Tepper MBA Diary

カーネギーメロン大学(Tepper School)でMBAの勉強をしている「Kei」の学生生活を綴ります。


2005-08-22 13:59:39 | Weblog
Orientation started from 20th August and it will finish on 26th. More than 300 students -not only MBA students, but also MSCF(Master of Computational Finance) students- gather at the Orientation. It is designed to help accomplish the following goals.

1.Get to know my class mates
2.Get to know the MBA program
3.Get to know the Tepper Community
4.Get to know Carnegie Mellon & Pittsburgh

It is a good chance to know each other. I will try to make friends with as many sutdents as I can!

My house

2005-08-14 00:00:00 | Weblog
I am living in a house with other first year Tepper MBA students. One is from Taiwan, the other is from Korea and the third one is originally from India.There are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, one common living room and kitchen in our house.

All of them are judicious and we have built a good relationship so far.
We each live in our own bedroom. We are talking one another in English because we can't understand each other's native language. We sometimes cook a large amount of food and share.

I think it is good to live with student from other countries because living with them forces me to speak English. And it is the best chance to learn each country's value and culture. There is a good diversity mixture in our house.