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UPDATE 19 [07/05/02: Full]

2007-05-04 | Entry_List
UPDATE 20 [07/05/03 --]
First Woman to Receive ACM Turing Award, 2007-02-22
 "Frances Allen Honored by House of Representatives", May 01, 2007, Computing Research Policy Blog
Mouse brain simulated on BlueGene/L, 27 Apr 2007, BBC, 2007-05-01
 "●QCDとKEKとBlue Gene", 2007年04月27日, Cheer! High Performance Computing (HPC)
Solaris 10 Logical Domains Virtualization on T1, 2007-03-17
 Home > Products > Servers > CoolThreads >
 Logical Domains (LDoms)
pNFS ScreenCast at OpenSolaris.org, 2007-04-28
 Eisler's NFS Blog
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Languages 2, 2007-04-29
 Fortran Day @ 東京大学, 2006年10月31日(火)での、Co-Array Fortran資料
High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) VI: IBM 2, 2006-04-07
 IBM PERCS Researcher Moves to Rice University
「情報大航海プロジェクト」委託先の公募, 07/02/27, 2007-03-06
Solaris ZFS Links II, 2006-08-23
 OpenSolaris Community: Storage
Power Management, データセンター関係メモ VI, 2007-03-20
 The Green Grid White Paper:
 U.S. Residential Electricity Prices and Consumption
 Total U.S. Electricity Consumption Growth
 "New Role of the Data Center Architect", April 11, 2007, NewsFactor Network
 Liebert HIMOD
 "Precision vs. Comfort Cooling", 12/15/2006, American Power Conversion Corp.
Cray XT4/XT3関連メモ II [07/03/24 -- ], 2007-03-24
 "Pork-stuffed Cray parades CEO and product", 13th April 2007, The Register
「情報大航海プロジェクト」委託先の公募, 07/02/27, 2007-03-06
 "経産省の検索エンジン開発、NTTドコモと日本航空の案を採択", 2007/04/13, ITpro
 経済産業省 任期付職員(情報大航海担当課長補佐級技官)の募集について
Pillar Data System:欧州進出 [オリジナル:05/10/19], 2006-01-07
 "日商エレ、米国Pillar Data Systems社
  SAN・NAS両プロトコル対応「Pillar Axiomストレージシステム」を販売開始", 2007年3月23日
Solaris ZFS Links II, 2006-08-23
 Feature Story: Free and Open Storage Software
記事:iSCSI対応ディスクアレイ4製品の検証, 2006-01-24
  イコールロジックが日本法人を設立", 2007年4月12日
Cray XT4/XT3関連メモ II [07/03/24 -- ], 2007-03-24
 "ORNL's 'Jaguar' Purring Perfectly", April 5, 2007
 増強作業が無事終了。これで 119Teraflops(11,708 dual-core AMD Opteron processors, 46TByte)。
国立天文台 4次元デジタル宇宙 (4D2U) 立体ドームシアター完成, 2007-03-22
Power Management, データセンター関係メモ VI, 2007-03-20
  グーグル、巨大データセンターの電力問題に悩む", 2007/04/10, @IT, eWEEK
Microsoft HPC Oil & Gas Industry Survey 2007, 2007-03-18
 "Microsoft dominates oil and gas HPC? (March 2007)", Oil Information Technology Journal
国立天文台 4次元デジタル宇宙 (4D2U) 立体ドームシアター完成, 2007-03-22
 "天文学ファン必見!--宇宙版Google EarthのWikiskyとは", 2007/04/06, CNET Japan
OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution 1.0, 6/16/06, 2006-06-21
 "Chelsio Announces OpenFabrics Support for iWARP Adapters,
  RDMA-Enabled Adapters Are Industry's First in the Linux Kernel", April 3, 2007
IBM iSCSI Boot Commander for Blades and N Series, 2006-11-29
 IBM BladeCenter iSCSI SAN Solution, Publish Date: 24 August 2006
iSCSIソフトウェアイニシエータ, 2006-01-07
 情報アップデート・追加 (iSCSI Initiator for OS X等)
iVivity: 10GbE Application Programmable HBA, 2006-04-01
Microsoft HPC Oil & Gas Industry Survey 2007, 2007-03-18
 "Microsoft Aims Cluster Solution at Feds", April 6, 2007, HPCwire
ClearSpeed Expands U.S. Office + Training Center, 2006-02-22
 "Algorithm Leadership", April 6, 2007, John L. Gustafson, PhD, ClearSpeed Technology, Inc., HPCwire
NeoPath Networks (Cisco): End of Sale Announcement, 2007-04-05
 "Acopia Networks Announces NeoPath Buyback Program", April 5, 2007
IBM iSCSI Boot Commander for Blades and N Series, 2006-11-29
 Update: April 3, 2007
 "Version 2.00.01 adds support for up to 4 separate boot attempt entries (that is, multiple boot paths), as well as bug fixes."
「はやぶさ」の現状について, 07/04/04, 宇宙航空研究開発機構, 2007-04-04
 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)宇宙科学研究本部 宇宙ニュース
Solaris ZFS Links II [06/08/23--], 2006-08-23
 "Fun with ZFS", Apr 03, 2007, Oscar De León's Weblog
 "CSI:Munich - How to save the world with ZFS and 12 USB Sticks", March 09, 2007, Constantin Gonzalez' Weblog
 "CSI:Munich - Computer Systems Integration (English dubbed version)", Mar 8, 2007, Google Video
Data Domain, Inc.:気になる技術・特許情報メモ II, 2007-03-01
 "Data Domain Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering", April 2, 2007
米国スーパーコンピュータ研究開発法案 (US HPC R&D Act)下院可決, 07/03/12, 2007-03-15
 "Congress Finally Getting Its HPC Act Together", March 30, 2007, HPCwire
Solaris ZFS Links II [06/08/23--], 2006-08-23
 "ZFS performance for sequential access
  順次アクセスファイルにおけるZFSの性能について - 日本語", Apr 02, 2007, Akira Ohsone's Weblog
 "ZFS performance for software development - Japanese
  ソフトウエア開発環境におけるZFSの性能について - 日本語", Oct 04, 2006, Akira Ohsone's Weblog
「情報大航海プロジェクト」委託先の公募, 07/02/27, 2007-03-06
 "平成19年度「情報大航海プロジェクト(全体管理と共通化)」に係る委託先の公募について", 平成19年4月2日, 経済産業省
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Languages, 2007-03-20
 "Fortress Language Specification, v 1.0 beta", 06 Mar 2007
New Mellanox ConnectX IB Adapters, 07/03/26, 2007-03-29
 "Cluster Interconnects: Real Application Performance and Beyond", 11 December 2006, ClusterMonkey, Gilad Shainer, Mellanox
 "Cluster Interconnects: Single Points of Performance", 01 February 2007, ClusterMonkey, Gilad Shainer, Mellanox
 "Optimum Connectivity in the Multi-core Environment", 06 March 2007, ClusterMonkey, Gilad Shainer et al., Mellanox
国立天文台 4次元デジタル宇宙 (4D2U) 立体ドームシアター完成, 2007-03-22
 4次元デジタル宇宙 (4D2U) 立体ドームシアターの写真
UPDATE 18 [07/03/31: Full]


