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7O/G4HCL 8月13~15日

2007-08-10 19:59:01 | Weblog
9M6DXX, Steve, tells us that G4HCL, Chris Lorek, has authorized Steve
to inform everyone that he plans to be active from Sana, Yemen, once
again. Chris was scheduled to operate from Yemen in May 2002 but had
to cancel due to a family member's illness. He is expected to be QRV
as 7O/G4HCL from Monday August 13 until early on Wednesday August 15.
Chris has written permission and official authority to operate on all
HF amateur bands under supervised conditions, but warns that it may or
may not be possible to obtain the specific documentation that
satisfies DXCC requirements. WFWL! This is not a DXpedition but a
business trip, and operation will therefore only be when possible and
is only likely to be for short periods at a time. Chris will be using
1 KW to a professional biconical monopole communications antenna.
Activity will be SSB only, and probably only on 20 meters (look
between 14170 and 14260 KHz). QSL information for this operation is
direct only to G4HCL, Chris Lorek, P.O. Box 400, Eastleigh SO53 4ZF,
