


2022年04月16日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の以下のような問題を自力で解き進めるには英検準2級合格レベル以上の基礎力が必要です。
①superior【səpíəriər】(Ex:With their *superior *fuel economy and *performance, hybrid *vehicles will likely *increase in *popularity.)(417)
②conventional【kənvénʃənl】(Ex:Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems that *prompt *consumer *complaints about *conventional cars.)(418)
③worth【wə'ːrθ】(Ex:The price is by no means *cheap but the room is *worth the price.)(419)
④enormous【inɔ'ːrməs】(Ex:The *rainforest has an *enormous *biodiversity.)(420)
(A)*extremely large in size or in *amount
(B)*following the way something has been done for a long time
(C)better than someone or something else
(D)having a *particular *value


(417)With their sup------ fuel economy and performance, hybrid vehicles will likely increase in popularity.
【better than someone or something else】

(418)Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems that prompt consumer complaints about con------ cars.
【following the way something has been done for a long time】

(419)The price is by no means cheap but the room is wor------ the price.
【having a particular value】

(420)The rainforest has an eno------ biodiversity.
【extremely large in size or in amount】


で予習すると大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に英検3級合格程度から十分取り組めます。
 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(417)~(432)
(417)(better)(than) someone or something ( else )( superior )優れた
With their (superior)(fuel)( economy)燃費 and (performance)性能, hybrid vehicles will likely increase in popularity.

(418) (         )従う the (   ) something has been (   ) for a long time
=(           )従来の
Electric cars ( )(   )(   )廃止する many of the mechanical systems
that (       )引き起こす consumer (       )苦情 about (        ) cars.

(419) (      ) a particular (       )価値=(       )価値ある
The price is (  )(   )(      )けっして…でない cheap but the room is (      ) the price.

(420) (         )極端に large ( ) size or in amount=(         )巨大な
The rainforest has an (        )(          )生物多様性.

(421)to (      ) someone that you are (     )(   ) doing something wrong
=(         )謝る
Learn how to (           )認める your mistakes and appropriately (         ).

(422)to (        )認識する and (      ) the (           )相違 between people or things=(          )区別する
By (      )観察する many friends, you'll gain skills to (     ) (            )信頼できる people from others.

(423)to be (        )感謝して( ) something=(        )感謝する
I would (        ) it if you would give me some information on your products.

(424)to (    ) someone (    ) something=(       )知らせる
I (         ) the employees of our president's arrival.

(425)to (     ) too ( )(   ) something such as a plane or train=(   )乗り遅れる
We had better leave soon, (     )さもなければ we will (   ) the train.
(426)to (      )引きつける and (      )興味を引く you very much
=(         )魅了する
For thousands of years, humans have been (       )
by the (        ) in our (        ) system.

(427)to (     ) an (      )正式の member of something=(    )加入する
In Japan, (         )(   )…に関わりなく(      )国籍, all children have the right to *(     ) in public schools (   )(   )(      )無料で.

(428)to (    ) a (     )種 or (     )植物 into the ground so that it will (     )育つ there
=(      )植えつける
(      ) date is one of the many factors that affect (   )作物(      )収穫(         )可能性.

(429)the (     )行為 of (    ) people (   )従う rules
and (        )罰する them if they do not=(        )規律
Do school uniforms (       )促進する(        ) and a sense of belonging?

(430)a (         )一般的な(      )傾向 in which a situation is changing or developing=(    )傾向
According to this magazine, next summer is sure to (   )もたらすnew fashion (    ) from Europe.

(431)something that you are (     )(     ) you have done something good or (    )
=(     )報酬
Studying hard in school
might not give high school students any (      )即座の(     ).

(432) (     )(    )(    ) to someone who is injured or ill=(       )治療
The cost of (       ) at the hospital
is much lower for those who have health (          )保険.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(433)~(488)

(433)something that many people (     ) but that does not (     )存在する or is not (   )=(   )神話
It is a *(    ) that all men are born (      )平等に.

(434)the (   ) in which a group of people or things are (       )配置された
to (    ) a particular (     )形=(          )隊形
Anyone watching the autumn sky knows that (     )移動する birds fly in a V *(         ).

(435)the things you (           )日常的に( )=(        )お決まり仕事
Technology has (      )変えた morning *(      ) of many American families.

(436)a (      )失敗to (      ) someone or something (       )適切に
=(          )誤解
Before you ( )賃借する an apartment, find out as much about it as possible in order that there will be no *(           ).

(437)considered to be (         )合理的な or (     )正常な by most people
=(         )受け入れられる
In most cases, students can (       )決める what clothing is *(      ) to wear to school.

(438)not (       )支持する any side in a (   )紛争, war, or (      )競争
=(      )中立の
Both parties (        )関わる in the dispute agree to use a *(      ) third party to (    )(       )解決する the dispute.

(439)able to (       ) to (     )適応する to new conditions or situations
=(          )柔軟な
Are *(         ) working hours (         )現実的な for small businesses?

(440) (          )含んでいる a lot of things or subjects and not (        )限定された to any one thing or area=(          )一般的な
If we want to make ourselves (       ) in English, we need not only good language skills but also clear thinking and a (     )幅広い *(        ) knowledge.

(441)to (     ) you very ( )( ) physically or mentally=(      )疲れ果てさせる
We were all *(      ) after our ten-kilometer run, so our coach gave us a (      )休憩.

(442)to (        )正式に(    )合意する to something such as a plan, request, etc.
=(         )承認する
The Houston City Council has (         )満場一致で *(       ) a Sister City Agreement between Houston, Texas and Basrah, Iraq.

(443)to ( ) something (   )( ) an organization, company,
political party etc. =(      )設立する
ABB Company was *(       ) by a (        )子孫 of a famous samurai from Kyushu.

(444)to (         ) that something will (      )=(         )保証する
Universal human rights are often (         )表現される and *(        ) by (   ).

(445)to (      )ためらう(     ) doing something,
usually because you are not (   )確かな that it is appropriate =(         )躊躇する
If you (        )疑う you have cancer, don't *(        ) to see the docter.

(446)to (     )(   ) someone to (       )達成する the same purpose
=(          )協力する
As a member of the international community, each country has a (    )義務
to *(         ) with other (         )国々.

(447)to (   ) someone or something you are responsible for (        )永続的に or for a long time=(          )捨てる
The (     )(        )多数of *(      ) pets never make it out of shelters alive.

(448)to (    ) a place in a large group, using (    )
in order to (     )(         )(   )…を支配する it=(      )占領する
A number of (         )領土*(        ) by the United States after 1945 have been returned to Japan.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(449)~(464)

(449)a (     ) of people or things that are (       )類似した=(        )範疇
His music does not (   ) easily into the *(       ) of jazz.

(450)an (      ) 額of money that you (     )得る(   ) business=(      )利益
The lure of huge *(     )(    ) them into a (     )犯罪            which (          )ついには led them into prison.

(451) (           )許可 to (   ) something=(      )同意
I'm afraid your parents will never (     ) their *(      ) to your trip abroad.

(452)a large important (        )組織(     )(   ) a university or bank
=(         )機関
By using a (        )金融の *(        ), you don't have to carry large amounts of (     )現金.

(453)the (   ) where a particular (   ) of animal or plant (       )通常
lives or grows=(       )生息地
Many (       )絶滅危惧の(   )種 are (      )脅かされた with (         ) 絶滅due to loss of *(      ) such as rainforests.

(454)the ability to (     )(   )穏やかな and not to (   )(     )
=(         )忍耐力
If he had had a little more *(       ), Mr. Lee would not have (     ) his company.

(455)a (         )薬 or (       ) treatment
that makes a person or an animal (   ) again after the illness=(    )
Dr. Brown (     )(   )(    )思いつく a novel *(    ) for the (     )致命的な disease.

(456)a (         )罰(   )(     ) a rule=(      )罰則
He (         ) 訴えるto the referee for a *(      ) kick.

(457)made to (       )見える to (     )存在する(      ) computers or the Internet
=(       )仮想の
Can *(        ) reality be a (         )代替物 for real life experiences?

(458)happy and (        )満足した with something that you have=(      )満足した
The (        )野心的な young are not *(       ) with a small success.

(459)not (         )魅力的な or (       )優美な=(        )ぎこちない
He used chopsticks in an *(       ) way.

(460) (     ) to be (      )信頼される=(       )信頼できる
Do we need a more *(        ) online encyclopedia than Wikipedia?

(461)to make you feel (          )称賛or (       )興味 for someone or something
=(        )感動させる
The audience was *(        ) by the pianist's (      )驚くべき technique.

(462)to (        )同意しない with something and to try to (      ) or (       ) it
=(        )反対する
There are many reasons to *(        ) the use of nuclear energy.

(463)to be (     )形成される(     ) particular things or people=(      )なる
Our residence hall *(      ) of two dormitories (        )わかれた into female and male.

(464)to (       )起こす someone to (       ) angry and unhappy about something
=(      )いらだたせる
*(      ) by a group of kids talking loudly on the train, someone said, “Shut up!”.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(465)~(480)

(465)to (     ) something (   )続く longer=(      )延長する
Could I *(      ) the (        )賃借(        )期間 for the car?

(466)to (      )( ) God in order to (   )(    )感謝 or to ask for help
=(     )祈る
This park is considered a (       )神聖な place where we can *(    ) for the souls of the dead.

(467)to (    ) something (      )広がる=(        )発散する
Children need to *(        ) their energy (   ) their mental and physical health.

(468)to (    ) to (     ) someone do something (   )(     ) them good reasons for doing it
=(        )説得する
We tried to *(         ) her not to (   )やめる school,
but our (       )努力 were (   )(     )無駄な.

(469)a (      )過程 by which two or more people or things (          )意思疎通する(   ) or (        )影響する each other=(             )相互交流
(         )翻訳 has (   )果たす a central role in human *(         ) for thousands of years.

(470)a strong (      ) that something (     )存在する or is (   )=(     )信念
Forget the (      )よくある*(     ) that you have to (    )苦しむ in order to make (         )進歩.

(471)a person who (   ) and (     ) goods, especially one who (        )取引する with other countries=(          )商人
The famous (         )探検家 Marco Polo was born in the year 1254
(  ) a family of *(          ).

(472)the money that you (   ) to (     )( ) a vehicle such as a bus or train
=(   )運賃
There's a common (          )間違い that one-way tickets are always half the price of a round-trip *(   ).

(473)the letters someone (     ) and (     )=(         )書簡
For centuries, the only form of written *(         ) was the letter.

(474) (   )(       )(  ) people that a building, room, or vehicle can (       )保持する
=(        )定員
Each bus is (        )求められる to (     )掲示する the (        )最大の seating *(        ) at the front of the vehicle.

(475)a (     ) who is (     ) something, especially a sports event
=(      )観衆 
Athletes, coaches, and *(       ) all agree that no one likes to (     )負ける.

(476)a (     )誤った idea or wrong (     )信念=(        )幻想
It is an *(        ) to think that you can (     ) earthquakes.

(477) (     )正しい( ) every (     )詳細=(   )正確な
Knowing the *(     ) number of (     )意図された party guests will help make your party planning easier.

(478) (       )許された by ( )法=(     )合法な
The Supreme Court (   ) same-sex marriage *(     ) throughout the United States.

(479)(      )気づいている that something is (      )存在する or that something is
(      )=(          )意識した
Human beings are (      )ほとんど…でない *(         )
of their (       )周囲 while they are (      )眠っている.

(480)unusual or surprising in a (   )that (       )値する(        )注目
=(        )注目すべき
Bats have a *(        ) homing (     )帰巣本能.
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2022年04月13日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。全英語音声とキーワードの和訳が字幕表示できるため、字幕を見ながらのシャドウイングで面白いほど重要語彙が覚えられます。

①conference【kɑ'nfərəns】(Ex:A *conference was held to *discuss the *various *benefits of using *insects as an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chikens, and cows.)(353)
②fever【fíːvər】(Ex:My grandmother always said you should *sweat to *reduce the *fever when you have the flu.)(354)
③representative【rèprizéntətiv】(Ex:The *representatives made a plan for the school festival, and the other students carried it out.)(355)
④measure【méʒər】(Ex:To *improve business *performance, the *company decided to *resort to *drastic *measures.)(356)
(A)a *medical condition in which the *temperature of your body is higher than normal
(B)an *official action that is carried out to *achieve a *particular purpose
(C)a large *formal meeting where a lot of people *discuss a *particular subject
(D)a person who has been chosen to act or speak on behalf of a group


(353)A con------ was held to discuss the various benefits of using insects as an alternative source of food to pigs, chikens, and cows.
【a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss a particular subject】

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to reduce the fev------ when you have the flu.
【a medical condition in which the temperature of your body is higher than normal】

(355)The rep------ made a plan for the school festival, and the other students carried it out.【a person who has been chosen to act or speak on behalf of a group】

(356)To improve business performance, the company decided to resort to
drastic mea------ .【an official action that is carried out to achieve a particular purpose】

解答)(353)conference (354)fever (355)representatives (356)measures

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(353)~(368)

(353)a large (      )公式の(     ) where a lot of people
(      )議論する a particular (      )=(         )会議
A *(          ) was held to discuss the (      )さまざまな(        )利点    of using insects as an (          )代替の(       )源 of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)a (      )(     ) in which the (        )温度 of your body is higher than (        )正常の=(      )熱
My grandmother always said you should sweat to (      )下げる the *(      ) when you have the flu.

(355)a (     ) who has been (     ) to act
or speak (   )(     )( )…を代表して a group=(        )代表
The *(          ) made a plan (    ) the school festival, and the other students carried it out.

(356)an (       )公式の(     )行動 that is carried out to (       )達成する a particular purpose=(          )手段
To (      )改善する business performance,
the company decided to (        )訴える to drastic *(         ).

(357) (    ) something or (    ) somewhere at (      )正確に the time that has been (        )手配された=(        )時間に正確な
Trains in Japan are (          )信じられないほど*(        ).

(358) (    ) or (           )失望した because something unpleasant has happened
=(      )落ち込んだ
Bruce was (         )ひどく*(    ) when his girlfriend left him, but he soon (    )(     )立ち直る it.

(359) (        )注目すべき=(         )傑出した
The story was *(            ),
but his acting was (        )(    )…にはほど遠い(          )素晴らしい.

(360) (     ) a large (         )距離 between (        ) 反対のsides
=(     )厚い
*(      ) eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like the (       ) of the world is ( ) your nose.

(361)to be (     )(    ) each other=(       )異なる
Some people are (     ) to consider their own way of life as being the (     )正常な one and to (    )(    )( )見下す life-styles that *(       ) from it.

(362)to (     ) to (       )離れる your job=(     )やめる
Permanent employees (      )とどまる(      ) until they are (     )解雇される or choose to *(     ).

(363)to (   ) to (       )発見する all the facts about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem=(           )調査する
Not (   ) one percent of the (       )種 in today's rainforests have been *(          ) by researchers.

(364)to (     ) someone (     )(        )不安な about someone or something
=(      )心配させる
It never (      )(   ) me that my actions had *(      ) my parents.

(365)to (      ) and (       )調べる something carefully
over a (       )期間 of time=(      )監視する
Watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully *(       ).

(366)to (     ) the (     ) of something (      ) by using examples
=(         )例示する
This picture *(        ) a method
of (            )防御(          )利用される by many animals.

(367)to (       )拒否する( )(     )受け入れる something such as a (        )提案,
a (         )要求, or an offer=(        )拒絶する
Although he had a lot of experience in teaching, John's (        )応募 for the position of full-time professor was *(         ).

(368)to (       )許す a child to (   ) everything that they (    ) =(    )甘やかす
Is it child (      )児童虐待 for parents to *(     ) their children too much?

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(369)~(384)

(369)the opportunity or (      )権利 to (   ) something=(      )アクセス
Three of five people in the world still do not have *(       ) to the Internet.

(370)an (          )例外的に(          )才能があるperson=(       )天才
Can hard work and (        )誠実な(      )努力(      )打ち負かす
inborn *(       )?

(371)a situation in (     ) people or groups ( ) to be more (         )成功した
than other people or groups=(         )競争
(      )激しい*(           ) between companies in the airline industry had led to lower prices and (          )改善された services.

(372)the (    )公正な(          )処遇(    ) people=(      )正義
Throughout history, many individuals have fought for *(        ) and (       )平等.

(373)a (       ) of (       ) to do or have something that is bad for you
=(          )誘惑
You must not (        )屈するto *(           ).

(374)someone who saw a (      )犯罪 or an accident and is able
to (          )説明する it to other people=(          )目撃者
Police are appealing for *(        ) after a large sum of (     ) was stolen.

(375)a (      )後ろめたい(     )(     ) something bad you have done
=(          )良心
He (          )苦しむ with his *(         ) after he (      )犯す the crime.

(376)the usual (        )態度 or (     )気分of a person=(       )気性
I can't (     )(   )(    )我慢する her *(      ) any longer.

(377) (     ) that someone might be (      )関与している( ) a crime or some dishonest activity=(           )疑わしい
The detective thinks the man he (        )面接した today is *(        ).

(378)(          )存在する(   ) only a (        )限られた period of time
=(         )一時的な
More and more companies have tried to (   )雇用する*(         ) workers lately.

(379) (    )(     )堅固な in your (      )支え of someone or something
=(      )忠実な
The (     )きずな between a *(     ) dog and a (     ) owner is unbreakable, even between life and death.

(380) (      ) a (    ) to (    ) something=(       )喉が渇いた
The soldiers became desperately *(        ) in the heat.

(381)to (   ) to deal with a problem in a (         )決然とした way=(      )取り組む
Michael *(      )(       )難しい problems on a daily basis,
but he always finds (      )解決策.

(382)to (    ) the (      )性質 of something=(       )反映する
A great movie usually *(      )
its director's (     )創造的な(      )視点 in the story or in the way it is told.

(383)to ( )(       )類似した(   ) something=(      )似ている
Of all (      )保存された foods, frozen foods most *(      ) fresh foods.

(384)to (     ) someone (      )苦しむ
because they have done something wrong or (       )違法な=(        )罰する
He was *(         ) for selling (     ) video games to (    )未成年者.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(385)~(400)

(385)to (    )真似るsomeone or something=(     )模倣する
Video games may (    ) children *(     )(        )不適切な behavior.

(386)to (     )(        )間違って that a person or thing is someone or something else
=(      )混同する
It is (      )よくある for people to *(       ) fact and opinion.

(387)to (          )公式に(    ) someone (    ) a job or position
=(      )任命する
She became the first woman *(      ) to the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)to say or do something ( ) a (      )反応(   ) something that has been said or done
=(      )反応する
The ability to (        )解釈する the signals given by other people,
and to *(      )(         )効果的に, is clearly important for (      )成功 in life.

(389)the (    )(    ) something has on someone or something=(     )影響
Many studies point to the (         )否定的な*(      ) of social media on mental health.

(390)the (       )信念 in the (         )存在 of a god or gods=(      )宗教
Many *(         )(      )禁止する alcoholic consumption or see it as sinful.

(391)a (          )住宅の(    ) that is (    ) the center of a city
=(      )郊外
Would you (      )好む living in the city, *(      ) or country?

(392)a person (      )(        )切り離されて(     ) the group
=*(         )個人
(      ) or not a task is (      )楽しい(      )( ) the (         ).

(393)written works, especially those (     ) to have (     )価値 as art
=(         )文学
As is often the (   ) with *(         ),
Herman Melville was (        )認められた for his best work long after it was written.

(394)the (      )( ) being very (      )心配な that something is going to happen
=(         )不安
A job (         )面接 can make even the most (         )自信のある person (        )震える with *(        ).

(395)the (         )行為 of (         )扱う one person or group of people
(         )不当に because of their sex, race, (           )宗教,
or other personal (         )特徴=(          )差別
There is a large (            )運動 against *(           )
on the basis of (   )人種 in that country.

(396)the (       )活動 of buying, selling, or (           )交換する goods between people or countries=(      )貿易
International *(      )(       )可能にする countries to buy what we want from other countries.

(397) (     )(   )( ) something very much=(     )熱望して
After getting out of college, graduates are *(     ) to join an organization
(    ) they will be able to (       )活用する their skills.

(398)not (         )すぐに(    )気づくことができる
or (       )明白な=(     )微妙な
Despite (      )類似性, there are *(     ) differences between a cult and a religion.

(399) (      )正常な and not (     ) or special in any (    )
=(      )普通の
The recent rise in the price of land has meant that *(      ) people
can no longer (      )…する余裕がある to buy houses of their own.

(400) (     ) that big social and political (    ) are
(        )必要な=(      )急進的な
*(      ) Islam is not only a religion but also a (      )政治的な movement.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(401)~(416)

(401)to be (    )役に立つ to you or (         )改善する your life
=(       )利益をもたらす
(       )身体的な activity in your childhood, such as playing sports and exercising, can
greatly *(      ) your health when you are older.

(402)to (   ) to ( ) something difficult=(      )試みる
Any adult who has *(      ) to learn a foreign language knows how difficult and (          )わかりにくい it can be.

(403)to officially (     ) or ( ) something
(   )(      )(   )…を代表して a person or group of people=(        )代表する
Labor unions (      )存在する for a wide (    ) of professions,
*(         ) everyone from construction workers to doctors.

(404)to (     ) something=(        )習得する
Older people usually (  ) it more difficult to *(    ) the new skills    (       )必要とされる by technological changes.

(405)to (     ) someone or something=(      )捕らえる
The (       ) was nearly *(       ) by the police
but (      )どうにか…する to escape.

(406)to (    ) someone a lot of (        )喜び=(      )喜ばせる
I'm so *(       ) to (    )(    )連絡がある one of my high school classmates.

(407)to (      ) someone to (   ) something=(    )促す
He *(    ) students to (      )大事にする the (      )過程 of thinking, and not just getting the “right”answer.

(408)to (     ) something in order to (      )調べる that it is (   )(     )正しく
=(      )監督する
Architects should not (       )引き受ける responsibility to *(      ) the construction works.

(409)a (       )方法(  )(   )something=(     )手段
Computers were a *(     ) for the girls, but an (   )目的 for the boys.

(410)the (      )尊敬 and (      )称賛 that someone or something has because of their success or importance in society=(      )名声
Is the *(        ) of (     )主催する the Olympics ( )( )(        )低下して?

(411)the (    )過程 that plants and animals (       )発達する
and (       )(      )徐々に over a long (      )期間 of time
=(          )進化
Darwin's (      )理論 of *(        ) by natural (        )選択
is (     )基づく much on (   ) he discovered in the Galapagos Islands.

(412)the process of (      ) water, air, or land, etc. (      )
=(         )汚染
The best way to avoid air *(        ) is to (   )(   )(   ) car traffic.

(413)a (   )( ) paper which shows that you have (     ) for (    )商品 or services
=(      )領収書
After you pay a (     )請求書, you are given a *(      ) to show that you have paid.

(414)a (     )兆候 in your (    ) or (    ) which (     ) that you have a particular illness=(        )症状
The stress *(          ) many of the programmers had was (        )うつ.

(415)the (     )状態( ) being (     )貧しい=(      )貧困
It is (      )主に the (      )急速な(       )増加 of population
which causes the *(      ) in that country.

(416)a (    ) or (     )(       ) of something that has (     )
=(        )記録
The novel is not so much a (      )詳細な explanation of a historic event as it is a personal *(         ) of what happened.
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2022年04月11日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(289)~(304)

(289)an important (   )(    ) a person or group of people has to do
which (      )伴う traveling somewhere=(      )使命
What kinds of *(      ) are (      )遂行される by the (   )?

(290)an (      )予期しない(    )(   )(   ) an earthquake or a plane crash that causes a lot of damage=(      )災害
The European heat (   ) is one of the (      )恐ろしい natural *(      ) which happened in the world.

(291)the (      )資質 to do something dangerous or difficult
(      ) showing (    )恐怖=(      )勇気
It (     )要する a great deal of *(      ) for the early (       )探検家
to set sail for (      )遠くの places.

(292)a (    ) or (    ) that is not (      )含まれる in a rule, group, or pattern
=(       )例外
There is no (   )(   ) has some *(      ).

(293)a (   )額 of (     ) that you (    )借りる=(    )借金
The (       )国の*(    ) of Japan
has grown to more than twice the country's (      )年間の gross domestic product.

(294)a person who is (   ) medical (       )治療=(     )患者
To (      )回復させる his (        ), the *(      ) was made to raise his arms above his head many times every day.

(295) (    ) when you can (      )くつろぐ and do things you (    ) without working or studying=(         )余暇
Due to the *(      ) brought about by technology, many people have the problem of (      )適応する to a new way of life.

(296)an (   )行為 of (      )(    ) one place to another=(        )旅
During the (   ) of that day there was no other (       )冒険 to (      )乱す the peace of their *(       ).

(297)more (        )望ましい or (       )適した
=(         )好ましい
When you have to drive, it's *(       ) to use a vehicle that includes eco-friendly (        )特徴.

(298) (    ) or (      )=(      )乱雑な
When a (    )きちんとした person lives with someone who is more inclined to be *(      ),
it can (       )起こす quite a few problems.

(299) (   ) a small (      )距離 between (      )反対の sides=(     )薄い
Shabu-shabu is a delicious Japanese dish (       )なる of *(   ) slices of meat or fish.

(300)strange or unusual, (    ) in an (         )不快な(    )
=(         )特有の
When you sit in the car after it has been (      ) in the sun for a few hours, you'll notice a *(      ) smell in the car.

(301)to (     )(   )確認する that something (       )=(       )保証する
(      )設置する a smoke alarm does not *(     ) the safety of your family.

(302)to (   ) that something that was (      )正式に(    )手配された
will not (     )(   )行われる=(      )取り消す
Can I *(      ) my (      )予約if there's been an (        )緊急事態?

(303)to (      )提供する a person or thing (    )(      )必要な tools or equipment
=(      )装備する
Consumers (      )好む to purchase a computer *(        ) with a touch screen.

(304)to do (     ) a law or rule (     ) you must do=(     )従う
Drivers always have to (         )厳格に*(    ) the speed (      )制限 of the road.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(305)~(320)

(305)to (   ) something (      )活発な or (    )成功した again
=(     )復活させる
It is (      )見積もられる that considerable (        )投資 will be necessary to *(      ) the country's tourism industry.

(306)to (        )公式に(    ) someone from doing their job or from going to school for a (       )限定されたtime=(        )出席停止にする
Students cannot take part in school activities or events while *(        ).

(307)to (      )制御する something ( )(   ) rules=(       )規制する
Gun laws in the United States *(      ) the sale, (         )所有, and use of firearms.

(308)to do something that (      )もたらす
a particular (        )反応 or (        )報酬=(        )値する
The judges all agreed that the group *(          ) the top prize
for their (      )驚くべき(        )演技.

(309)a piece of paper, wood or metal (    )(     )(        )情報
about something=(      )看板
Can you (    )(   )理解する what that *(      ) says?

(310)very large (    )(    )(   ) in prehistoric times=(      )恐竜
It is very (    )まれな to (    )(     )遭遇する a skeleton of a whole *(     ), though it does (      ) from time to time.

(311)the (    )行為 of (     ) money or (      ) in order to help a person
or (            )組織=(       )寄付
This botanical garden was (      )設立された in 2000 from citizen *(      ).

(312)something that you (    ) do for (        )法的な or (      )道徳的な reasons
=(       )義務
Helping the poor has been considered an *(        )
by major (          )宗教.
(313)the (    ) and trees in a particular (   )=(       )植生
In the Himalaya mountains, the *(       ) changes according to the altitude.

(314)something that you must (     ) in order to (    )=(        )必需品
A car is an (          )絶対的な*(         ) if you live in the countryside.

(315)the (   ) where you can (     ) a room, building or place=(        )入口
The high (        )警備 at the *(         )(   ) us from going into the building.

(316)a (     ) or (       )不快な sound=(      )騒音
When *(        ) becomes (      )むかつく or (      )有害な,
it is considered (        )公害.

(317) (      ) hard with (       )努力=*(       )勤勉な
To be called a (        ) and thorough worker is the highest form of (       )賛辞.

(318)(      )(   )…に基づく personal opinions and feelings (   ) than facts
=(      )主観的な
(     )格付けする artwork has traditionally been a *(      ) activity.

(319) (       ) to be (         )成功した or good in the future=(       )有望な
(     )…を考慮すれば the ocean's power, wave energy seems a *(        ) source of renewable energy.

(320)easily (     ) or (     )=(      )壊れやすい
A new (     )研究 shows that business friendships are *(       ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(321)~(336)

(321)to (     )手配する(    ) something to (     )(     )行われる at a later time=(       )延期する
All things (      ), the chorus club decided to *(      ) its winter concert.

(322)to (     ) someone (     ) unhappy (   ) not being
as good as (         )期待された=(       )失望させる
The company president was *(           ) with the poor (         ) of her new secretary.

(323)to (     ) something (     )( ) time or money (      )利用できる for something=(     )割く
Susan (   )(   ) her job, so she has a lot of time to *(     ).

(324)to (     )(     ) something is (          )間違いなく true
=(       )確認する
It has (   ) to be *(        ) whether there are any survivors of the accident.

(325)to (       )費やす time or money (   ) something=(   )注ぎ込む
Investors (     )傾向がある to *(   ) money in as markets near a peak.

(326)to (    ) you (    )(     )困らせられた or (     )
because you cannot do what you want=(        )いらだたせる
One of the reasons customers get *(        ) about long wait times is that they're on their (   ) or (     ) in place.

(327)to (         )認識する someone or something and (   )(    )
or (    ) they are=(       )特定する
The (     ) of claws is important in *(         ) a wolf's footprint.

(328)to (        )配達する something (   ) a large (    )( ) people
=(          )分配する
For centuries newspapers were printed ( ) paper and *(       ) to readers.

(329)an (     )増加 in (       )人気=(     )ブーム
Many of the castles in Japan are (       )混雑した with quite a few young people because of the recent history *(     ).

(330)the (     )過程(   )(      )交換する information or ideas
=(          )意思疎通
To (         )改善する*(           ),
it is important to (        )認識する(        )相違 in (       )価値観.

(331)the (      )量( )water (      )含まれる in the air=(        )湿度
The (      )影響 of *(        ) on the human body can be (          )深刻な
and (          )たくさんの.

(332)a (         )混合( ) different things or people=(        )組み合わせ
Jazz fusion is a *(          ) of rock and jazz.

(333)easy to (         )認識する or understand=(     )明白な
(     ) he was tired was *(     ) to see.

(334)(        )続く forever=(         )永遠の
The hotel can (        )準備する a special ceremony to exchange (     )誓い
of *(     ) love.

(335) (   )(   )(     )(   ) something else=(         )劣った
(        ) foods are in some ways *(         ) to their unprocessed counterparts.

(336)(     ) large (    ) small (   ) amount, size, strength, or (      )程度
=(      )適度な
You (    ) be able to (         )(   )続ける a (         )会話
if you are doing a *(       )(         )運動.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(337)~(352)

(337) (     ) a fact or situation that is (     )(   )基づく something
=(       )それに従って
Consumers' tastes (   )さまざまである, and markets ( )満たす their (      )需要*(           ).

(338) (        )=(          )正確に
It's not easy to (        )定義する sleep *(        ).

(339)in a (   ) that was not (    ) or (       )意図された=(          )偶然に
*(          ) eating meat is the worst thing that can happen to you if you're a vegetarian.

(340) (     )=(          )日常的に
In most supermarkets, foods which people buy *(        )
may be (       )置かれる in different parts of the store (   )(         )わざと.

(341)to (     ) your (       )行動 and (        )態度
in order to deal with a new situation successfully=(     )適応させる
Even if (         )移民 work very hard in their new country, they might (     ) it difficult to *(      ) themselves to the new culture.

(342)to (     ) something (      )正しい=(     )訂正する
(          )認める and *(        ) mistakes does not make you look weak; it actually makes you look stronger.

(343)to (   ) the (    ) of a particular event in order to (      )広告する your products or services=(     )後援する
The event was *(      ) by several local businesses.

(344)to (     )(   ) your hands and knees=(     )這う
When the rocks (        )ついに stopped falling, we *(      ) out of the (   )洞窟.

(345)to (     ) a (         )つながり(       ) different people or things
=(        )関連づける
The green house (    )温室効果 is thought to be *(       ) with global warming.

(346)to (     )(   ) someone or something for a long time (    )(    ) your eyes
=(     )
*(         ) at the sun without (      )適切な eye (        )保護 is a clearly bad idea.

(347)to (          )消える suddenly=(     )消滅する
What would become of our (      )惑星 if humans (     ) to *(       )?

(348)to (      )正式に(    ) someone a (     )賞=(     )授賞する
Mr. Suzuki is a top salesperson for a cosmetics company who has been
*(      ) many prizes for his (           ).

(349)a (        )収集 of paintings, photographs, or other (      )作品 that are shown to the (      )公=(       )展示
Art (       )批評 will (      )可能にする the viewer to (        )鑑賞する an *(         ) better.

(350)the things that (     ) to someone or something, especially in a (    ) that cannot be (       )防ぐ or (    )=(     )運命
The *(     ) of the many homeless dogs is (       )悲劇的な.

(351)an interesting or enjoyable (     ) to (    ) =(          )呼び物
(        )位置して 30 km from Paris, the theme park offers you many *(           ) that will (        )楽しませるyour family.

(352)an (          )議論 or (         )不一致 between people, groups or countries
=(     )紛争
A meeting of the two nations' foreign (         )大臣 finally (   ) an (    ) to…を終結させる the *(      ).

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2022年03月08日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(225)~(240)

(225)to (    ) that you had the same (       )資質or (       )所有物that someone has=(     )うらやむ
Many people want to speak a second language (      )流暢に, and bilingual people are often (        )称賛される or even *(   ).

(226)to (      ) who someone is or what something is because of (        )以前の knowledge or experience=(          )認識する
Animals (     )頼る( ) the (      ) of smell to find food, to find mates, and to *(        ) their (      )敵.

(227)to (    ) something in a (      )公共の place so that people can go to see it
=(      )展示する
The rocket will be (      ) to the (      ) at the Smithsonian Museum.

(228)to be (      ) for (         )(    )実行する a particular purpose
=(       )意図する
Ireland was the first (         )国
to pass a (   )法律 *(        ) to (        )減らす the use of plastic bags.

(229)(         )身体的な(      )活動 that you do in order to become stronger and healthier=(      )運動
*(      ) burns calories, (        )相殺する the calories you take in and helping you (         )維持する an (         )適切なweight.

(230)a (         )治療 or (      )薬 to (   )治す an illness or pain that is not very (         )深刻な=(      )療法
A good *(      ) for a headache is an aspirin and a glass of water.

(231)an activity in which you (      ) a (       )正式な talk to a group of people
=(           )発表
Her *(          )(    ) nothing to be (      )望まれる.

(232)a clear (            )相違 or (          )分離
between (        )類似の things=(          )区別
We have to make a clear *(           )
between (         )公の matters and (        )個人的な affairs.

(233)an (     ) of water near the (      )岸 where it is safe for ships to stay
=(      )港
The Nagasaki Port is a natural *(      ) that is (        )囲まれた by mountains on three sides.

(234)a (     ) or responsibility that you have to deal with=(      )負担
Men say they are (     ) to (    )分担する the *(        )
of (         )家庭内の work.

(235)the science and the (      )方法 that are (     ) to (      )育てる crops and animals for food=(      )農業
One of the reasons for the (         )成長 of *(      ) in California was to (      )食べさせる the large population there.

(236)an understanding of (   )(    )something is=(         )理解
Although I was extremely (          )よく知っている with the book, watching the movie
(          )増やす my *(        ) of the original story.

(237)(      )関係している( ) one particular country=(       )国内の
The US *(         ) market receives orange (     )輸入
from (       )さまざまな countries and regions.

(238)(      )心配な(    ) something=(      )気がかりな
School administrators in California are *(    )
about the cuts (        )提案された in the state (      )予算.

(239) (      ) a lot of money and (      )財産=(      )裕福な
Do you need to be *(      ) to (        )実現する a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut?

(240)(          ) unpleasant=(          )胸の悪くなるような
Eating insects is considered *(           ) or even (         )原始的な in Western societies.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(241)~(256)

(241)to (      )成功する(   ) doing something=(      )実現させる
To *(         ) your dream, you need to (   ) a little (    ).

(242)to be (   )(       ) of something=(        )取って代わる
(         )最終的に, the 20 primary teeth are *(         )
by 32 (           ) teeth.

(243)to (      ) in a particular (   ) in order to (      )だます other people
=(       )ふりをする
I could (    )わかる he was only *(      ) to read, because his book was upside down.

(244)to (        )(        )批判する someone who has done something wrong
=(      )叱る
It seems that there is an unspoken rule that you can't *(     ) another person's child.

(245)to (      ) a short (     ) sound=(    )吠える
It was quiet night, and the only sound to be heard was a dog
*(      ) in the (          ).

(246)to (   ) a (      )正式な(      )申し込みfor something such as a job, (      ) to a school, a loan, etc.=(      )応募する
You can *(      ) for this scholarship on the (       ) that you have a letter of (           )推薦 from your teacher.

(247)to (   ) or (   ) that someone or something is (          )責任がある     for something bad=(      )非難する
The (         )政治家was *(      )(   ) not carrying out his campaign promises.

(248)to be (   )(       )もはや…でない(       )合法的に used
because the (      )期間 of time during which it could be used has (     ) to an end
=(      )無効になる
I have to (   ) my commuter pass (       )更新する because it *(      ) tomorrow.

(249)a piece of (   ) about a particular (      )
that is (       )発表された in a newspaper or magazine=(         )記事
My aunt often (        )翻訳する*(         )(       )提出された
to international medical journals.

(250)an (   ) or a piece of (        )機器 that has been (      ) for a particular purpose=(      )装置
First-time smartphone buyers may be surprised their new *(   ) doesn't come with (            )取扱説明書.

(251)something that (     )起こす a change (   ) a (      )反応
in a human, an animal or a plant=(      )
There is a decrease in (      ) to a *(        )
after being repeatedly (        )さらされた to it.

(252)a (   ) that someone or something is important=(      )敬意
People in big cities (      ) talk to strangers 
(     )(   )*(      ) for the privacy of others.

(253)the land (   ) the (    )端 of a sea, lake, or wide river
=(       )岸
Why are waves always parallel to the *(       ) on (          )近づく the seashore?

(254)the (        )能力 to make good (       )決定 and (        )判断 using your knowledge and experience=(       )知恵
I (   )おかげである the (      )進歩 I have made in English to the *(      ) of my aunt.

(255)a large (      ) of dry land that is usually (     )覆われた with sand
=(       )砂漠
The smooth (        )表面 of the *(       )
makes it (       )可能な for camels to (        )輸送する goods easily.

(256)the (   ) of (          )困惑 that you have
when you have done something wrong or (      )愚かな=(        )恥
There's no *(      ) in (        )(   ) for professional help.
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2022年03月07日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(193)~(208)

(193)a (        )道徳的なrule or (        )信念 which (        )影響する your behavior=(        )主義
It is (      ) my *(        ) to borrow money.

(194)the (    )行為 of (         )調べる something (   )(      )詳細に=(       )
A *(      ) shows that Japanese women (     )お辞儀する more often than men.

(195)a story (    )(        )古代の times that may or may not be (    )=(        )伝説
According to local *(      ), “If the person bathes naked, they will (       )必ず be eaten by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)the particular (      )味 of a food or drink=(     )味
Fresh, local vegetables are so delicious that (      )(    ) is needed to bring out their *(        ).

(197) (      ) your (       )能力 to think and understand things=(         )知的な
Because of (         )人工の intelligence (AI), (       )熟練したwhite-collar workers,
or *(          ) workers, are also at “high risk.”

(198) (   ) to be (     )=(        )目に見える
You can get a (          )まともなMilky Way photo even when it's (        )かろうじて *(           ) to the naked eye.

(199)(        )心配な and (      )不安な about something that might happen=(           )不安な
I am (         )慣れた to public speaking, so I don't get *(         ) in front of large groups.

(200)showing a (      )欠如of (      )敬意for other people=(     )無礼な
I had no (       )選択 but to (     )(    )(     )我慢する the guest's *(        ) behavior.

(201)to try to (        ) someone or something (     )(         ) carefully=(        )探す
(     )費やす less time outside the home *(       ) for food (       )減らす the (     )危険性 of being killed by other animals.

(202)to (      )(       )心配なthat something (    ) may happen=(      )恐れる
Many scientists *(     ) that there may be far fewer polar bears,
(      )(    )…のせいで the (       )影響 of climate change.

(203)to (     )(      ) you are feeling or thinking (      ) words or (       )行動=(         )表現する
*(          )(       )感謝 can make all the (        )違いin your (         )人間関係.

(204)to (      )(      ) information about something=(        )問い合わせる
The product you *(        ) about is (    ) of stock now.

(205)to (   ) all your (          )注意 to (     ) you are doing=(      )集中する
It has been hard to *(       )(   )my studies lately because a road is being built in front of my house.

(206)to (     ) something in order to (     )(      )適切に=(        )頼る
The pilots that have landed at the (       )間違った airports in the past have all been *(       ) on (        )視覚的なinformation.

(207)to (   ) to someone (      ) information or (     )助言=(       )相談する
How much does it (        ) to *(       ) a lawyer for (       )法律的なadvice?

(208)to become (      )健康なand (       )正常なagain=(       )治癒する
When a (       )傷 *(       ), it may eventually (       )(      )…に変わるa scar.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(209)~(224)

(209)someone who is (        )応募する for a job or (         )競争する
in an (        )選挙=(          )候補者
I want to (      )投票する for a *(        ) who will try to (          ) 減らすunemployment.

(210)the (      )事実 of being (        )存在する=(          )存在
Both children and adults (       )同様に(           ) about the *(            ) of ghosts.

(211)a (      ) of sadness=(       )悲しみ
Joy and *(         ) are the light and (        )影 of life.

(212)the act of (        ) someone=(            )援助
In a crisis, (           )緊急(          )財政*(          ) can help you pay for living (          )支出.

(213)someone who has (     ) a (      ) of writing=(         )作家
Treasure Island is an (         ) novel by Scottish *(         ) Robert Louis Stevenson.

(214)a piece of (         )家具(   ) for (          )保管するclothes=(          )クローゼット
Keeping your *(        )(          )整理された will help you keep your room neat and tidy.

(215)the (         ) of people (        ) in a particular area=(           )人口
Japan's (           )(           )密度 has helped (         )助長する extremely high land prices.

(216)an interesting or important (      ) of something=(           )特徴
The (     )巨大なnetwork of canals is a (            )魅力的な*(          ) of the old city.

(217)easily (         )心配なand (       )動揺した by something=(          )感じやすい
She is so *(        ) that she cried for days when her pet died.

(218)(       )できる of dealing with dangerous or difficult situations (         ) showing (       )恐怖=(        )
Someone pulling an (      ) person out of a crashed car after an accident is considered *(        ).

(219)(        ) to be (     )=(        )行方不明の
The police called off the (         ) 捜索for the *(      ) child until (       )夜明け tomorrow.

(220)made or done (            ) or (           )=(        )正式な
Throughout his life, Thomas Edison (            )語った that *(        ) education had not made him.

(221)to (         )(      ) one thing to another=(         )変える
The bicycle lanes may (           )説得するmotorists in the city to *(        ) from cars to bicycles.

(222)to (         )守る someone or something (     )(         )攻撃=(      )擁護する
We must *(        ) our (       )権利 to privacy.

(223)to (       ) someone a particular job or (            )責任=(        )割り当てる
In high school I was *(          ) longer texts which had a larger vocabulary.

(224)to (      ) it (        )可能な(     ) someone to do something=(        )可能にする
It was the (        )制御 of fire and the (     ) of clothing that *(       ) humans to (         )定住する in the cold northern areas.
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2022年03月05日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(161)~(176)

(161)to (    ) from one (       ) of something to the other=(    )横切る
When driving near a school, (       )(     )(     )…に気をつけるchildren *(      ) the road.

(162)to (    ) that someone (    ) do something=(       )期待する
I *(       ) all of you to be here five minutes before the test begins, (      )(      )必ず.

(163)to (     ) yourself (       ) for something that will happen=(        )準備する
I'm (     ) I am not *(       ) to take the (     )(    )…の危険を冒す losing all my money.

(164)to (    )(      )存在する=(       )消える
My (        )自信 as a swimmer started to *(       )消える the day Angela (     )引っ越すto our small town.

(165)to (        )形作るan (         )意見(     ) someone or something=(        )判断する
You should (       )(        )(     )(    ) …するほどばかではない *(         ) by (          )外見.

(166)to ( )(   )( )…を逃れるa place where you do not want to be=(     )逃れる
The story (       ) 描写するa young woman who moves to the countryside with her husband
when he tries to *(     ) his busy life in the city.

(167)to (     ) someone (    ) that something is (    )=(       )納得させる
No one was *(          ) by his (          )説明 at the press conference.

(168)to (   ) someone or something (   )(   ) something=(     )防ぐ
There are a number of (   )手段 that you can ( ) to *(   ) the (   )広がりof viruses and bacteria.

(169)someone who (    ) a job (    ) being (    ) for it=(       )ボランティア
Those living in Tokyo seemed to be less (      ) in *(      ) work than the (       )国 as a whole.

(170)a strong (    )人間の(        ) such as love or anger=(       )感情
You should not (    ) your *(         )(      ) in the way of making that important decision.

(171)the ( ) of people who (   )公式に(   )治めるa country=(        )政府
Today, the (   ) majority of *(      ) around the world do not allow couples of the same sex to (     )結婚する.

(172)a question you (    ) in order to get (          )情報 about someone or something=(       )問い合わせ
The company has (        )受けるquite a few *(        ) from its customers.

(173)a (   )任務 that you are (   ) to do as part of a course of study or as part of your job=(       )課題
Nearly half of the students didn't (      )(   )提出する the (         ).

(174) ( ) that you ( ) in order to (     )称賛するsomeone or something=(       )称賛
Giving students (         )効果的な *(      ) is an important part of teaching.

(175)the process of ( )保つsomething in good condition by (        )調べるand (        )修理するit regularly
=(      )点検
The elevators are (     ) of service for (         )定期的な*(          ).

(176)something that a country has and can use to (        )増やす its (        )富, such as coal, oil, or land
=(        )資源
The richest 20% of the world's population (        )消費する 86% of the world *(         ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(177)~(192)

(177)physically (    ) and not (    ) or (        )=(     )健康な
Getting the (     )適切なamount of sleep is important for (        ) ourselves *(        ).  

(178)not (   ) work or (      )努力=(      )怠惰な
He is (    )(       )生来 a *(       ) person, so we don't (       )期待する too much from him.

(179)not being (     )(   ) anyone=(      )空きの
Can I change seats after (       )搭乗するif there is a *(     ) seat?

(180) (   ) that a situation will (    )(     )=(      )前向きな
We received a lot of *(       )(        )感想on the new plan.

(181)to (   ) that something is good or (      )役に立つ=(     )薦める
My friend Maria *(       ) a movie (      )(   )…に基づくa best-selling novel,
and she told me my (        )一番お気に入りの actor was starring in it.

(182)to (   ) something (   ) in size, (     )量, number, etc.=(      )減らす
In recent years, people have become more health-(        )意識した
and (            )結果的に have *(       ) the amount of fat they eat.

(183)to (     ) something in a place (   ) it cannot easily be found=(    )隠す
*(        ) cash and (        )貴重品at home can be (      )危ないbusiness.

(184)to (      ) or (    ) something by (     ) a cloth=(     )拭く
There are many health problems that can (       )発生する if you don't *(       ) your sweat.

(185)to (    ) somewhere (     ) someone=(       )同行する
Children 11 years and younger receive (    )無料の(         )入場
when *(       ) by an adult.

(186)to (      )守る someone or something (   ) danger or (      )攻撃=(      )守る
Before a dog can be trained to *(      ) your (      )財産, you must teach (       )基本的な commands.

(187)to (       )作る(   )エネルギー=(        )作り出す
Wind electricity is a (    )形態of (       )再生可能な energy that uses airflow to *(        ) electricity.

(188)to (    ) to (      )存在する=(       )発生する
(      )懸念about the (       )可能性of mobile phones having ill (       )影響on health *(       ) in the mid-1990s.

(189)something that (     )起こす(   )失望=(      )残念
It's a *(       ) you were (       )…できない to join the party.

(190)someone who (      )(    ) you=(      )同僚
The boss (       )後悔する(        )雇用する him because he makes a lot of trouble with *(       ).

(191)the (     ) you (       )位置させる your body when you are standing or sitting=(        )姿勢
People have long (        )思い込む that *(        ) has played some (       )役割 in back pain.

(192)a (          )状況 where there is not enough of something=(        )不足
An (        )増加 in the (            )個体数 of a (      )種may lead to food *(        ).
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2022年03月04日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(129)~(144)

(129)something that you have to do (     )(     )(    ) a job=(      )任務
After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to (           )向上させる his English
in order to (        )(     )実行する his *(         ) more (          )効果的に.

(130)(    )(      )(    )一連のsteps inside a building that (      )可能にするyou to go from one (       ) to another=(       )階段
The old lady was (      )(     )(         )息が切れたfrom climbing up the *(       ).

(131)the (     ) that you (      )稼ぐ(     ) working=(     )収入
Seniors-(     )(       ) (      ) their (      )源of *(      )
- often (        )苦労する to (      )(    )(      )収支を合わせる.

(132)the (    )行為of (       )破壊するsomething=(         )破壊
All countries that are (          )加担しているto the *(          ) of rainforests should begin their own (       )努力 to (        )保護するthem.

(133)the process of cutting into a (        )患者のbody to (        )除去する, (        )取りかえる, or (       )修復する a damaged part
=(       )手術
My mother is making a fast (         )回復 after the *(       ) on her knee last week.

(134)a (       ) that you experience (     ) one of your five (    )五感=(        )感覚
What insect bite (        )起こす a burning *(         )?

(135)the ideas and activities (        )(      )…に関係する getting and using (     )権力 in a country=(       )政治
Did the result of the (          )(         )総選挙of July 1993
(       )(       )もたらす important (         )影響on Japanese *(         )?

(136)(       )価値ある(         )物品 such as paintings or (        )古代の(        )文書=(         )宝物
Should cultural *(        ) be returned to their country of (       )起源?

(137) (         )振る舞うin a kind and (      ) way=(         )友好的な
Fred and I once had a *(         )(        )議論 (         ) which makes a better pet, a dog or a cat.

(138)very surprising and (     ) you (    )(         )喜びor (         )称賛=(      )驚くべき
Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are (       )直面させられる
with an *(        ) (        ) of audio technology.

(139) (        ) to (    ) more than the (       )量that is usual or (         )予想される=(       )気前のいい
Everyone was (         )失望させられたto hear that she had (     )(       )断るthe *(       ) offer.

(140) (      ) to see, (        )気づく, or understand=(       )明白な
It is *(         ) that a big mistake was made in (        )計算するthe costs of the project.

(141)to (     ) an (       )影響(    ) a situation=(      )影響する
The (       )議論over how technology *(       ) jobs is as old as the (        )工業の(    )時代 itself.

(142)to (         ) being (        ) with someone who has done something (         )
and stop (          )責める them=(      )許す
Many people think they are ready to *(          ), but want an (          ) 謝罪 first.

(143)to (        )定期的に(    ) money to use something that (        )属する to someone else=(      )賃借する
(   )(      )(    )…に関わらず rising home costs, buying still (      )まさる *(      ).

(144)to (       ) something that (      )属するto someone else without (          )許可
and without the (        )意図 to return it=(       )盗む
What should I do if my wallet is lost or *(       )?

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(145)~(160)

(145)to (         ) something=(        )必要とする
He was able to teach sports which often *(         ) a lot of (        )強さ and (         )忍耐.

(146)to (    ) something (       )大声で=(      )叫ぶ
I don't (      )気にするif you disagree with me, but I (      )反対するto being (      ) at.

(147)to (     ) on the (      )表面 (       ) a liquid without (      )沈む=(       )浮く
People can *(     ) in (     )普通のwater, but since salt water is even denser, it is even easier to float in the Dead Sea.

(148)to (    ) something to (     )楽しませるan (      )観衆=(         )演じる
Dance is *(          ) for a (         )(     )さまざまな purposes.

(149)a picture or (      ) 形used to (     ) 表すsomething=(       )象徴
Images of elephants are *(       ) of good (        )運in both India and Mexico.

(150)the (       )一般的な(    ) 気象conditions (   ) a place=(      )気候
The (       )大部分 of the regions with Mediterranean *(      )have (       )比較的にmild winters and very warm summers.

(151)the (    )行為 of (    )選ぶsomeone for a public office by (    )投票=(       )選挙
The *(       ) is one of the key (         ) 要素of a democratic (      )国家.

(152)a large (       ) 量(    )(    ) that (      )覆う an area that is usually dry=(      )洪水
Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very short (      ) that (     )(   )…の結果になる*(       ).

(153)something (     )(     ) a box or bowl that can (    ) something=(       )容器
The refund will (        )奨励するpeople to (         ) drink *(          ).

(154)all (       )人間(        )(    ) one group=(       )人類
The most important (      )機能of animals to *(      ) is probably as a (      )提供者of food.

(155)(       )個人的なopinions (     ) something=(       )見方
A college education will (        )可能にするyou to get a broader *(       ) of the world.

(156)strong (    )決意to do something that you have (   )決めたto do=(       )意志
Strong *(     ) is the most (       )不可欠な(      )資質 for anyone who wants to achieve success.

(157)most (      )適した for a particular (       )目的=(     )理想的な
A role model is an (      ) person whom we (     )称賛するand aspire to be like.

(158)(         )存在するor happening before something that you are (    )(    ) now=(         )以前の
No *(         ) experience is (         )必要なfor this job.

(159) (    ) the usual (        )特徴of a particular group or thing=(        )典型的な
A bowl of steamed rice is (       )含まれたin *(        )Japanese meals.

(160)(      )達成するwhat was (      )意図された=(        )成功した
The meeting was *(         ) (    )(      ) ~だけれどもno clear (         )結論 was reached.
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2022年03月03日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(97)~(112)

((97) (     ) a (       )欲求to (      ) more about something=(       )好奇心の強い
A *(       )(      )群衆(       )集まるat the site of the car accident and watched the (        )見事な(         ) 仕事ぶりof the rescue team.

(98) (    )(       ) too many words=(       )簡潔な
This *(     )(       )説明 will (      ) 役立つas an introduction to the book.

(99) (    ) physically (      )くつろいだ
without (       ) 不快なfeelings=(      )快適な
In the 21st century, we can expect scientific (      )進歩to give more people than ever
the (         ) 手段of (        )送るa *(       ) and easy life.

(100)not (      )依存した(    ) other people (    ) help or money
=(       )独立した
Jane was already (       )財政的に*(       ) of her parents before she finished university.

(101)to (    )(      )しっかりとthat something is true,
(       )(      )たとえ~でもother people think it may not be true=(       )
The 18th-century philosopher Immanual Kant *(      ) that all lies are (       )有害な.

(102)to (       )選ぶsomeone for an (       )公のposition by (     )投票=(      )選出する
It is (       )~しそうなthat the President will be *(       ) for another term.

(103)to (    )(      )at an event such as a meeting or a class=(         )出席する
All the students who are interested in studying (       )外国で should *(       ) next week's meeting.

(104)to (    )設計するor (       )制作するsomething (       )役に立つfor the first time=(        )
Who is (       ) 功績を認められたwith *(       ) the telephone?

(105)to (      )提案するthat someone (    ) something=(         )奨励する
Weather (      )天気が良ければ, we *(        ) outdoor play as often as possible.

(106)to (     ) something=(      )得る
(       )(    )…によれば the law, you must be 18 years old or over to *(     ) a driver's license in Japan.

(107)to (    ) people ( ) something (       )公式に=(       )発表する
To our surprise, the mayor suddenly *(       ) her (        )辞任 in spite of her high (        )人気.

(108)to (      ) something (    )(    ) a place=(       )取り除く
The company wants to sell its (       )能力 to *(      ) carbon dioxide from the (        )大気 and (     )貯蔵する it underground.

(109)something (     ) you (     )覚えている=(      )記憶
Before the exam I (       ) my *(       ) by reading some old notes.

(110)a special (      )権利or (       )利点that is (     ) only to one person or group=(        )特権
As a member, you have the *(       ) of (      )購入するbooks at a 20% (      )割引.

(111)something that you do often or (         )日常的に, often (    )(      ) about it=(      )習慣
Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that
(         )頻繁にcomes up is how to (    )(    )(    )捨て去るbad *(        ).

(112)something that is (    )(    ) only a small (       ) of people and not told to others=(        )秘密
A *(        ) that you (       ) to the grave is something you never tell anyone during your (       )すべてのlifetime.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(113)~(128)

(113)something that (      ) you to (    ) more (      )成功した=(        )利点
Biotechnology could (      )もたらすgreat *(      ) to the whole world.

(114)the (       ) 能力to (    )=(       )視力
What does eating blueberries have to (      ) with good *(     )?

(115)the (   )行為of (       )離れるa place=(       )出発
We delayed our *(      )(     )(     )(    )…のためにbad weather.

(116)the (     )全体of (    )空間and everything (    ) it (      )…を含めてthe earth, the planets and the stars=(        )
Scientists are trying to (       )(     )解明する how the *(       )(      )(     )(     )出現する.

(117)(      ) 含んでいるa lot of people or (    ) many people=(       )混雑した
The museum was (        )信じられないほど *(     )(      ) tourists (         )奮闘するto see the Mona Lisa.

(118)as (    ) as it could (       )(    )=(      )完璧な
Use the (       )以下の(      )助言to (      )選ぶ the *(      ) roommate and (     )避けるuncomfortable living situations.

(119)not (       ) …しそうなto (      )=(      )安定した
We all know that friendships are (        ), but we also understand that friendships are not *(       ).

(120) (    ) very (      )=(      )急速な
The *(      ) growth of fresh-fruit (     ) has (     ) many (    ) of the US fresh-fruit market.

(121)to (    )(     )製品or (      )材料to another country=(       )輸出する
Four (      )種 of kangaroo are *(       ) commercially from Australia.

(122)to begin to use a new (      )態度, (      )方針, or (     )方法=(      )採用する
Some companies have *(      ) a new (     )of using English as the official inhouse language.

(123)to (    ) to (      ) a disease=(      )発症する
If George doesn't stop smoking, he will (    )(    )(      )(   ) …の危険を冒す *(       ) lung cancer.

(124)to (      )(     )手配(   ) something to happen at a (          )特定のtime=(        )予定する
Can I *(          ) a (         )配達 (   )(      )前もって?

(125)to (   )(   )(   ) a higher place to a lower place=(     )降りる
*(         ) a mountain is harder than (       )登る it.

(126)to (    )(    ) one place to (     )=(      )移動する
Sound *(      ) at different speeds, (      )(   )…に応じてthe temperature of the air.

(127)to (   ) someone by (     ) that you (     )同意するwith them=(      )支援する
The government (         )推進するlifelong learning for the general public by *(          ) a variety of programs and (        )提供するnecessary (     )施設.

(128)to (      ) something (    )=(      )含む
Scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy *(      ) approximately 100 billion stars.
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2022年03月02日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(65)~(80)

(65)to find out (      ) something is (   ) good condition=(     )調べる
If the pain in your throat becomes worse,
have it *(       )(    )(      )すぐに.

(66)to believe that someone is good, (       )誠実な, honest, etc.=(      )信頼する
No (     ) how many friends you have, your problems can't be (       )解決される(     ) ~でなければyou have someone you can *(     ).

(67)to (     )(      )行動する to (       )防ぐ something bad from happening=(       )避ける
When (      )逃げる from fires, smoke and gases should be *(      ) because they (       )含む (       ) 有害なchemicals.

(68)to (      )(     )固体because of a low temperature=(      )凍る
(        )物質 *(       ) at (      )全く the same (      )温度 as they melt.

(69)a plan or (         )提案 which is made (      )正式に(    ) people to (    ) about=(         )提案
The mayor (      )(       ) 断るthe *(       )
by the (        )委員会 member.

(70)a building with a stage ( ) plays and shows (    )(    )行われる=(      )劇場
(     ) child under the age of sixteen will be (        )入場するto the *(       ).

(71)a (        ) 物質that you (    ) to (      )治すan illness or injury
=(       )薬品
It is very important for you to keep all *(       ) out of the (      ) of children.

(72)an (        )受け入れられた(   )方法 of (       )振る舞う in a particular group or place=(       )慣習
Do you think it is necessary to (        )守る the traditional *(       )?

(73)a particular (    )( )(     ) something=(       )方法
There is no (        )信頼できる*(      )
of (         )正確に(        )予測するthe time and place of an earthquake.

(74)an (           ) 調査of people's opinions or (     )行動
(    ) (    ) asking people questions=(      )調査
The researchers (     )(    )行う a *(     )(       )意図された to (      ) 測定するthe number of calories children get from regular (   )食事 each day.

(75)the (    )状態 of not having something or not having (      ) of something
=(      )欠乏
They have to (     )(    )(     )補うtheir *(      ) of experience with hard work.

(76)the (       )最終の(    )(   ) an action or event=(      )結果
The teacher told us to (      ) 予測するthe *(      ) of the experiment.

(77)very (       )目立ったand (    )=(       )劇的な
Climate change and (          )環境のdamage
are two of the most *(       ) challenges (       )直面するthe world today.

(78)(      ) 含んでいるall the (    )部分=(       )完全な
To make it easier (    ) the fish to (    )順応する(    ) new water,
(        )部分的な water changes are much better than *(       ) water changes.

(79) (    ) or (    )(  ) a lot of people=(         )人気のある
Small cars are becoming more *(    ) these days, since they are (       )経済的な.

(80)(       )極端にsmall=(    )ちっぽけな
The houses (    )(    )(    )列of *(    ) cardboard boxes when you look out of the window of a plane in flight.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(81)~(96)

(81)to (       )徐々に(     )到達する or (     )影響するa larger area or more people=(     )広がる
Some (      ) 病気can be *(      )
only by(      )直接の(      )身体的な(     )接触.

(82)to (    )とっておくsomething for you (   )(    )~のように you will be able to use it at a (     ) time=(      )予約する
The president (    ) his secretary *(     ) a flight for New York.

(83)to (    ) an answer or an opinion (     ) something
(    )(       )確かなknowledge about it=(      )推測する
I *(      ) listening to the (      )退屈な(      ) 講義made me tired.

(84)to (    ) or (    ) a particular (    )
or (        )状況=(        )理解する
I came to *(      ) the need to (     )管理する my time more (      )効果的に.

(85)to (       ) 準備するand (      )製造する a book, magazine, etc. so that people canbuy it=(    )出版する
Getting your (          )伝記*(          )(         )必要とするyou to have a marketable story.

(86)to (         )意思疎通する(    ) someone (   ) telephone or letter
=(       )連絡する
Is it possible to *(       ) the police via the Internet if there is an (      )緊急事態?

(87)to use (         )暴力to (     )傷つけるor (    )損傷するsomeone or something=(      )攻撃する
Bears (     )めったに…しない*(    ) humans (    )~でなければ they feel (       )おびやかされた.

(88)to (      )(    ) or sad about something you have done and (      ) you had not done it=(      )後悔する
The short-(       ) young man deeply *(       )
(      ) he had said to his girlfriend as soon as he (     ) the phone down.

(89)a (    ) that is (    ) by people or animals (    )(      ) the ground
=(      )小道
We were (       )奪われた(    ) our energy
by the (         )険しい and (       )狭い *(    ) in the mountain.

(90)the (    ) and (    ) that you have about something,
especially when this (       )現れる in the (     ) you (     )振る舞う=(   )態度
Sylvia's *(     ) toward the (     ) 方針 don't (      )(     ) 理解できるto me.

(91)a (      )選択or (       )判断that you make after thinking carefully
=(      )決定
There was some (      ) of opinions, but the *(       )
was (    )(     )延期するuntil next time.

(92)the cases and bags that you (     ) when you are (    )
=(      )荷物
Would you mind (      )(    )(   )(   )…から目を離さないmy *(      ) while I make a phone call?

(93) (      )非公式の(     ) 情報that may or may not be true
=(      )噂
Local *(      )(      )(   ) that he was (        )ひそかに buried in that church.

(94)the (    ) that you (      ) to do a particular job or (      )活動
=(      )機器
Today's best audio *(         ) almost (       ) 再現するthe sound (      )質of a (     )生のconcert.

(95)the (      )一般的な(      )方向 in which something
is (       )進行するor (        )発展する
=(         )方向
Heavy (        )工業is moving in the *(        ) of more automated machines and less manpower.

(96)the (    ) where something is (     )位置する=(      )場所
Doing business (   )(     )もはや…でない (      )依存する(   ) *(        ).
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2022年03月01日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。
 2009年センター試験英語に翻訳者の叔母に贈られた英英辞典をI found it extremely difficult to use.と感じる大学生が登場しました。大学生も大学受験生も英英辞典を使いこなせない状況は今も変わらず、英英定義に親しむと周囲に大きく差をつけられます。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(33)~(48)

(33)(physical)身体的な damage or injury (caused)起こされる(by) a person or an event=(harm)
We must (keep)(in)(mind) 心にとどめる that smoking does us more (harm) than good.

(34)the (          )公式の line that (           )分ける two countries or (         )地域
=(      )国境
The Rio Grande is the river that (      )形作る a natural *(       ) between the United States and Mexico.

(35)the (     )行為(  )(     )買う something=(     )購入
Products can be (        )交換される(   )(   )最大 two months after *(            ).

(36)the (     )事実 or (       )物体 which (         ) 起こす you to believe that something
(     ) 存在する or is true=(          )証拠
There is *(       ) that TV leads people to (     )受け入れる more (           )暴力 in everyday life.

(37)(         )役に立つ or (        )ふさわしい for a particular purpose =(         )便利な
Traveling by private jet can be *(          )
(        ) ~ならば you can (         )…する余裕がある to (    ) 所有する one.

(38)having a (      )義務(    ) (   )(    )対処する or (     )(      ) 面倒を見る someone or something
=(         )責任がある
He is *(          ) for (         )準備する the report.

(39)easy (   )(          )気づく or understand=(         )明らかな
From the (       )見かけ on his face, it was *(            )that he did not get much sleep last night.

(40)(         )作られた by (    )(        )人間 to (         )模倣する something natural
=(          )人工の
The restaurant was (          )装飾された with *(      ) flowers.

(41)to (        ) your ideas (   ) other people to (          )考慮する =(         )提案する
I *(         ) to Mary that she come with me to (      )集める(      )空のcans on the street.

(42)to (     ) someone (      ) something they do not want to do=(      )強いる
Because he (     )(     )(     )かかる the flu, he was *(         ) to stay at home for a week.

(43)to do something special or enjoyable to (      ) that an (         ) 機会 or event is important
=(          )祝う
A tree is a (        ) gift to *(          ) an important day
(    )(     ) …のような your wedding (            )記念日.

(44)to (     )(          ) someone or something in a particular way=(        )みなす
People, (       )(     ) …によって their culture, may *(        ) being on time differently.

(45)to (    ) something more (      )魅力的な by (    ) things on it =(            )装飾する
The museum which I visited was beautifully *(          ) with antique (           ).

(46)to (     ) 許す someone to (    ) something that (       )属する to you for a (      )期間 of time
=(    )貸す
I don't think my father is (      ) to *(      ) us the car, but I'll (    )調べる if I can (    ) him (    ) it.

(47)to (    ) something (     ) is broken or (    ) working (          )適切に
(    )(  ) good (         )状態=(         )修理する
Elevator mechanics are (           )責任がある for *(           )elevators
when they are (      )(      )(     )故障した.

(48)to (         ) that something (        )存在する=(         )示す
Many electrical (          )製品 have a small light to *(     ) that the power is (      ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(49)~(64)

(49)a person who is travelling in a (         )車両, plane, boat etc, and who is not driving it or working on it
=(        )乗客
When young *(          ) see a woman flying their plane, they come to (     )受け入れる (        )女性の pilots as a natural (           )現象.

(50)the (      )行為 of (              )注意深く thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something=(            )注意
When you (     )(     ) shoes, (   ) *(              ) not only to their length but also to their depth and width.

(51)the (   )権利 to do something that is (    ) by someone in (       )権限
=(           )許可
We (    )(      )確認する that the gate was locked
so that no one could come into the (      ) 工場 without *(     ).

(52)something that you (     ) or (     )(     ) a (    )正式な way =(           )声明
The (         )以下 is the (        )全部の text of the U.S.-North Korea Joint *(         )(         )発表された by the White House.

(53)the (      ) 行為(   )(       )支払う for something=(         )支払い
There are several (       )税金 *(         ) options, whether you can pay in full (     )(       )すぐに or you need more time to come up with the money.

(54)an (            )活動 that a person or group does to (          )楽しませる an (         )観衆
=(            )演技
I'm looking forward to your dance *(             ) tomorrow night.

(55)a (         )描写 of (       ) is (            ) 予想される to happen in the future=(        )予報
During a (         ) *(             ) on television, you can see images of cloud patterns over Japan from the satellite.

(56)the (     )方法 you act or feel (   )(           )(    )…に応じて something =(          )反応
For Kant, an 18th century philosopher, laughter was a *(     ) to a sudden, (     )予想されない change.

(57) (       ) someone or something in order to (        ) 生き残る or (         )成功する=(         )依存した
Japan's (          )工業化 has been heavily *(       ) on foreign (       ) of energy and raw materials.

(58)(         ) 共有している some (        )特徴 but are (    )(              )全く the same
=(          )類似する
The microscope was (           )開発された using *(        )(           )原理 to the telescope.

(59)(    )合っている(     ) ぴったりと to your body=(        )きつい
Research (     )示唆する that *(        ) clothing can (      )起こす all sorts of health problems.

(60)happening at times that are (     )等しく(     )分けられた =(     )定期的な
(   )(          )(   ) …に加えて taking the *(          ) tests, we have to (     )(   ) 提出する a long essay.

(61)to tell someone about a (           )可能性のある(         ) 危険 or trouble, so that they can (      )避ける it or (     )防ぐ it=(           )警告する
The teacher (       ) Tim go after *(        ) him not to read comics in class.

(62)to (    )(    ) goods or services to be (         )供給される to you =(        )注文する
The package arrived late and, to (    )(     )(     )さらに悪いことに, it wasn't (     ) we had *(      ).

(63)to (     ) money (   )(    )(    ) …の見返りに work that you do =(     )稼ぐ
Workers (      ) college (       )学位 *(       )(             )大幅に more than those without.

(64)to do something (      )繰り返して to (      )向上させる your (     )技能=(     )練習する
The more we *(      ) for the concert, the better our (         ) will be.
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