


2019-04-25 | 自己免疫性自律神経障害

○望月(眞)委員 資料をきちんと読めていないかもしれませんが、5ページの8、原因医薬品名がサーバリックス、副作用名が「発熱」で支給対象になった背景というか理由を教えてください。従来にない副作用名である気がしたのでお願いします。
○事務局 簡単に御説明しますと、確かに「発熱」というのは、どうなのかなという感じなのですが、資料を確認しますと副作用の健康被害のところに「発熱」以外に付けられるものが無くて、なおかつ入院相当の医療も行われているということで、確かに先生がおっしゃるように違和感は事務局としても分かりますが、これ以上の名前を付けられないというのが現状で、このような名前を付けさせていただいています。余り説明になっていなくて申し訳ないです。
○望月(眞)委員 入院相当の必要性があったもので、名称的には「発熱」としか整理ができなかったという理解でよろしいですか。
○飯島委員 そのとおりです。


2018-04-09 | 自己免疫性自律神経障害

A cohort study was performed to assess the risk of new onset autoimmune disease in young women exposed to human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in the United Kingdom (55). The study reported an incidence rate ratio (95% CI) of 3.75 (1.25–11.31) for autoimmune thyroiditis among females.



55. Willame C, Rosillon D, Zima J, Angelo M-G, Stuurman AL, Vroling H, et al. Risk of new onset autoimmune disease in 9- to 25-year-old women exposed to human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in the United Kingdom. Hum Vaccin Immunother (2016) 18:1–10.10.1080/21645515.2016.1199308


さん ツイートご紹介より

Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants and Thyroid Autoimmunity Abdulla Watad, Paula David, [...], and Yehuda Shoenfeld





To assess the risk of autoimmune disease (AD) in 9–25 year-old women within 1 year after the first AS04-HPV-16/18vaccine dose, a retrospective, observational database cohort study was conducted using CPRD GOLD. From CPRD GOLD 4 cohorts (65,000 subjects each) were retrieved: 1 exposed female cohort (received ≥1 AS04-HPV-16/18 vaccine dose between Sep2008–Aug2010) and 3 unexposed cohorts: historical female (Sep2005–Aug2007), concurrent male, and historical male. Co-primary endpoints were confirmed neuroinflammatory/ophthalmic AD and other AD, secondary endpoints were confirmed individual AD. Risk of new onset of AD was compared between cohorts (reference: historical cohort) using Poisson regression. The main analysis using confirmed cases showed no neuroinflammatory/ophthalmic AD cases in the female exposed cohort. Incidence rate ratio (IRR) (95% CI) of other AD was 1.41 (0.86 to 2.31) in female and 1.77 (0.94 to 3.35) in male cohorts when compared to the female and male historical cohort, respectively. Secondary endpoints were evaluated for diseases with >10 cases, which were Crohn's disease (IRR: 1.21 [0.37 to 3.95] for female and 4.22 [0.47 to 38.02] for male cohorts), autoimmune thyroiditis (IRR: 3.75 [1.25 to 11.31] for female and no confirmed cases for male cohorts) and type 1 diabetes (IRR: 0.30 [0.11 to 0.83] for female and 2.46 [1.08 to 5.60] for male cohorts). Analysis using confirmed and non-confirmed cases showed similar results, except for autoimmune thyroiditis in females, IRR: 1.45 (0.79 to 2.64). There was no evidence of an increased risk of AD in women aged 9 to 25 years after AS04-HPV-16/18 vaccination.


2018-02-23 | 自己免疫性自律神経障害



















Cervarix接種による中枢神経細胞を認識する自己抗体の産生誘導 信大医学部 塩沢丹里(2016年1月) HPVワクチン接種後の神経障害発症患者の自己抗体検査。10名中7名から自己抗体、そのうち6名が抗ガングリオシド抗体陽性だった。



A total of 15 000 patients seen at Mayo Clinic (2005–2007) and evaluated on a service basis for paraneoplastic neurological autoimmunity for whom clinical information was obtained retrospectively by medical record review as well as 457 neurologically asymptomatic patients or control subjects of whom 173 were healthy, 245 had lung cancer, and 39 had systemic lupus erythematosus or Sjögren syndrome.

Outcome Measures

Neurological, oncological, and serological associations of α3-AChR autoantibody seropositivity.


Of 15 000 patients tested on a service basis, 1% were seropositive (median, 0.12 nmol/L; range, 0.03–18.8 nmol/L; normal, ≤0.02 nmol/L), 55% were male, and the median age was 65 years. Cancer was found (new or by history) in 24 of 78 patients evaluated for cancer while at Mayo Clinic (30%); 43% had adenocarcinoma (more patients had breast cancer than prostate, lung, and gastrointestinal cancers; each of the latter groups had about the same number of patients). Of 12 patients with high antibody values (≥1.00 nmol/L), 83% had pandysautonomia. Of 85 patients with medium antibody values (0.10–0.99 nmol/L), neurological presentations were more diverse and included peripheral neuropathies (36%), dysautonomia (20%, usually limited), and encephalopathy (13%). Of 58 patients with low antibody values (0.03–0.09 nmol/L), 54% had a nonautoimmune neurological disorder or no neurological disorder. Of 245 control patients with lung cancer, 7.8% were seropositive. Only 1 of 212 control patients without cancer (0.5%) was seropositive (P<.001).


The detection of α3-AChR autoantibody aids the diagnosis of neurological autoimmunity and cancer.