

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 崇神天皇 2

『日本書紀』崇神天皇 2




七年春二月丁丑朔辛卯。詔曰。昔我皇祖大啓鴻基。其後聖業逾高。王風轉盛。不意。今當朕世數有災害。恐朝無善政。取咎於神祇耶。蓋命神龜以極致 之所由也。於是。天皇乃幸于神淺茅原。而會八十萬神以卜問之。


In the winter of the fourth year, on the tenth month, on the day of 庚申 (Kōshin), which corresponds to the day 壬午 (Ningō, 23rd), a decree was issued, stating: “The reason why our imperial ancestors and various emperors ascended to the throne was not solely for their personal sake. It was to organize people and deities, govern the realm, and as a result, demonstrate profound achievements to the world, leading to the era of utmost virtue. Now, I have inherited a great destiny, entrusted with nurturing the people and fostering prosperity. Let us follow the footsteps of our imperial ancestors and safeguard eternal glory. My ministers, demonstrate your sincere loyalty, and together, let us ensure the peace and prosperity of our nation. Would this not be a virtuous endeavor?”

In the fifth year, a widespread epidemic plagued the country, resulting in the death of many citizens.

In the sixth year, the people were displaced, and some rebelled, making it difficult to control the situation through virtue alone. Therefore, from morning till night, the imperial court apologized to the deities and offered prayers. Previously, the two deities, Amaterasu Ōkami and Yamato-no-Ōkunitama, were enshrined in the imperial palace. However, fearing the power of these deities and the uncertainty of coexistence, Amaterasu Ōkami was entrusted to Toyo Sukui Irihime no Mikoto and enshrined in the Kasanui village in Yamato. A sturdy stone sacred area was also constructed. Additionally, the deity of Yamato-no-Ōkunitama was entrusted to Nunaki Irihihime no Mikoto, but the deity, in a weakened state, could not be properly enshrined.

In the seventh year, on the day of 辛卯 (Shin U, 15th) in the spring of the second month, a decree was issued, stating: “In the past, our imperial ancestors initiated great achievements, and subsequently, the virtuous endeavors of successive emperors reached greater heights, and the royal influence thrived. However, unexpectedly, in my reign, we have frequently faced disasters. Concerned that the imperial court lacks good governance, I fear that we may be blamed by the deities. Let us discern the cause of these calamities through divination.” Subsequently, the Emperor visited the divine Asajigahara and consulted with eight hundred thousand deities through divination.




六年。百姓は流浪し、背信の者もおり、その勢いは徳で治めるのが難しいほどでした。そこで朝廷は朝から晩、神祇に謝り、神々に祈りを捧げました。それまで、天照大神と倭大国魂(やまとのおおくにたま)の二神は天皇の大殿で祭られていましたが、神々の威力を恐れ、共に住むことが不安になりました。そのため、天照大神は豊鍬入姫命(とよすきいりひめのみこと)に託され、大和(やまと)の笠縫邑(かさぬいのむら)に祭られました。そして、堅固な石の神籬(ひもろぎ 神が降臨されるところ)を造りました。また、日本大国魂(やまとのおおくにたま)の神は渟名城入姫命(ぬなきいりびめのみこと)に預けられましたが、渟名城入姫命は髪が落ち、体が痩せて祭りができない状態でした。


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令和6年1月9日(火) 2024

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