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The Truth About the Destruction of Gaza

2024-05-16 14:30:14 | 翻訳記事 Translation


A super short summary would be this.

The only way to control inflation caused by high gasoline prices for American citizens is for the U.S. government to stop the slaughter by the Israeli government by, as usual, pinpoint bombing Israel, but that won't happen because they are shells who have sold their souls to the Mammon.

Who exactly the word "they" refers to, the reader will have to read and think for himself.

If the US simply wanted to plunder oil, it would try to win the election by bombing the Palestinians after they have been wiped out by the Israeli government, saying "Israel is an abomination! and bomb the Palestinians to win the election.

It would be ridiculous, but would it end the longstanding mutual hatred between Judeo-Christianity and Christianity?

It's the Mammon, after all...

*Mammon : In Christianity, the name "Mammon" became a term for unjust wealth, personified as a false god in the New Testament. The name is also used to refer to greed.











The Truth About the Destruction of Gaza

So, the genocide that you’re seeing today is an explicit policy, and that was a policy of the forefathers, the founders of Israel. The idea of a land without people was a land without Arabs in it, the land without non-Jewish people. That’s really what it meant. They were to be driven out starting even before the official funding of Israel, the first Nakba, the Arab Holocaust. And the two of the Israeli prime ministers were members of the Stern gang of terrorists. The terrorists became the rulers of Israel. They escaped from British jail and they joined to found Israel. So, what you’re seeing today is the final solution to this plan. And the founders of Israel were so obsessed with the Nazis, essentially, they wanted to do to them what they did to us, is how they explained it to people.

For the United States, what they wanted was the oil reserves in the Middle East. And again and again, I heard the phrase, ‘you’re our landed aircraft carrier in Israel’. Uzi Arad, the future Mossad head, would be very uncomfortable at this because he wanted Israel to be run by the Israelis. But they realized that for Israel to get by with the money that it needed for its balance of payments, it had to be in a partnership with the United States.

So, what you’re seeing today isn’t simply the work of one man, of Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s the work of the team that President Biden has put together. It’s the team of Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor, Lincoln, and the whole deep state, the whole neocon group behind them, Victoria Nuland, and everyone. They’re all self-proclaimed Zionists. And they’ve gone over this plan for essentially America’s domination of the Near East for decade after decade.













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