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UPDATE 17 [07/03/10: Full]

2007-03-14 | Entry_List
UPDATE 18 [07/03/11 -- ]
Power Management, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
KFS: K42 File System, IBM Watson Research, 2006-02-18
 "K42: An Infrastructure for Operating System Research",
  Dilma Da Silva, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, et al.,
  ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Volume 40, Issue 2 (April 2006).
OpenSolaris, Free Stater Kit, 2007-03-07
 OpenSolaris の日本語ポータル・サイトを開設
First Woman to Receive ACM Turing Award, 2007-02-22
 "数学教師からチューリング賞受賞者になるまで", 2007/03/07, CNET Japan.
 "女性チューリング賞受賞者が語るIBMと技術と女性", 2007年03月07日, ITmedia.
「情報大航海プロジェクト」委託先の公募, 07/02/27, 2007-03-06
 "Web 2.0に向けた新たな情報検索技術の研究を開始
  ― 「Yahoo!知恵袋」の研究利用による情報アクセスの新展開 ―"
  2007/03/06, 国立情報研究所.
Cray XT4/XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS)
Power Management, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
 エコ・コンピューティング:Enterprise Platform 2006, ITpro
「ウゴウゴルーガ」DVD 10月 5日発売! 完全予約生産, 2007-02-18
 "☆ウゴウゴルーガ記者発表☆", 小出由華でーす!, 2007-03-01
Power Management, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
 データセンター最新事情, ITpro
 "インターコム、HDD故障日を予測して突然のクラッシュに備えるソフト", 2007/02/27, Enterprise Watch.
First Woman to Receive ACM Turing Award, 2007-02-22
Cray XT4/XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 "A Performance Comparison through Benchmarking and Modeling of Three Leading Supercomputers: Blue Gene/L, Red Storm, and Purple"
07/03/14, 15: Cray XMTセミナー、ワークショップ, 2007-02-14
 "A Survey of Processors with Explicit Multithreading",
  ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2003
07/03/14, 15: Cray XMTセミナー、ワークショップ, 2007-02-14
 Cray MTA-1, MTA-2, XMT関連特許
Cray MTA-2関連リンク, 2007-02-14
 "An Implementation of the SSF Scalable Simulation Framework on the Cray MTA"
 "Volume-Rendered Galactic Animations"
Solaris ZFS Links II [06/08/23--], 2006-08-23
 ZFS Best Practices Guide
Cray XT4/XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 "Cray High Speed Interconnect Requirements",
  IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group Meeting
High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) PhaseIII, 2006-11-22
 Rusty Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory
 PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) languages
 Marc Snir, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
 PGAS 2006: The Second Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models
 HPCS Language Workshop
Power Manaement, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
 連載:間違いだらけのデータセンター選択, @IT情報マネジメント, 近藤 邦昭, まほろば工房
Power Manaement, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
  スラッシュドット ジャパン, 2007年02月20日
   [図版] 電源別発電電力量の実績および見通し [電気事業連合会]
 Jonathan G. Koomey
High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) VI: IBM 2, 2006-04-07
  Christian Grothoff
   Assistant Professor of Computer Science
   University of Denver
Googleデータセンターの消費電力, 2006-02-17
 "High-efficiency power supplies for home computers and servers",
  Urs Hölzle and Bill Weihl, Google Inc., September 2006.
Barracuda ES: Rotational Vibration Feed Forward搭載, 2006-08-18
 Fall 2006 SNIA Technical Tutorials
  "Desktop and Enterprise Disk Drives - A World of Difference",
   Willis Whittington, Seagate Technology
07/03/14, 15: Cray XMTセミナー、ワークショップ, 2007-02-14
 Excellent Photo at SC2006!!!
Power Management, Power Consumption, データセンター関係メモ V, 2007-02-16
 SC2006 TOP500 BOF session agenda:
  HPC Power Consumption
 The Green500 List
Data Domain, Inc.:気になる技術・特許情報メモ, 2007-02-17
Barracuda ES: Rotational Vibration Feed Forward搭載, 2006-08-18
 "Storage Workload Management for Business-Critical Storage",
  Technology Paper, TP555, Seagate Technology LLC., July 2006.
Cray: Adaptive Supercomputing Strategy, 06/03/20, 2006-03-21
 Interconnect-Centric Computing (Keynote I), HPCA-13, 2007
  Bill Dally, Stanford University
  "Examples will be drawn from several systems including the Cray BlackWidow."
IBM iSCSI Boot Commander for Blades and N Series, 2006-11-29
 Update: February 15, 2007
  "Version 1.05.09 includes SLP Discovery, LUN Type selection, LUN number selection, Web check for program updates,
  revised snapshot handling, and new Help."
強者どもが夢の跡 V: Connection Machine II: デザイン (Cray), 2006-02-14
 Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Research Scientist
  Supercomputing Technologies Group, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
 Online archive of CM-5 manuals and documents
High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) II: Cray, 2006-01-08
 The Cascade High-Productivity Language
  Papers and Presentations
High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) PhaseIII, 2006-11-22
 "Supercomputing's Super Storage Issues", Enterprise Storage Forum, February 9, 2007
Cray XT3関係エントリー・リンク, 2006-10-30
 "Lightweight Linux for high-performance computing", By Laurence S. Kaplan, LinuxWorld.com, 12/04/06
 "Linux vs. Catamount running ocean modeling application", By Laurence Kaplan, LinuxWorld.com, 12/04/06
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 Video: One Laptop per Child, Technology Review
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 OLPC Human Interface Guidelines
UPDATE 16 [06/11/27: Full]


