Tepper MBA Diary

カーネギーメロン大学(Tepper School)でMBAの勉強をしている「Kei」の学生生活を綴ります。

Arrived at Pittsburgh!

2005-07-30 00:00:00 | Weblog
I successfully arrived at the airport of Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh is in Pensylvania State and once it was known for "The Steel Town". Now, steel industry was not so powerful as it was before. It is now known as the town of Universities, IT, chemistory, Banking etc.

My undergraduate university friend welcomed me at the airport and picked me up to his house. He and I were in the same university gutar club.

After staying for 2 days at his house, I moved to the transitional housing of Carnegie Mellon University(CMU). I stayed at one of the dorms on campus of CMU.

At the dorm, I shared a room with an incoming student. He is originally from India and worked at a famous bank in New Zealand. (Later, he and I will be house mates.)

The attached photo is the dorm.