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Prisoners of Themselves

2024-05-16 11:37:38 | 翻訳記事 Translation




米大統領候補、反イスラエルデモで逮捕 (05/14)





 耕助のブログ Pepe Escobar記事翻訳

No. 2148 ロシア・イラン・中国が求める新たな世界安全保障秩序




プルデンシャル調査、「還暦」男女2千人の「平均貯蓄額」は?半数が「500万円未満」 、現段階の貯蓄金額(配偶者がいる場合は夫婦2人分)を聞いたところ、最多は「100万円未満」(28.9%)。その他は「100~300万円未満」(14.7%)中央値は400万円



「自衛隊を米軍指揮下の一部隊にする『統合司令部』創設法が成立! 米国の利益のための戦争準備法に立憲民主党までもが賛成!!」

はじめに~自衛隊を米軍の一部隊にする「統合司令部」創設法が成立! 戦争準備を進める法案に立憲民主党までもが賛成!!

スクープ! イスラエルと米国の密通共犯関係(その3・後編)! 共和党のリンジー・グラハム上院議員(サウスカロライナ州選出)が広島・長崎の例を持ち出してガザに核兵器を投下せよと狂気の主張! しかし広島・長崎への原爆投下は、第二次世界大戦を終わらせるためでなく、人間相手の「核実験」だったと米国自身が認めていた!!

<IWJ取材報告 1>「本来、世界中の命を守るべき立場にあるWHOが、逆に、世界中の人の命を危うくしている構造ができ上がっている!」~5.13 WHOから命をまもる国民運動「5.31集会・パレードデモに関する厚労省庁舎での記者会見」

<IWJ取材報告 2>維新の大阪市政による教育現場への管理・統制強化を批判した元小学校校長が、文書訓告処分の取り消しを求め人権救済を申し立て!~5.7 日本外国特派員協会主催「公立学校を支配しているのは誰ですか?」記者会見 ―登壇:久保敬氏(元大阪市立木川南小学校校長)ほか


US Presidential candidate arrested at anti-Israel protest

Police officers arrested hundreds of demonstrators in raids on 21 campuses on Wednesday, then hundreds more in similar sweeps on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. While this crackdown has been encouraged by mainstream Democrats and Republicans alike, they have been condemned by progressive leftists and libertarian-leaning members of the GOP.

Pro-Israel activists claim that the protests are anti-Semitic in nature, and that some demonstrators have openly expressed support for Hamas. In an effort to justify a police raid on a protest camp at Boston’s Northeastern University on Saturday, school authorities claimed that chants of “Kill the Jews” were heard at the encampment the night before. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators deny the allegation.

Stein is a Jewish-American activist, and a long-time critic of the state of Israel. She opposes the construction of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, supports the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement, and has accused Israel of “genocide” in Gaza. 

Stein ran for president of the US in 2012 and 2016, taking just over 1% of the popular vote in the 2016 contest with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In November, she announced that she would run for the White House again this year, promising environmental reforms and “a new foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights.”


米大統領候補、反イスラエルデモで逮捕 (05/14)



スタイン氏はユダヤ系米国人の活動家であり、イスラエル国家(イスラエル)を長年批判してきた。彼女はパレスチナの土地でのユダヤ人入植地の建設に反対し、BDS(ボイコット、投資回収、制裁)運動を支持し、ガザでの イスラエルの「大量虐殺」を非難している。




Prisoners of Themselves

. . . why do they feel compelled, for nearly a decade now, to hitch their identity and their self-respect to this fantastic train of Kafka-esque corruption, tyranny, and abuse? How did they get owned by the blob?

     We may never find out, and they may never know either, even after they snap out of the mass formation they’ve been in thrall to. But they have made themselves ridiculous — figures like Sam Harris, Steven Colbert, and Rob Reiner — yelling about “saving our democracy” while the blob they worship systematically disassembles the US Constitution, and makes American law a global laughingstock.

     Most of my old ex-friends are riding the same ideological bus. You have to wonder: how did the likes of “Joe Biden,” Merrick Garland, Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, Christopher Wray, Fani Willis, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates become their heroes? Did the Covid vaccines destroy their minds? Are they really avid for central bank digital money and surveillance of their every move? Do they want to be told how to live by the WHO? Things are going south fast now in our country. If these people ever cherished the idea of being free to think their own thoughts and live their own lives, it’s getting late in the game. They will end up prisoners of themselves.


Continued from yesterday

I am tired of Western movies, not just Hollywood. I'm trying to figure out why I think so.

More clever lies, more cowardly bad guys, more brutal and cruel murder scenes. It is just an escalation of those things.

I am fed up with the ridiculousness of the competition among film directors and screenwriters to make them more and more clever, more cowardly, more brutal, more absurd, and which over-the-top works win awards at film festivals, turning the film festival itself into a SHOW.

As long as those who appreciate such things are looking for them, and as long as such expressions are regarded as excellent expressions, I think that nothing will change.


















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