


2024年03月12日 19時07分22秒 | 医学の大罪: 医療公害・医療犯罪から家族の命を守る




の文献4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 25 Nat Rev Immunol. 2015 Jun; 15(6): 335–349





Nat Rev Immunol. 2015 Jun; 15(6): 335–349.

Published online 2015 May 15. 

doi: 10.1038/nri3843

PMCID: PMC4786079


PMID: 25976513

Fever and the thermal regulation of immunity: the immune system feels the heat


Sharon S. EvansElizabeth A. Repasky, and Daniel T. Fisher

The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Nat Rev Immunol



Fever is a cardinal response to infection that has been conserved in warm and cold-blooded vertebrates for over 600 million years of evolution.

発熱は感染症に対する基本的な反応であり、6 億年以上の進化の間、温血脊椎動物と冷血脊椎動物に保存されてきました。

The fever response is executed by integrated physiological and neuronal circuitry and confers a survival benefit during infection.


Here, we review our current understanding of how the inflammatory cues delivered by the thermal element of fever stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses.


We further highlight the unexpected multiplicity of roles of the pyrogenic cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), both during fever induction as well as during the mobilization of lymphocytes to the lymphoid organs that are the staging ground for immune defence.

さらに、発熱誘発性サイトカインであるインターロイキン 6 (IL-6) の役割が、発熱誘発時と免疫防御の拠点であるリンパ器官へのリンパ球動員時の両方で、予想外に多様であることを強調します。

Finally, we discuss the emerging evidence that suggests the adrenergic signalling pathways associated with thermogenesis shape immune cell function.





The fever response is a hallmark of infection and inflammatory disease and has been shaped through hundreds of millions of years of natural selection.


Febrile temperatures are so closely linked to the inflammatory response that heat (calor) is one of the four cardinal signs of inflammation, along with pain (dolor), redness (rubor), and swelling (tumour), as described by Celsus in ~30 BC.1 

発熱は炎症反応と非常に密接に関連しているため、熱(熱)は、痛み(痛み)、発赤(発疹)、腫れ(腫瘍)と並んで、炎症の 4 つの主要な兆候の 1 つであると、ケルススは約 BC30 年に説明しています。1

The induction of fever in endothermic (warm-blooded) animals occurs at a high metabolic cost such that a 1°C rise in body temperature requires a 10–12.5% increase in metabolic rate.2 

内温動物(温血動物)の発熱の誘発には高い代謝コストがかかり、体温が 1℃上昇すると代謝率が 10 ~ 12.5% 増加する必要があります。2

There is mounting evidence that the increase of 1 to 4°C in core body temperature that occurs during fever is associated with improved survival and resolution of many infections.

発熱中に起こる中核体温の 1 4°C の上昇が、多くの感染症の生存率と回復の改善に関連しているという証拠が増えています。

For example, the use of antipyretic drugs to diminish fever correlates with a 5% increase in mortality in human populations infected with influenza virus and negatively affects patient outcomes in the intensive care unit.35 

たとえば、熱を下げるために解熱剤を使用すると、インフルエンザウイルスに感染したヒト集団の死亡率が 5% 増加することと相関しており、集中治療室での患者の転帰に悪影響を及ぼします。3-5

Preclinical studies in rabbits infected with rinderpest virus also found an increase in mortality when fever was inhibited with the antipyretic drug acetylsalicylic acid — 70% of acetylsalicylic acid-treated animals died as a result of infection as compared with only 16% of animals with a normal febrile response.6 


アセチルサリチル酸で治療した動物の 70% が感染により死亡しましたが、正常な発熱反応を示した動物はわずか 16% でした。6

However, fever is not universally beneficial, particularly in cases of extreme inflammation where lowering, rather than raising body temperature has evolved as a protective mechanism.710 


Thus, uncontrolled fever is associated with worse outcomes in patients with sepsis or neurological injuries, whereas treatments that induce hypothermia can have a clinical benefit.11,12 


A challenge in ascertaining the precise value of fever in endotherms is that the antipyretics used to inhibit fever target multiple aspects of the inflammatory response besides temperature regulation.11



Ectothermic (cold-blooded) vertebrates, which last shared a common ancestor with mammals over 600 million years ago, provide an ‘experiment in nature’ in which to examine the direct impact of febrile temperatures on survival.


Ectotherms as diverse as reptiles, fish, and insects raise their core temperature during infection through behavioural regulation, which leads to their seeking warmer environments (despite the risk of predation) or, in the case of bees, raising the local temperature of the hive through increased physical activity.2,1319 



Landmark studies published 40 years ago by Kluger’s laboratory showed that survival of the desert iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis is reduced by 75% if prevented from behaviourally raising its core temperature by approximately 2°C after infection with the Gram-negative bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila.2,13,14 

クルーガーの研究室が 40 年前に発表した画期的な研究では、グラム陰性菌エロモナス ハイドロフィラに感染した後、行動的に中核体温が約 2上昇するのを妨げると、サバクトビグアナ ディプソサウルス ドーサリスの生存率が 75% 減少することが示されました。2,13 ,14

The heat-seeking behaviour of the desert iguana, blue-finned tuna and leech is negated by antipyretic drugs, indicating that common biochemical pathways drive fevers in ectothermic and endothermic animals.14,16,20 


Surprisingly, the correlation between infection and increased temperature extends even to plants, which arose 1.5 billion years ago.


For example, the temperature of the leaves from the bean plant Phaseolus vulgaris increases by around 2°C following infection with the fungus Collectotrichum lindemuthianum.21 

たとえば、マメ科植物インゲンマメの葉の温度は、真菌 Collectotrichum lindemuthianum に感染すると約 2°C 上昇します。21

Thermoregulation in plants occurs through mitochondrial respiration22, although it is not known whether these fever-like responses have a direct impact on clearance of infection.

植物の体温調節はミトコンドリア呼吸によって行われます 22 が、これらの発熱のような反応が感染の排除に直接影響を与えるかどうかは不明です。


The fact that fever has been retained throughout vertebrate evolution strongly argues that febrile temperatures confer a survival advantage.


A long-standing mystery relates to the protective mechanisms by which fever wards off attacks by invading pathogens.


One mechanism involves direct effects of febrile temperatures on the infectious potential of pathogens.23 

メカニズムの 1 つは、病原体の感染力に対する高温の直接的な影響です。23

For example, temperatures in the febrile range (40–41°C) cause a greater than 200-fold reduction in the replication rate of poliovirus in mammalian cells and increase the susceptibility of Gram-negative bacteria to serum-induced lysis.24,25 

たとえば、発熱範囲(40 41°C)の温度では、哺乳動物細胞におけるポリオウイルスの複製速度が 200 分の 1 を超えて低下し、血清誘導性溶解に対するグラム陰性細菌の感受性が増加します。24、25

In this Review, we discuss the evidence suggesting that febrile temperatures boost the effectiveness of the immune response during infections by stimulating both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system.


We will highlight the role of the pyrogenic cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) in two key phases of the febrile response: firstly in driving the rise in core temperature, and secondly as a downstream effector cytokine orchestrating lymphocyte trafficking to lymphoid organs.

我々は、発熱反応の 2 つの重要な段階における発熱性サイトカイン インターロイキン 6 (IL-6) の役割に焦点を当てます。1 つは深部体温の上昇を促進する役割、もう 1 つはリンパ器官へのリンパ球輸送を調整する下流のエフェクター サイトカインとしての役割です。

We also describe febrile temperature as a ‘rheostat’, dialling down systemic inflammation during the return to homeostasis.


Finally, we highlight new data demonstrating the overlapping signalling pathways that are involved in thermogenesis and in the regulation of the immune response.


We only briefly discuss the neuronal circuitry that drives fever and the evolutionarily conserved heat shock protein (HSP) response (BOX 1), but refer the reader to recent comprehensive reviews for additional information on these topics as well as on the contributions of hypothermia to limiting inflammation.2630

発熱を引き起こす神経回路と進化的に保存された熱ショックタンパク質 (HSP) 反応については簡単に説明するだけです (ボックス 1)。






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