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米国防総省:宇宙空間で Internetルーティング, IRIS Project

2007-04-16 | Computer_News
"U.S. military plans to put Internet router in space", 04/12/07, Network World
"The U.S. military plans to test an Internet router in space, in a project that also could benefit civilian broadband satellite communications."

"Cisco and Intelsat General, a subsidiary of Intelsat, are among the companies selected by the U.S. Department of Defense for its Internet Routing In Space (IRIS) project, which aims to deliver military communications through a satellite-based router."

Intelsat General Corp.のプレスリリース (Ciscoは出していないようです):
"Intelsat to Test Internet Routing In Space for the U.S. Military", 11 Apr 2007 (PDF: 2 Page)
"The IRIS project is one of seven projects – out of hundreds of applicants -- funded and announced in fiscal 2007 as a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) by the Department of Defense."

"Cisco, the global networking leader based in San Jose, CA, will provide commercial IP networking software for the on-board router. In addition, SEAKR Engineering Inc. of Denver, CO, will manufacture the space-hardened router and integrate it into the IRIS payload."

"Intelsat previously announced that Space Systems/Loral of Palo Alto, CA, will manufacture the satellite scheduled to carry the IRIS payload. The satellite, IS-14, is set for launch in the first quarter of 2009. It will be placed in geostationary orbit at 45 degrees West longitude with coverage of Europe, Africa and the Americas."

"The IRIS payload will interconnect one C-band and two Ku-band coverage areas. The IRIS architecture and design allow for flexible IP packet (layer 3) routing or multicast distribution that can be reconfigured on demand. With the on-board processor routing the up and down communications links, the IRIS payload is expected to enhance satellite performance and reduce signal degradation from atmospheric conditions."

Intelsat General Corporation
SEAKR Engineering, Inc.
Loral Space & Communications

"Fiscal 2007 New Start and Additional Fiscal 2006 Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations Announced", April 02, 2007
"The Department of Defense announced the selection of seven Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) projects for Fiscal 2007 and three JCTD projects that started at the end of Fiscal 2006."

Fiscal 2007 New Starts:
 Tactical Service Provider (TSP) ― Mobile, wireless high-throughput broadband connections over long distances
 Mapping the Human Terrain (MAP-HT) ― Visualization of socio-cultural information
 Joint Multi-Mission Electro-Optical System (JMMES) ― Counter camouflage, concealment, and deception
 Smart Threads Integrated Radiation Sensors (STIRS) ― Radiation sensors for state-of-the-art maritime interdiction and battlefield radiation detection
 Maritime Automated Supertrack Enhanced Reporting (MASTER) ― Enhanced maritime tracking
 Internet Protocol Router In Space (IRIS) ― Satellite internet resource allocation capabilities
 Coalition Mobility System (CMS) ― Rapid access to and coordination of coalition movements
There were also three later Fiscal 2006 New Starts:
 Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool (CJSMPT) ― Radio frequency coordination
 Regional Maritime Awareness Capability (RMAC) ― Collaborative surface vessel location and tracking for ungoverned maritime environments
 Focused Lethal Munition (FLM) ― Collateral damage minimization using precision-guided weapon
各プロジェクトの概略 (PDF: 2 Page):

Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (JCTD)
"Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (JCTD) Program Overview", October 14, 2006 (PDF: 36 Page)


