

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 崇神天皇 9

『日本書紀』崇神天皇 9

十二年春三月丁丑朔丁亥。詔曰。朕初承天位。獲保宗廟。明有所蔽。徳不能綏。是以陰陽謬錯。寒暑矢序。疫病多起。百姓蒙災。然今解罪改過。敦禮神祇。亦垂教而緩荒俗。擧兵以討不服。是以官無廢事。下無逸民。教化流行。衆庶樂業。異俗重譯來。海外既歸化。宜當此時。更校人民。令知長幼之次第。及課 之先後焉。







In the twelfth year of spring, on the eleventh day of the third month (lunar calendar), an edict was issued. It stated, “I have just ascended to the celestial throne, ensuring the preservation of ancestral temples. However, there are areas still untouched by light, and virtues that have not reached. Consequently, the balance of yin and yang is disturbed, and the seasons are in disarray. Outbreaks of epidemics afflict the people, causing calamities. In response, I have purified sins, rectified errors, shown reverence to the divine, and imparted teachings to pacify the turbulent populace. Those who resisted were subdued by military force. As a result, there is no neglect in government affairs, and no rebellious citizens below. Education has flourished, bringing joy to the people’s lives. Diverse cultures are respected, and foreign converts have increased. At this juncture, it is fitting to conduct a census, clarify the hierarchy of age, and adjust the order of tasks.”

In autumn, on the sixteenth day of the ninth month, the first census of the people was conducted, and labor duties were assigned. This involved the “Yuhazumitsugi” for men and the “Tanasuenomitsugi” for women. As a result, the divine powers of both heavenly and earthly spirits cooperated, weather conditions were favorable, crops flourished, households were prosperous, and the country enjoyed tranquility. This led to the appellation of “Hatsukuni Shirasu Sumeramikoto (The Founding Emperor).”

In the seventeenth year of autumn, on the first day of the seventh month, an edict was issued, addressing the importance of ships as a vital necessity. Coastal residents suffered due to the lack of ships for transporting offerings. Orders were given to various regions to construct ships.

In winter, in the tenth month, shipbuilding commenced.

In the forty-eighth year of spring, on the tenth day of the first month, the Emperor

 issued a decree to Toyoki no Mikoto and Ikume no Mikoto, saying, “Your two sons are equally beloved, and I am unsure which one should be the heir. Each of you should dream, and we shall use those dreams to decide.” After the sons purified themselves and prayed, they each had a dream. At dawn, Toyoki no Mikoto reported his dream of going to the mountains, facing east, thrusting a spear eight times, and swinging a sword eight times. Ikume no Mikoto reported his dream of climbing to the summit of the mountains, stretching ropes in all directions, and chasing sparrows to find grains.

The Emperor interpreted the dreams, stating, “The elder, having wielded weapons towards the east, is suitable for governing the eastern land. The younger, with concerns in all directions, is suitable for inheriting my position.”

On the nineteenth day of the fourth month, Ikume no Mikoto was appointed as Crown Prince, and Toyoki no Mikoto was tasked with governing the eastern land. They became the ancestors of Kamitsuke no Kimi and Shimotsuke no Kimi.









二人の息子は浄沐(じょうもく 川での水浴や髪を洗うこと)して祈り、夢を見ました。夜明けに兄の豊城命(とよきのみこと)は、夢の内容を天皇に報告しました。「御諸山(みもろやま)に登って東に向かい、八度槍を突き出し、八度刀を振り回しました」と言いました。弟の活目尊(いくめのみこと)は、「御諸山(みもろやま)の頂に登って、縄を四方に引き渡し、粟を食む雀を追い払いました」と報告しました。



令和6年1月17日(水) 2024

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