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2006 Young Innovators Under 35, Technology Review

2006-09-08 | Computer_News
2006 Young Innovators Under 35, Technology Review
 "Since 1999, the editors of Technology Review have honored the young innovators whose
  inventions and research we find most exciting; today that collection is the TR35, a list of
  technologists and scientists, all under the age of 35. Their work--spanning medicine, computing,
  communications, electronics, nanotechnology, and more--is changing our world."

 2006 Innovator of the Year: Joshua Schachter, 32, Del.icio.us (Yahoo)
 2006 Humanitarian of the Year: Christina Galitsky, 33, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Apostolos Argyris, 30, University of Athens
 Disguising data as noise
Prithwish Basu, 31, BBN Technologies
 Networking Unplugged
Jeffrey Bode, 32, University of California, Santa Barbara
 Peptide "Legos" to make new drugs
Edward Boyden, 27, Stanford University
 Artificially firing neurons
Seth Coe-Sullivan, 29, QD Vision
 Making screens crystal clear
Utkan Demirci, 28, Harvard Medical School
 Disposable AIDS diagnosis
Roger Dingledine, 29, Moria Research Labs
 When e-mail absolutely, positively has to get there anonymously
  Roger Dingledine: http://freehaven.net/~arma/
  "Owner and founder, Moria Research Labs."
Stefan Duma, 34, Virginia Tech
 Better virtual crash dummies
Jason Fried, 32, 37signals
 Keeping online collaboration simple
Christina Galitsky, 33, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 Simple technologies save energy and lives
Matthew Herren, 23, EduVision
 Beaming textbooks across Africa
Song Jin, 31, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Making nanowires get in line
Manolis Kellis, 29, MIT
 Understanding genomes
William King, 32, Georgia Institute of Technology
 The world's smallest soldering iron
Eddie Kohler, 33, University of California, Los Angeles
 A better operating system
  Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles
Ram K. Krishnamurthy, 33, Intel
 Cooler computers
Stéphanie Lacour, 30, University of Cambridge
 Stretchable electronic skin
Ling Liao, 33, Intel
 Lighting up computers
Ashok Maliakal, 31, Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories
 The floppy screen
Jane McGonigal, 28, 42 Entertainment
 Designing games with new realities
Joshua Napoli, 28, Actuality Systems
 Higher-resolution 3-D displays
Liam Paninski, 28, Columbia University
 Decoding brain signals
Nikos Paragios, 34, École Centrale Paris
 Clearer computer vision
Michael Raab, 33, Agrivida
 Making fuel ethanol more cheaply
Paul Rademacher, 32, Google
 The man who opened up the map
Anand Raghunathan, 34, NEC Laboratories America
 Making mobile secure
Joshua Schachter, 32, Del.icio.us (Yahoo)
How tags exploit the self-interest of individuals to organize the Web for everyone.
Jay Shendure, 31, Harvard Medical School
 The $1,000 genome
Sumeet Singh, 31, Cisco
 Faster defenses against computer viruses
Paris Smaragdis, 32, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
 Teaching machines to listen
Marin Soljačić, 32, MIT
 Modeling the flows of light
Alice Ting, 31, MIT
 Lighting cellular movies
Christopher Voigt, 30, University of California, San Francisco
 A vision in bacteria
Michael Wong, 34, Rice University
 Cleaning up with nanoparticles
Ben Zhao, 30, University of California, Santa Barbara
 Perfecting peer-to-peer networks
 Sun Solaris 10 DTrace関連リンク・メモ, 2006-01-20
  "TR 35:Technology Review's top 35 innovators under the age of 35",
  Bryan Cantrill, 31
  Sun Microsystems
  Tracing software in real time


