Bake and Break


Heart Bread.

2009-02-04 | 英語English

I have been baking some heart sweets from last weekend, Because St. Valentaine's day is coming ...

The photo is a heart bread.

The hanky which is coodinated with the Bread is “CHAT-CHEIN”'s one,which is drawn by

Nathalie Lete ,
who is my favorite artist.

Heart bread is easy to make♪

I think it's also good to gift it wrapped with the cute hanky.

I sometimes enjoy to visit foreign sites and blogs.

Because they are sooo creative and fantastic !!

I'm so happy to meet such great artists on the internet.

Though I've been reading their blog for a while , never commented.

Because my English is not good^^;

But I do my best to write in English …
Thanks for giving me so much inspiration!

Please let me introduce such my favorite blogs

They are so amaging !.

I’d like to study English , and I hope to communicate with such great artists more...

→My favorite link is here.

Spanish jewelly.

2008-04-22 | 英語English
Let me introduce one of my work, photography.

I got an opportunity to take photos of these jewelry, through one of my
friend, Machiko.

These jewels are Spanish designer Lucia's work.
They are sooo wonderful ! Really unique and elegant.

I felt her spirit of imagination and artistry, when I took photos of her jewelry and saw the detail.

I'm happy to get the opportunity to see such great collection, through this job.

The photos I took are displayed on thiswebsite .

About Malay curry ingredients.

2007-10-05 | 英語English
It’s my memo.

My friend recommended me to use tamarind pulp.
I heard that tamarind is essential for Malay curry.
I’ve never tried to use it.
So I checked about the spice on Internet.
Then I found an interesting recipe of Malay curry.
It is written that it’s possible to substitute UMEBOSHI(Japanese pickle) for tamarind…really?

Indeed, though it’s not easy to get such Malay spices in Japanese….
I’ve never such UMEBOSHI curry.
It was an interesting information for me.

The other one is the curry powder , Baba's brand.
Apparently it’s the common one in Shingapore.

I’ll check these ingredients at some department store in Japan this weekend.
I hope I can make and taste such local Malay food soon.