

I made doll for exhibition at Exhibition MIDOW.

2017年12月20日 16時15分36秒 | 球体関節人形(製作)

[Exhibition MIDOW]
I made doll for exhibition at Exhibition MIDOW.
This is a contest works.
The results of the contest will be announced later.

This doll is a character that keeps living in my heart.
The story keeps changing in my mind.
I am glad if you read it.


黒白の翼(ko ku bya ku no tu ba sa)
"Black and White wings"

She is immortal.
She does not want to see the person who goes dead suffer.
She is scared of seeing people suffering and going dead.
Everyone goes old and dead earlier than she goes.
At least, Her hope to Her’s precious people was painless and beautiful death.
She only wants that, and she only alive for that.

What is "Good Death"
Have fun and happiness what are your memories.
What color?
What temperature?
What kind of wind was blowing?
You remember your wonderful life.
And beautiful music flows.
A wonderful lives finale.

If everyone is surely guaranteed to be "Happy Death", that would be the best.

Is she an angel or a devil who has a human shape ...?
She was have to elder and got magical powers that it has acquired skills to give "Happy Death" to everyone.

She can embrace the person who has reached the end of life and give to the best happiness and send it to heaven.
But a bad person to exploit her appears.
Some people disturb her behavior.
She needs to fight and kill those people.
It's sad and painful.
She always trembles and weeps.

She does not want to see a person who suffers while dying.
She does not want to see it ....

She guarantees "happy death" and increases believers.
However, unless the act is promised to all mankind, it can not be decided as a good deed.
Disturbance by secret maneuvers or ethics.
Suicides and killers will increase even more.
Her heart is pure.
However, her actions attract people's wickedness.
It can also be seen as a "devil".

Like her wings, it turns black and white.

"Black and White wings"
Can she eliminate the idea of "good and evil" and keep flying up to someone far away.


Wrong sentences.
Inappropriate sentences.
Difference in lifestyle.
Differences in the interpretation of religion.
The other ....
I may have made you uncomfortable.
If you feel uncomfortable with me,
I sincerely apologize.
Thank you very much for reading.

Oyama, Masafumi
This is a Japanese name; the family name is Oyama.


3 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Shellfish of the second day)
2017-12-20 22:02:29
Does "a black-and-white wing" come to AiDocka? ? I go to look by all means!
Unknown (ラクッコピコりん)
2017-12-21 02:07:23
It will be exhibited at "AiDocka".
Please come and see "Black and White Wings" !!!
二日目の貝さん (ラクッコピコりん)
2017-12-21 02:09:33
