とうとう東京5年目・・・論文を書くぞ><(うまくいってないのに、この人生は本番という現実(゜Д゜ )ノ)



2015年06月20日 22時53分15秒 | 英語の勉強中


Why have you grown a beard?


In Japan, people have beard are rebelious.


I don't know why he is so enegetic?

Can I ask what do you do?


mutual friend

They have been isolated since they become doctors.


please come over for dinner.

please come over to study.

Do you ever invite your friends over to your place?


I started keeping a dog.

※havingというのは違和感。keepを使う。 犬を飼い始めた時


how about you? ~~?

I don't really like going to where my friends live.







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