Club jannmu

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 Ever more official lies from the US government

2017-07-14 01:52:37 | 翻訳記事 Translation
Of the people By the people For the people Why can not Americans throw guns away? Is not that the cause of all the misfortunes of Americans? 結局はどのような偉大な先祖がいたとしても、国民が政治に興味を持たず、 理解することすらできないという状況が、どうし . . . 本文を読む

While Trump talks, the Pentagon balks

2017-07-14 00:10:52 | 翻訳記事 Translation
Do you know the hottest part of candle flames? It is a part that shakes ahead of the flame. If you pinch with fingers from under the flame, you can eliminate the flame without burns. 蝋燭の炎の一番熱い部 . . . 本文を読む