Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記170511  ドイツMaxWeber研究所ヘルマン-ピラース教授との交信と今日の絵

2017-05-11 22:38:36 | 社会システム科学


 日記170511  ドイツMaxWeber研究所ヘルマン-ピラース教授との交信と今日の絵



推奨論文のなかに、経済学と熱力学との統合を扱っている論文がありました。 その論文の著者が、きょうの主人公であるドイツのエアハルト大学マックス・ウェーバー研究所の経済学学者カルステン・ヘルマン-ピラー教授でした。 私の研究テーマは、「システム思考による目的論の構造と社会倫理」ですが、これは科学技術からの社会科学への接近であったので、彼の研究が、分野的に近く、馴染みがよく感じました。それで思考のペースメーカーとしても、ありがたい論文でした。 結局 二つの論文を和訳したのですが、以下はその論文へのコメントです。 彼は、好意的にそれを受けてくれ、すぐ友達になりました。 彼は Sinology(中国学)で、夫人がJapanologist(日本学者)で、日本語が堪能であることを知ります。 その結果、総合知学会の論文集に掲載した私の日本語の論文を7編彼におくることになりました。 以下は、交流の記録です。



To Prof. Carsten Hermaann-Pillath

I am a retired chemical engineer in Tokyo, male, born in 1938.

 I am very glad incidentally to have an opportunity to have read your papers, after Blog of Dr, Masahiko Aoki (past way).  Then, at my academic society , names as Multi-disciplinary Knowledge[1] meeting, I have introduced your papers as one of  aspects on a social institutional treatment matter.

From Yasumasa Arai.

 徒然こと 1  カルステン・ヘルマン‐ピラース教授


Communication memorandum  “Constitutive Explanations as a Methodological Framework for Integrating Thermodynamics and Economics"


Professor Pillath,   Sorry, in short, I am at this moment, encouraging myself to hope to contact with you on  the matter below with you; I have much concerned to paragraphs of  the Introduction of your paper [2] as follows:

1.   “I argue that the thermodynamics perspective has been weakly grounded in philosophy of science and methodology, and that this is mostly responsible for the slow integration of thermodynamic reasoning into economics”

2. “Correspondingly, as far as the energy–growth link is concerned, thermodynamics would not explain economic growth, but only the energetic constraints under which growth occurs. “

 I have quite agreed with you on item 1 as your thermodynamics perspective weakly and slow connection to economics.

As for item 2,  you have some pessimistic feeling on power of thermodynamics for covering ability with economic dynamics in terms of  growth.

Thermodynamics has, as you mentioned, multiple routes of science history, such as mechanical engineering,  chemical engineering and imformation engineering,etc..

It may be thought a history of hard struggling themselves for unifying format from different ones of definition on it.

I also agreed with you, that Jaynes theorem of Maximum Entropy Production, which you have touched it in detail connotation, is a really promising theory for the purpose for its unification to accommodation to working ability.

By the way, I dare to talk here to you about thermodynamics and chemical kinetics along the standard textbook of Physical Chemistry.

Under knowledge of them, the following two of   methodologies are well facilitated  with respect to process or phenomena of reactions between matters with energy consumption(or release):

1.   Chemical reaction kinetics   as standard knowledge on physico-chemical dynamics(;time dependent) to change both of  matter state and energy. For instance, nuclear material radio activity decaying, CO2 green effect decaying, Polymer chemical reaction ,etc.

2.   Chemical thermodynamics   scientific knowledge on physico-chemical potentiality to change of  state of matter and corresponding state of energy.

I am, therefore, recommending you to pay both of kinetics and thermodynamics.

These are under theoretically strong connection.

Theoretically, you take both of them into consideration, thermodynamical and economics are getting to stand close each other. Yes, I remember, Wallath’s economical equilibria  theory is in the same category with chemical kinetics. 

I think entropy is quite promising index which connect technologically each other between physical states and human state(as your term, Anthropocene) Because it should exactly be notified that is an important physical index  as connection  of  potentiality (or availability) from human intentionality.

Supposedly, multi-connected neuronal synapse link is a key idea to make open ‘black box’ how it works.   Fundamentally, experimental measurement of  neuro signals are necessary handled to implementation.  As easy to imagine, conventional control technology talks us dynamical signal treatment (which is time proceeding process) are indispensable.

I can also say chemical kinetics modelling are power full and  far reach one for unifying multi level of phenomena which will get together in the mathematical forms. 

Very naturally, entropy is promising us to have a core role of potential affinity to link with quality index of human activity , such as economics as being treated in your previous paper [3] Thanks. With my Best Regards.

Yasumasa Arai  April 25, 2017



 徒然こと 2  カルステン・ヘルマン‐ピラース教授


 Communication memorandum   “Entropy, Function and Evoution:Naturalizing Percian Semiosis”

  Translater ; Yasumasa Arai

Translator’s Summary;

This is an outline of Carsten Herrmann-Pillath’s paper :”Entropy, Function and Evolution: Naturalizing Semiosis, Entropy 2010,12,197-242.

He has paid his focus over wide and far aspect from a point of view of Semiotics, which is  realized within a category of System Science Philosophy,  regarding such as artefact and bio-body concern. He has especially concern how it is to be physically related in the terms of information generation and energy throughput on the objects.

He primarily takes Peirce’s philosophical idea  which is constituting of a triadic framework as Object~Sign~Observation(Manifesting being) and he  extends to lead   his eyes on  informatic mechanism and dynamics interpretation.  

Entropy is a central term in this paper.  He reviews both fields of Themodynamics and Information Theory.  He has, in this sense, extended a way of  quantitative scale into a state of higher order which is constitutes of  the natural and/or the societal states under the lower order, which are lead by application of Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Principle and the Peirce’s triadic  framework i.e. (object and sign) with observer.

Brief of paper are  follows:

1.        Shannon entropy, as entropy without constraint in relation to the object of taken as information matter.

2.  Entropy of Constraint : as functional model with physical constraints caused from physical effect/interaction by any manifest, such as observation(experimenter; interpreter) 3. Substantial Entropy of the system under the  focused : a difference between Shannon entropy  minus Entropy of Constraint.  Jaynes Maximum Entropy Principle says  this difference naturally is to  come to  converge to its maximum value.

4.  Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Principle says the object system holds the maximum free energy, in another word, active potential(capacity) under its environment such as   field of temperature, field electro-magnetic , catalyst, enzyme.

 Any change from environment causes entropy changes to the object such as physical quantity of the object space, such as cell, plant,etc.

5. A view from human economic side is mostly focused on entropy production caused by constraint enforced by human. This production of value sensed by human, is commonly said as free energy consumption or substantial work energy and it comes to the maximum value by the physical law.

6. Indeed, the consumption of entropy of above item 5 is converged to most ordered leveled state, such as thermal engine efficiency, crystallization formation of molecules. This is termed as  Maximum Entropy Production.

1.        Item 3 above is described in a summary as following;

(Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Production)=

(Shannon’s Entropy) - (Maximum Entropy  of  Constraints of object)

As Pillath main interest, he put on the biological information structure undergoing evolution.  He uses  two of  principle here, which are (1) a triadic thesis of Peirce’s Semiotics and (2) Jaynes Maximum Entropy Principle.

He has  presumed to compose hierarchical level of ‘triadic’ frame bases such as  nested neuronal web network structures of  supervenient/neuronal crossing information passages.

This writer, myself has naturally an interest on the author’s philosophical passage to reach to his idea.  I have reach to recognize that he has  influence by Professor Searle of University of California.  Searle’s philosophical terrain is in combination of Epistemology and Ontology.  Searle’s idea is that the Epistemic knowing constitutes of  observer and sign, and the Ontologic one does of observer and physical object, respectively.

So,Table 1 in this paper,  Pillath  kindly shows  category of functions by  2 x 2 matrix.  This idea is quite meaningful and encouraging scope to our further analytical extending . At this note, I remark as Biological function , it is positioned at the element composed with Epistemic object and Ontological object means.

  Regarding to self-reference paradox, I , as a reader, has honestly very curiosity what he would say. What is supposed who is highest end-observer?  It is yet resoluble. He leaves the first, a nested neuronal web and the second, a communication other- body-being in vicinity are as a rescue out of the paradox.  He positively takes concept ‘qualia’, which is another transcendental being, like as reason of  Immanuel Kant world.  He also suggests recent advances of physics, for instance, Super String Quantum-Gravity theory, and further  hypothetic connection of idea of Parallel universe and Super-venience information order. Though these item is  yet beyond scope of this paper, Jaynes Entropy application under the frame of Peirce’s Triadic Semiotics will be making sense as engineering  scale of  complex of techno-social paradigms.


[1] Multi-disciplinary Knowledge



[2] Carsten Herrmann-Pillath; Constitutive Explanations as a Methodological Framework for Integrating Thermodynamics and Economics, Entropy  2016,18, 18:103390/e18010018,  www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy

[3] Carsten Herrmann-Pillath;Entropy, Function and Evoution:Naturalizing Percian Semiosis, Entropy 2010,12,197-242;doi10.3390/e12020197

www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy http://www.vcasi.org/sites/default/files/entropy2.p




徒然こと 3  ヘルマン-ピラース教授からの返事

Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 10:32 PM

Dear Professor Arai, 

My sincere apologies that I did not reply earlier.

I think that applying chemistry notions in economics would be most promising, but I never had time doing that.

The papers that you cite are mot my most recent work on these issues, I think I improved a lot.

Firstly, there is my book 'Foundations of Economic Evolution', where I elaborate on the Peircian approach (see review attached), which is compressed in the joint paper with Salthe, and I attach three more papers on energy and growth. 

Hope to stay in touch! Best wishes Carsten

 Carsten Herrmann-Pillath


徒然こと 4 ヘルマン-ピラース氏の略歴

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carsten_Herrmann-Pillath )

 Carsten Herrmann-Pillath (born 24 February 1959 in Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt) is a German economist and sinologist. He is the professor of Evolutionary economics and Permanent Fellow at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt University, Germany.

 Herrmann-Pillath contributed widely to the cross-disciplinary foundations of economics, with applications in empirical research and policy design, especially in research on the Chinese economy and international trade policy. His essential philosophical resources are Hegel and Peirce. In the field of evolutionary and ecological economics, he proposes a theory of economic growth that takes the concepts of energy and information as fundamental building blocks. He elaborates on a naturalistic theory of institutions, taking money as a central application, which combines modern neuroeconomics and behavioural economics with Masahiko Aoki’s theory of institutions. His institutional theory focuses on the notion of ‘performativity’ and ties up with recent developments in sociology and philosophy (actor-network theory, science and technology studies). In the field of international economics, he proposes the new paradigm of ‘deliberative trade policy’, with applications on the WTO. His long-time research on China has been condensed in a cultural theory of the Chinese economy, that centres on the concept of ‘ritual’. Currently, he works on a ‘critical theory of the economy’.




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朝日記 170511 韓国の大統領選の結果についての感想と今日の絵

2017-05-11 21:51:53 | 政治

 朝日記 170511  韓国の大統領選の結果についての感想と今日の絵

こんにちは。 日本でも高い関心をあつめた韓国の大統領選挙は 文在寅氏にきまりましたね。きょうは、その私の感想と


絵は(バラ 1)、(バラ 2)、と(Woman with tear,Green)です。

(バラ 1)

徒然こと 1 敬愛する友人の感想




(バラ 2)

徒然こと 2 私の感想

これまでになく、影響のつよい存在関係になっていることは感じます。他人ごととおもっていると、気が付いたら、ふかく巻き込まれて(commit)して、抜きさしならぬ状態ということになりつつあります。日清戦争前が結局 イギリスはもとより、アメリカもさよならして、日本が貧乏くじを引いていました。ロシアという制約条件がつよく効いていたとおもいます。外交案件をどういうモデルで考えるかで、複数の思考要因(変数)で構成されると考えます。 この思考構造は 目的関数(独立変数の最大化)+制約条件(従属変数による不等式群)となるとおもいます。独立変数の値を決めるための自由度つまり制約条件が時間経過とともに、きつくなってくる。これが現状の気配であると理解します。 グローバル的にモデルを革新することもそうは簡単ではない。(トランプはその点ではすごいです) こういう時代はすばやい行動と冷静な判断がその国の運命を大きく左右します。制約条件の値を自国に有利にすることも一半にあります。政治的意志の明示と決定力が最も大事と考えます。その点では、文在寅氏は、かれらにとってよい選択だったかもしれません。

 (Woman with tear,Green)


徒然こと 3 敬愛すうる友人の感想



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