ ASHG: http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24807

Single-use MinION from Oxford Nanopore will cost ~$1000 and yield ~10Gbases in 6 hours with reads up to 40kb. #ASHG2012 pic.twitter.com/RdG9m39Y

やっぱり大きくなってたw RT @notSoJunkDNA: @epgntxeinstein The MinION is on display as well and looks slightly bigger than the original model. Still USB

MT @erlichya: Based on Oxford Nanopore rep explanations, here is a technical annotation of the MinIon pic #ashg2012 pic.twitter.com/Hdn6WOmC

□ Oxford Nanopore and commercialization at ASHG 2012 : http://www.yuzuki.org/oxford-nanopore-and-commercialization-at-ashg-2012/

1/2 Oxford @nanopore CEO says company still on course to "begin commercialization process" by end of 2012 as declared at #AGBT12. #ASHG2012

Starting soon - Ion Reporter - Variant Analysis Workflow demo in ES2 room Exhibit Hall #ASHG2012 at 3:00 http://bit.ly/Ion-ING-Demo2

□ Affymetrix Introduces Axiom ® miRNA Target Site Genotyping Arrays: the only high-density genotyping solution tools: http://www.affymetrix.com/promotions/axiommirna/index.affx

Gene Regulatory Change: The Engine of Human Evolution? #ASHG2012 8am Wed Nov 7 - http://www.ashg.org/2012meeting/pages/sessionlisting.shtml#sess5
1) Computational identification of putative gene regulatory elements that changed extensively during human evolution; 2) The role of repetitive elements in generating novel regulatory functions; 3) Human-specific loss of developmental regulatory elements; 4) New methods to link phenotypic and genotypic variation across closely related species, and the implications for understanding human-specific biology and disease; and 5) Identifying human-specific developmental regulatory changes by direct comparisons of enhancer function and gene expression in embryonic human and nonhuman primate tissues using functional genomics.

□ Pacific Biosciences Delivers Enhanced DNA Sequencing Chemistry and Software to Help Solve Complex Genetic Problems: http://t.co/8eQhKN3X

#ASHG2012 Check out the today's white paper - Day 3: Tools of the Trade http://ow.ly/f6561 #sequencing

Richards: We need bioinformaticians on staff. That is a paradigm shift for clinical labs! #ASHG2012

Plan to attend #ASHG2012 conference on Friday. Interesting post: 23andMe Studies the Genetics of Sexual Orientation http://bit.ly/YYv5m7

latest news on #deepseq tech #ASHG2012 http://flxlexblog.wordpress.com/2012/11/08/my-take-on-the-sequencing-buzz-at-ashg2012/#more-305
“Roche introduces new GS FLX+ software for significantly improved long-read sequencing performance”. This is a software upgrade, and a bit of tweaking with the instrument, to finally get GS FLX+ to work.

ASHG Presentation Highlights Sequencing-based Detection of Rare Variants Contributing to Complex Traits in Isola... http://bit.ly/YSDgBi

Yep, a human genome fits in a 100 cubic micron cell but much easier to deal with digitized in the cloud....secure, but accessible #ASHG2012

Robert Darnell: studies at the RNA level are the next generation of human genome analysis #ASHG2012 Phew, chose the forward-looking session.

Paul Hagerman MD from UC Davis talking about "sequencing the unsequenceable" in Fragile X (FRM1) with PacBio RS #ASHG2012

Alanna Morrison showcases CHARGE WGS visualization tool Lachesis: http://www.chargeconsortium.com/main/lachesis during #ashg2012 sequencing jamboree.

Hamosh presenting PhenoDB. Good to see such efforts to crowdsource collection of structured phenotype data (+ pics). #ASHG2012

#ASHG2012 Phenotypes are mapped to umls and linked out to the phenotype ontology - very cool!

@theFourier2k giving a great preview of xBrowse http://atgu.mgh.harvard.edu/xbrowse/login?next=/xbrowse/ … a not-yet public web-based genetic variant analysis tool #ASHG2012

Stop by my poster 1447 on eMERGE network #ASHG2012 . Talking about imputation and merging over 40,000 EMR samples.

□ MarylynRitchie:
Biofilter 2.0 is available for download http://ritchielab.psu.edu . Check out poster 3542 for more. Harness the power of the Biofilter #ASHG2012

□ MarylynRitchie:
Systems genomics data integration with ATHENA at poster 1442 and http://ritchielab.psu.edu . #ASHG2012

Watch new video: "Whole Genome Sequencing and You" with overview of the basics, the benefits and the risks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXamRS85hXU #ASHG2012

Dr. Michele Mehaffey, SAIC: Highly sensitive detection of ultra low freq somatic variation in clinical tumors http://bit.ly/TKHid9 #ASHG2012

Largest U.S. Genetic Biobank Reveals Early Findings - ScienceInsider http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2012/11/largest-us-genetic-biobank-revea.html #ASHG2012 #Bioethics

Whole-Genome Sequencing Era Debuts at Genetics Industry Meeting http://zite.to/TxrTZb #ashg2012

An "IMAXome!":)RT @vubush: #ASHG2012 For starters, we need a larger social media space (and an IMAX sized twitter board would be awesome!)

2:15PM Poster program 3527F: Kailos Blue™- A Complete Cloud-Based Bioinformatics Solution. http://bit.ly/VJE2AY #NGS #ASHG2012

Once again, here is our final white paper - Exome Sequencing Cheat Sheet http://ow.ly/fa1Ig #ASHG2012

MG: lobSTR is a tool for profiling Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) from high throughput sequencing data. http://bit.ly/TQNksQ #ASHG2012

CM: MeRIPPER package is available. Lab's website is http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/faculty/mason/lab/ … #ASHG2012

Barbara Engelhardt (Duke) built random forest classifier that predicts replicability of eQTLs. ROC curves look like ~0.75. #ASHG2012

Lisa Chadwick overviews how to access #Roadmap data at http://roadmapepigenomics.org , GEO and NCBI Epigenomics Gateway #ASHG2012

>> http://roadmapepigenomics.org

□ EpgntxEinstein:
Want to influence the word cloud metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata #ASHG2012

□ EpgntxEinstein:
Cool, first question is about metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata metadata #ASHG2012

+1 RT @EpgntxEinstein: Because metadata are essential. That's why #Roadmap #ENCODE #ASHG2012

Reflections on the evolution at ASHG 2012 | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine: blogs.discovermagazine... http://bit.ly/SmtGRG

(sequential updating...)


Beautiful photo book documents #Bolivia 's rich agro-biological diversity: http://on.undp.org/ftlq6 #GreenWednesday v @FAOcomdev


□ eXpress: Streaming fragment assignment for real-time analysis of sequencing experiments:

>> http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.2251.html

a software package for efficient probabilistic assignment of ambiguously mapping sequenced fragments. eXpress uses a streaming algorithm with linear run time and constant memory use. It can determine abundances of sequenced molecules in real time and can be applied to ChIP-seq, metagenomics and other large-scale sequencing data. We demonstrate its use on RNA-seq data and show that eXpress achieves greater efficiency than other quantification methods.


□ Our fragile intellect: Genetic triangulation to measure rate of change of ID genes over the past 5000 years

>> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016895251200159X

Analysis of human mutation rates and the number of genes required for human intellectual and emotional fitness indicates that we are almost certainly losing these abilities. If so, how did we get them in the first place, and when did things begin to change?





□ The Descent of Man: Why One Scientist Thinks The Human Race May Be Getting Dumber:

>> http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/1112734841/intelligence-genetics-humans-getting-dumber-gerald-crabtree-112012/

The sciences have come so far in the past hundred years that we can safely predict that the accelerating rate of knowledge accumulation within our intellectually robust society will lead to the solution of this potentially very difficult problem by socially and morally acceptable means
redOrbit (http://s.tt/1udB2)



The #evolution of #human intellect: Human-specific regulation of neuronal genes http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-evolution-human-intellect-human-specific-neuronal.html … via

□ Human-Specific Histone Methylation Signatures at Transcription Start Sites in Prefrontal Neurons:

>> http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001427

人間の知能進化とクロマチンループの発現制御 …

□ The cerebral cortex of Albert Einstein: a description and preliminary analysis of unpublished photographs:

>> http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/brainj/press_releases/prpaper.pdf


Free Human Genome App designed to get information abt a known gene or discover relationships between genes & diseases
>> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/human-genome/id576939342?ls=1&mt=8


New economic model of Xpert in African countries: "could substantially change TB morbidity and mortality" #plosmedicine http://ow.ly/fs98S

Disorder-induced dynamics in a pair of coupled heterogeneous phase oscillator networks http://ow.ly/fp4GX #AIP_CHAOS

□ Computational biology of RNA interactions:

>> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wrna.1147/abstract

CRAM launches: EMBL-EBI has launched the next generation of software for the compression of sequencing data. CRA...

>> http://bit.ly/10mljuQ
>> https://github.com/vadimzalunin/crammer/

CRAM is a framework technology comprising file format and toolkit in which we combine highly efficient and tunable reference-based compression of sequence data with a data format that is directly available for computational use.

□ 100,000 Stars

>> http://workshop.chromeexperiments.com/stars/


>> http://www.idf.org/diabetes-atlas-update-2012-regional-country-factsheets


We thought the "revised central dogma" fig from our Mason & co Epitranscriptomics article was worth a twitpic

Sexographies http://sexographies.tumblr.com/ Great photos (but some NSFW)

Broadband Purcell enhanced emission dynamics of quantum dots in linear photonic crystal waveguides http://ow.ly/f9X7a #AIP_JAP

New design of VectorBase looks nice. See preview site: http://bit.ly/TuFCSK + offer feedback. #bioinformatics #genomics

In Molecular Dynamics (#MD) simulations there is no disadvantage in using only a single protein http://www.pnas.org/content/109/44/17851.short … @UW @PNASNews

Learn more about Vancouver's groundbreaking new psychiatric genetic counselling clinic (via @gcawarenessweek) -->


2012-11-04 11:48:20 | Science News

Sequence-dependent thermodynamics of a coarse-grained DNA model http://ow.ly/eBEjq #AIP_JCP

>> http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v137/i13/p135101_s1?view=fulltext&bypassSSO=1

To demonstrate the flexibility of the model, we study the effects of sequence on: (a) the heterogeneous stacking transition of single strands, (b) the tendency of a duplex to fray at its melting point, (c) the effects of stacking strength in the loop on the melting temperature of hairpins, (d) the force-extension properties of single strands, and (e) the structure of a kissing-loop complex. Where possible, we compare our results with experimental data and find a good agreement. A simulation code called oxDNA, implementing our model, is available as a free software.



Cloud computing is a key component on the path to personalized medicine #Iwork4Dell http://bit.ly/R9dgg8

The world’s first personalised medicine clinical trial for paediatric cancer conducted by the Neuroblastoma and Medullobastoma Translational Research Consortium and supported by The Translational Genomics Research Institute is using a secure cloud-based IT infrastructure supplied by Dell. In addition to increasing TGen’s gene sequencing and analysis capacity by more than 1,200%, the cloud is also improving collaboration among the researchers and medical professionals working on the trial by allowing them all to access the same massive amounts of information, analysis and results regardless of where they are physically located.

Genome Compiler at the Wall Street Journal... http://fb.me/1J8th7SU6

□ Israeli Start-up Wants to Democratize Creation: genome compiler

>> http://www.genomecompiler.com

Genome compiler works on the parallel with an ordinary compiler. A compiler takes a higher level code and turns it into something that is executable. The difference is that in computers the output is binary codes (1s and 0s) and it runs on a computer: with living organisms it is genetic code (the four nucleotide bases G, A, T, and C) and it runs in a cell.

?? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?? genome compiler, ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????. ???? @smallweed ???? ????

□ OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer

>> http://www.onezoom.org/mammals.htm

OneZoom is committed to heightening awareness about the diversity of life on earth, its evolutionary history and the threats of extinction. This website allows you to explore the tree of life in a completely new way: it's like a map, everything is on one page, all you have to do is zoom in and out. OneZoom also provides free, open source, data visulation tools for science and education, currently focusing on the tree of life.

Kudos to the @OneZoomTree team for making their cool software available as #opensource code at time of publication! (http://bit.ly/R8K9cM )

こりゃすげえ。現生哺乳類5020種の系統関係を可視化、ズームすると目レベルの種数や絶滅危惧種の割合だけじゃなく種ごとの分岐年代までわかっちゃう / “OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer” http://htn.to/E8Kyma

New Software article - CAVER 3.0: A Tool for the Analysis of Transport Pathways in Dynamic Protein Structures: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002708

Integrative functional genomics identifies RINT1 as a novel GBM oncogene. @OxfordJournals http://ow.ly/eBEl8

□ Large-Scale Field Application of RNAi Technology Reducing Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus Disease in Honey Bees: http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1001160

□ Robust consensus algorithm for second-order multi-agent systems with external disturbances

>> http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207179.2012.713515

This article investigates the problem of robust consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with external disturbances. Based on a non-smooth backstepping control technique, a class of novel continuous non-smooth consensus algorithms are proposed for the multi-agent network with/without communication delays. The controller design is divided into two steps. First, for the kinematic subsystem, the velocity is regarded as a virtual input and designed such that the states consensus can be achieved asymptotically. Then for the dynamic subsystem, a finite-time control law is designed such that the virtual velocity can be tracked by the real velocity in a finite time.

□ STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/10/25/bioinformatics.bts635
>> http://code.google.com/p/rna-star/

STAR outperforms other aligners by more than a factor of 50 in mapping speed, aligning to the human genome 550 Million 2x76bp paired-end reads per hour on a modest 12-core server, while at the same time improving alignment sensitivity and precision. In addition to unbiased de novo detection of canonical junctions, STAR can discover non-canonical splices and chimeric (fusion) transcripts, and is also capable of mapping full length RNA sequences.

□ KapWeb: Survival statistics of Japanese association of Clinical Cancer Centers by Kaplan-Meier method 全がん協生存率: https://kapweb.chiba-cancer-registry.org/web/general/KapWeb.aspx


がんセンターがおもしろいものつくったぞ がんの生存率示すシステム運用 NHKニュース http://bit.ly/RdQPZt

□ The sense of 'antisense' RNA

>> http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-10/isoa-tso101912.php

Non-coding antisense RNA can be used to stimulate protein production
To synthetize proteins, the DNA needs RNA molecules serving as short "transcriptions" of the genetic information. The set of all these RNA molecules is called "transcriptome". In the human transcriptome, along with around 25 thousand sequences of coding RNA (i.e. the sequences involved in the synthesis process), the same number of non-coding RNA sequences can be found. Some of these RNAs are called "antisense" because they are specular to sequences of coding RNA called "sense" (the pairing of a sense and an antisense RNA can be seen as a zip).

A study published in the journal Nature, coordinated by a group of SISSA researchers in Trieste, has shown that this particular type of antisense RNA has a strengthening function on the coding activity of the proteins of the corresponding genes.


Very long time-scale MD simulation: monitoring cotranslational protein translocation form nano to minute-timescale. #OA http://ow.ly/eBtX8

>> http://download.cell.com/cell-reports/mmcs/journals/2211-1247/PIIS221112471200280X.mmc7.pdf

Long-Timescale Dynamics and Regulation of Sec-Facilitated Protein Translocation
a coarse-grained modeling approach that spans the nanosecond- to minute-timescale dynamics of cotranslational protein translocation. The method enables direct simulation of both integral membrane protein topogenesis and transmembrane domain (TM) stop-transfer efficiency. Simulations reveal multiple kinetic pathways for protein integration, including a mechanism in which the nascent protein undergoes slow-timescale reorientation, or flipping, in the confined environment of the translocon channel.

Secトランスコロンの分子調節: 秒単位で促進するタンパク質転移の長時間スケール・ダイナミクス: 同時翻訳的タンパク質のナノ秒/分単位の粗視化モデリングにより、内在性膜タンパク質の位相形成と膜貫通ドメインの輸送停止効率をシミュレーション。


□ Music in Our Ears: The Biological Bases of Musical Timbre Perception

>> http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002759

the neural underpinnings of musical timbre. We used a neuro-computational framework based on spectro-temporal receptive fields, recorded from over a thousand neurons in the mammalian primary auditory cortex as well as from simulated cortical neurons, augmented with a nonlinear classifier.

The model was able to perform robust instrument classification irrespective of pitch and playing style, with an accuracy of 98.7%. Using the same front end, the model was also able to reproduce perceptual distance judgments between timbres as perceived by human listeners. The study demonstrates that joint spectro-temporal features, such as those observed in the mammalian primary auditory cortex, are critical to provide the rich-enough representation necessary to account for perceptual judgments of timbre by human listeners, as well as recognition of musical instruments.
楽器の音色知覚における生物学的基礎: 試料:神経計算フレームワーク、多次元尺度法、ガウスカーネル

New insights into the mechanism behind nuclear reprogramming http://ow.ly/eQHWD #Epigenetics & Chromatin
An important finding was that the chaperone protein, HIRA, is necessary for transcriptional reprogramming, as this is responsible for depositing H3.3. Specifically from this study, it was observed that this H3.3 deposition process and transcription are dependent on each other in somatic nuclei transplanted into Xenopus unfertilized eggs.

□ KISSPLICE: de-novo calling alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data: algorithm detects in the cDBG bubble patterns http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3358658/

Value of science is to learn what reality is and to predict the future yet it takes disasters for most to recognize climate change is real

DNA Pioneer Craig Venter Developing a 3D Printer for Vaccines http://n360.to/VSTDz8 (via @news360app)

Surprising genetic etiology ( = premature gene-naming...) exhibit X: Topol cites 'axon guidance' pathway in pancreatic cancer. #UYG12

□ CEM: Transcriptome Assembly and Isoform Expression Level Estimation from Biased RNA-Seq Reads: Using a quasi-multinomial distribution model

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/10/11/bioinformatics.bts559.abstract
>> http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~liw/cem.html

a statistical framework for both transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq data. Using a quasi-multinomial distribution model, our method is able to capture various types of RNA-Seq biases, including positional, sequencing and mappability biases. Our experimental results on simulated and real RNA-Seq datasets exhibit interesting effects of RNA-Seq biases on both transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation. The advantage of our method is clearly shown in the experimental analysis by its high sensitivity and precision in transcriptome assembly and the high concordance of its estimated expression levels with qRT-PCR data.

Complete Genomic Wins Patent Infringement Claims By Illumina In U.S. - RTT News http://dlvr.it/2LzX3G

□ EricScript: ChimEric tranScript detection algorithm for Discovering chimeric transcripts in paired-end RNA-Seq data : http://t.co/CuGK6HLO


Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) / “MIxS - Genomic Standards Consortium” http://htn.to/y6qW65

To create a single entry point to all minimum information checklists from the GSC and to the environmental packages, we created an overarching framework, the MIxS standard. MIxS includes the technology-specific checklists from the previous MIGS and MIMS standards, provides a way of introducing additional checklists such as MIMARKS, and also allows annotation of sample data using environmental packages.

□ C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep System:

>> http://genaport.genaris.com/GOC_sequencer_post.php?eid=00063

"この新技術開発では、全ゲノムの80%以上をカバーする配列を得る" デデドン!(死亡)
Fluidigmが開発した C1 Single-Cell Auto Prepは、培養細胞または初代細胞を投入すると、「1細胞分離→洗浄→溶解→cDNA合成→DNA増幅→核酸回収」の工程の処理を約8時間で自動的に実行する機器である。分離に適した細胞の大きさは10~25μmであり、200~1,000個の細胞を投入すると、最大96個の細胞を分離できる。1,000個の細胞を用いたときに、1細胞分離が成功する確率は90%以上である。

Fluidigmは、今年の5月8日に「Broad Instituteと共同で、Broad Institute(Massachusetts州、Cambridge)内に新しい1細胞ゲノム研究センターを開設する」ことを発表

Bioinformatics business model need a revamp. MT @markorgan #bioinformatics startup Transcriptic is #crowdsourcing - http://bit.ly/WhoKER

Try the new BLAST Results format! It’s faster w/new download options, graphics & customizable table. http://bit.ly/SeNg2T #bioinformatics

Cross-talk between prion protein and quadruplex-forming nucleic acids: a dynamic complex formation http://bit.ly/Pz9pN5 Prion protein (P...

Gathering the Evidence to Improve Health Care in Developing Countries: Meta-analysis without Borders http://t.co/lwQ2CCE8 … @PLOSMedicine


□ RNA-Seq a big topic at upcoming ASHG 2012: Abstract/Presentation Information... http://bit.ly/SF9SKf #Events #ASHG2012 #RNASeq #RNAseq @MyEN

Oxford Nanopore will be at ASHG 2012! Come visit us at booth 418/420!

□ Oxford Nanopore to Unveil New DNA Sequencers This Week (Bloomberg Businessweek): http://mobile.businessweek.com/news/2012-11-06/oxford-nanopore-to-unveil-new-dna-sequencers-this-week
The U.K. company is seeking a piece of the $1.5 billion to $2 billion gene-sequ