
Mail: topography "AT" mail.goo.ne.jp

UPDATE 16 [06/11/27: Full]

2006-11-28 | Entry_List
UPDATE 17 []
06/10/31, Fortran Day, 東京大学 山上会館, 2006-10-24
 Proceedings of Fortran Day at the University of Tokyo
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "OLPC $100 laptop Linux user interface video", LinuxLookup, November 24, 2006
Panasas: LANL Roadrunner Supercomputer Storage, 2006-11-14
 "Panasas begins second storage assault on Linux clusters", The Register, 22nd November 2006
MDGRAPE-3: Gordon Bell Honorable Mention for Peak performance, 2006-11-17
 The Gordon Bell Prize for Peak Performance:
  "Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations of High-Z Metals on the BlueGene/L Platform"
 A Gordon Bell Prize for Special Achievement:
  "The BlueGene/L Supercomputer and Quantum Chromodynamics"
High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) PhaseIII, 2006-11-22
 DARPA Press release:
 "Cray, IBM to continue into phase III for DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems program", 11/21/06
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 "Pittsburgh Doubles Capability of BigBen", November 21, 2006
強者どもが夢の跡 V: Connection Machine I: W. Daniel Hillis, 2006-02-14
 "Thinking Machines
  Danny Hillis talks about the real-world challenges of creating artificially intelligent machines.", Technology Review, November 14, 2006
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "OLPC "XO"ノート:さらに1000台が完成&エミュレータ公開", Engadget Japanese, Nov 21, 2006
IBM POWER6, Real World Technologies, 10-16-2006, 2006-10-17
 "Power6 Ups the Ante for Virtualization, Power Management", The Four Hundred, November 13, 2006
 "Archaeology 101: Digging into the POWER6", developerWorks > Blogs >, October 18, 2006
High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) I: 概略, 2006-01-08
 "Productive Petascale Computing", HPCwire, November 15, 2006
 High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
  CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2 Number 4A, November 2006
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 "Cray's Jan Silverman Discusses New HPC Offerings", HPCwire, November 13, 2006
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 PLAYSTATION3 Linux Information Site, 株式会社フィックスターズ
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 cbe-oss-dev -- Discussion about Open Source Software for the Cell Broadband Engine
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 Open Platform for PLAYSTATION®3
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "OLPCノート:最初の10台が完成!", Engadget Japanese, Nov 16, 2006
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "Part III: Philanthropy's New Prototype", Technology Review, By James Surowiecki, November 15, 2006
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 Cray XT4, Cray XMT
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "Part I: Philanthropy's New Prototype", Technology Review, By James Surowiecki, November 13, 2006
 "Part II: Philanthropy's New Prototype", Technology Review, By James Surowiecki, November 14, 2006
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 Summit on Software and Algorithms for the Cell Processor, October 25th and 26th, 2006
 "The New Roadrunner Supercomputer: What, When, How", Ken Koch, LANL
HDMI 1.3 released, June 22, 2006, 2006-06-22
  "業界初、HDMI Ver.1.3aの機器認証試験を開始", 2006年11月10日
 "HDMI 1.3の説明会を開催。「PCやカメラでも普及拡大へ」", AV Watch, 2006年11月10日
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "IBM Integrated Development Environment for Cell Broadband Engine SDK", November 3, 2006
 "An introduction to the IDE for the Cell Broadband Engine SDK
  Building a sample project with the Eclipse-based Cell BE development environment", 03 Nov 2006
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "General-Purpose GPU Computing: Practice And Experience", SC06 Workshop
  The workshop speaker: Los Alamos National Laboratories "Roadrunner" Supercomputer Team
IBM developerWorks/alphaworks, [06/09/30 -- ], 2006-09-30
 "Build a HAL 9000 with IBM autonomic computing technology", 31 Oct 2006
GRAPE-DR:512Gflopsプロセッサ+システムソフトウェア, 06/11/06, 2006-11-06
 "35. GRAPE の開発 ---GRAPE-DR (2006/11/4)",
OpenSPARC T1 Version 1.3 Released, Sep 01, 2006, 2006-09-11
ルネサス テクノロジ:マトリックス型の超並列プロセッサを開発, 2006-02-10
 "特集:柔軟で高速な次世代アーキテクチャ マトリクス構造 超並列プロセッサ", RENESAS EDGE, 2006.05 vol.13
IBM developerWorks/alphaworks, [06/09/30 -- ], 2006-09-30
 "System Administration Toolkit: Swap space management and tricks", , 31 Oct 2006
 "Data visualization tools for Linux", 31 Oct 2006
Liquid Computing Interconnect Driven Server一般受注開始, 2006-11-01
 "The Interconnect Driven Vendor", HPCwire, October 27, 2006
 Brian Hurley, CEO and co-founder of Liquid Computingへのインタビュー
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
Solaris 10 6/06 (with ZFS) Now Available, 2006-06-27
 "The Sun BluePrints Guide to Solaris Containers: Virtualization in the Solaris Operating System",
  Sun BluePrints OnLine, 10/2006
Xen専用クラスターファイルシステム, 2006-01-06
 "インテル、ケンブリッジ大との共同ラボを閉鎖--コスト削減策の一環", CNET Japan, 2006/11/01
IBM Redbooks: Published books memo [06/09/05 -], 2006-09-05
 "GPFS Multicluster with the IBM System Blue Gene Solution and eHPS Clusters"
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 Cray User Group 2006
 Sue Kelly, Sandia National Laboratories
Solaris ZFS Links II, 2006-08-23
 "ZFS resources", Jim Laurent's Weblog, Oct 30, 2006
重点8分野の特許出願状況, 2006.8.25, 特許庁, 2006-08-26
 "重点8分野の特許出願状況", 特許庁総務部技術調査課技術動向班, 更新日 2006.10.30
UPDATE 15 [06/10/29: Full]


