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Massacred, Organ-Removed Bodies Found in Hospital After Israeli Troops Withdraw

2024-04-28 14:02:19 | 翻訳記事 Translation


Massacred, Organ-Removed Bodies Found in Hospital After Israeli Troops Withdraw  

 Israeli forces have already massacred more than 30,000 residents in Gaza. About 40% of them are children, and if women are included, the number reaches 70%. The Israeli army has withdrawn from Khan Younis in southern Gaza, and a mass grave has been discovered in a medical complex there. Dozens of bodies have been found in mass graves at Al-Shifa Hospital and Kamal Adwan Hospital, while 392 bodies have been discovered in a mass grave at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis.

 Paramedics who participated in the recovery operation suspected that the Israeli military had removed and taken the organs, and there were also traces of torture and execution, and some victims were suspected of being buried alive.

 Organ transplantation is popular in Israel. Carla Del Ponte, who served as a prosecutor at the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, wrote her own book (Chuck Sudetic, Carla Del Ponte, “La caccia: Io e i criminali di guerra,” Feltrinelli, 2008), mentions organ trafficking by the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), and it is reported that Israel was among the destinations to which the organs were sold. At the time of the ongoing fighting in Kosovo, KLA leaders were removing and selling organs from about 300 Serbian prisoners of war in “fresh” condition, that is, from living human beings.

 This story is recounted in a report by Swiss investigator Dick Marty, a member of the Council of Europe's PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe), who said that KLA leaders were kidnapping Serbs and selling their organs on the black market. They were also reportedly harvesting the kidneys of prisoners of war and selling them through Albania in an organ transplant network. It is also reported that these Kosovo traders entered Ukraine and began doing business there.

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 イスラエルでは臓器移植が盛ん。旧ユーゴスラビア国際戦犯法廷で検察官を務めたカーラ・デル・ポンテは自著(Chuck Sudetic, Carla Del Ponte, “La caccia: Io e i criminali di guerra,” Feltrinelli, 2008)の中で、KLA(コソボ解放軍)による臓器の密売に触れているが、売られていく先にはイスラエルがあったとされている。コソボで戦闘が続いている当時、KLAの指導者らが約300名のセルビア人捕虜から「新鮮」な状態で、つまり生きた人間から臓器を摘出し、売っていたという。







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