Tepper MBA Diary

カーネギーメロン大学(Tepper School)でMBAの勉強をしている「Kei」の学生生活を綴ります。


2006-02-10 11:46:28 | Weblog
Tepper Schoolにはいろいろなクラブがあります。大きく分けて、Consulting Club, Hedge Fund Clubなどの、仕事に直結するBusiness系のクラブと、Wine Club, Golf Club, South Asisan Business Associationなどの文科系クラブ。

今日は、文科系クラブに属する、Asian Business Association (ABA)の新役員の選挙がありました。私はPresident(ABAのトップ)に立候補していました。対立候補がいましたが、当選することができました。英語もそれほど得意でない私が、約50人のメンバーがいるクラブの部長に選ばれたのは、本当に感無量です。




Hi Kei (errr, Mr. President),

I wanted to thank you for inviting me to come to the ABA meeting today. Your speech was truly excellent! You have a very natural public speaking style. I have to remind myself that English is a second language for you because you carry yourself so well in front of an audience in English. Great job. I was happy to see that you won and wish you the best as President.

Anyway, I enjoyed working with you last Fall in optimization and hope that we can find time to work together again in the future. All the best, Joe




2006-02-09 15:06:59 | Weblog
写真の左から順に、Yoon (韓国出身)、私、Rohan(インド出身)、Philip(台湾出身)です。


Steelers 優勝!

2006-02-06 13:26:03 | Weblog

ピッツバーグのアメフトのチーム、"Steelers"がSuper Bowlで優勝したのです。Super Bowlへの出場は10年ぶり、優勝はなんと26年ぶりだそうです。

今日(2月5日)のSuper Bowlの1週間ほど前から、町は大盛り上がりでした。至る所にSteelersの応援旗などが掲げられ、なんと道路上の電光掲示板には"Go Steelers!"の文字が。日本で言うと、大阪市の道路の電光掲示板に「阪神タイガース頑張れ!」と表示されているようなもので、とうてい考えられないことです。

明日はピッツバーグのすべての学校が2時間授業を遅らせて始めることを決めたそうで、私の通うTepper Schoolはどうなるのか、興味津々です。


(写真:私と一緒に町に繰り出したルームメイトのPhilip )



2006-02-04 12:58:27 | Weblog






方法論ばかり勉強して、自分は何かアンバランスになっているな、と感じていたようです。英語で言うと、「My gut tells me...」というところでしょうか。

(作成時間:40分 (かかりすぎ))

What I found today - Change of Mindset

2005-10-17 04:08:19 | Weblog
Recently, I have had difficulty in following the class materials and assingments in the limited time slots.

I found today that the key to overcome the situation lies in my mind. Until today, I have felt I have been given class materials and assingments. But as long as I fees so, I will not be able to enrich my learning and life.

I found that what I can learn meaningfully depends on how many interesting points I can find in the materials. Being aware too much of my garades and efficiency makes me stressful.

Of courese, the solution is not so simple. But anyway, I will try to change my mindset from my daily actions.

My straggle in the writing class

2005-10-17 04:00:12 | Weblog
The following e-mail shows how I have struggled in my writing class.

Dear ( ),

Thank you for the e-mail.

Thanks to your e-mail, I realized the essence of the writing.
The writing is not summarizing but pushing forward my message.
I feel the message from the sample you attached to your e-mail.

Recently I have been straggling about how I can do well in my writing.
Even though I spent more than 15 hours in my writing, the quality of my writing did not go up.
Today, I found that the key is the message. I think this is what you called rhetorical bone Even though my realization is not perfect so far, I am quite happy to find the part of the essence.

By the way, I would like to share my consideration with you and have your advice in your class of the next mini.

As you know, students in writing classes were classified according to our levels of English. But now, they are not. Especially for international students whose native or common language is not English, it is quite hard to participate in your writing class actively. While the native students actively participate in your class, I cannot follow what they say especially in informal conversation styles, which makes me more difficult to dive in the stream of the conversations in the class.

I understand that as long as I enter the US culture, it is my responsibility to strengthen my English ability. And I have to have the courage to break my wall of hesitation and dive into the conversation. But I strongly feel behind in your class.

Of course, I have strong passion to dive into and make our writing class better. But I can not overcome my hesitation to actively join in the culture of the class.

I talked with some international students in your class and they feel more or less in the same way.

If possible, I would like to talk with you how to deal with this situation. Talking with you drinking alcohol is also ok.

Sorry for the insufficient expression in this e-mail, but I strongly hope that I will be able to proactively contribute to your class in your class.

Sincerely yours,


Prices in Pittsburgh

2005-09-27 10:58:48 | Weblog
Prices are not so high in Pittsburgh.
For example, I usually buy my lunch from food trucks which are parked in the Carnegie Mellon campus. The price range is from $3.5 to $4.5.
I sometimes bring lunch I made at home. There are refrigerators and microwaves in Tepper School, so I bring frozen rice and some side dishes into the refrigerators and microwave them to eat.

English, English, English

2005-09-25 13:45:10 | Weblog
Everyday, I feel that my English ability is awful. I really want to develop my English. How can I do so? Some classmates advised me several ways of improving English ability. I will try those. I strongly hope to improve my English.

A lot of things going on

2005-09-25 13:41:47 | Weblog
I have been about three weeks since I posted the previous blog comment.
To be honest, I don't have time to write a comment for my blog.
But it is better than nothing, so I will try to keep writing even if the renewal frequency is very low.

Looking back the events 3 weeks so far, I have experienced a lot of things.

- I got sick in bed (stomack flu)
I feel keenly that to be healty is the most important.

- Many quizzes (mini-tests), homework and assignments
2 on line quizzes (mini-tests) for the class of Probability
2 on line quizzes for the class of optimization
2 homework for the class of Financial Accouting
5 assignments for the Writing class
1 team assignment for the class of Probability
1 team assignment for the class of Optimization

- Mid-term tests
3 mid-term tests so far (Optimization, Probability and Managing Organization)

I found that even in this extremely busy situation, I need to get enough sleep, nutrious food and adequate exercise. That is the key to develop sustainable study.

Campus Photo

2005-09-06 12:59:10 | Weblog
Here is a campus photo.