とうとう東京5年目・・・論文を書くぞ><(うまくいってないのに、この人生は本番という現実(゜Д゜ )ノ)


Brian's lesson review

2013年09月30日 23時28分58秒 | 毎日の仕事☆+過ぎてく日々

今日は、 少し下のクラスに。

確かに、正確に話せないから勉強にはなるけど boringだった。




“What do you do for a living? "

—“I do consulting"

What is your work?

He is a quick worker.

I'm new to [at] this job.

He got used to the work.

He is doing well.

I was tired with the work.

This job doesn't pay.

Are you off from work today?

Today was a work day for me.

Do you like your job?


I have work tomorrow morning.         私は明日の午前中は仕事です。



How's work?                  仕事は調子でているかい?

Are you getting along with your work?  


I am new to this job.              私はこの仕事は新米です.


What time does your work start?

I finished my work a little early.


彼は仕事中で手が離せない.       He is engaged [busy].


Chazuke is said to have been invented by employees of merchant businesses of those days who tried to finish meals as quickly as possible during short breaks from their work.



音節in・vent 発音記号/ɪnvént/

〈…を〉発明する創案する 《★【類語】 invent は新しいもの役に立つもの[考え]を初めて作り出す; discoverすでに存在しているそれまで知られていないものを見つける》.

What did Bell invent?

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.



What do you usually do on weekend?

-I'm new to Tokyo, so I try to go sightseeing every weekend.


Recently I've been going to the gym everyweekend.

Recently I've been drinking wine.


Recently I've been eating healthy.

Recently I've been watching American movies.


×soso  ○ OK   ※50%くらいなら「OK」という。so-soは使わない

あ:How was the movie?

How was the book?

How was the restaurant?

-It was good ,but to be honest.....

       it was too long.

       I didn't like the ending.

      the service was slow./it was too crowded.

How do you relieve stress?

-I like to drink with my friends./watch comedies.


exhausted = super tired


アクセント・音節phár・ma・cist 発音記号/‐sɪst/


(ii) A physician, dentist, pharmacist, or veterinarian;

二 医師、歯科医師、薬剤師又は獣医師 -





I’m exhausted. I had to work overtime every day this week.
Really? Sounds tough. You should go somewhere to relax this weekend. I know some good hot springs.
That’s a great idea, but to be honest, I don’t like going to hot springs so much. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I went to one.
So, what do you usually do after you have a hard week?
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I go out for drinks with friends, but other times I go to karaoke by myself. Singing always makes me feel a lot better. It’s a good way to relieve stress.


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