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DesignLineサイト (CMP Media LLC ) 解説記事メモ, II

2006-08-18 | Computer_News
 DesignLineサイト (CMP Media LLC ) 解説記事メモ, Part I, 2006-06-22
 DesignLine (Video Imaging, Digital TV) 解説記事メモ, I, 2006-08-03
Network Systems DesignLine

"IP Resilient Network Fundamentals--Part II",Kok-Keong Lee, Fung Lim, Beng-Hui Ong, Cisco Systems, Network Systems Designline, 08/21/2006
 "'Building Resilient IP Networks,' Chapter 3 covers the Fundamentals of IP Resilient Networks.
  This segment concentrates on device-level resiliency. Subsequent parts, also featured on
  Network Systems DesignLine, will cover the impact of different switching paths, and the key principles
  of designing resilient networks. "
"IP Resilient Network Fundamentals--Part I", Kok-Keong Lee, Fung Lim, Beng-Hui Ong, Cisco Systems, Network Systems Designline, 08/16/2006
 "Here is a multiple-part series from 'Building Resilient IP Networks.' Chapter 3 covers the
  Fundamentals of IP Resilient Networks begins with revisiting IP, TCP, and UDP. Subsequent parts,
  also featured on Network Systems DesignLine, will cover device-level resiliency, the impact of
  different switching paths, and the key principles of designing resilient networks. "
Programmable Logic DesignLine

"A tutorial on incremental design using FPGAs from Actel", Fred Wickersham, Actel, Programmable Logic DesignLine, 08/23/2006
 "An "incremental" design flow is highly desirable with regard to repairing or optimizing parts of
  the design without disturbing portions that have met their design requirements."
"FPGA Architectures from 'A' to 'Z' : Part 1", Programmable Logic DesignLine
, 08/15/2006
 "If you are new to FPGAs, there are a bewildering number of different architectures and related concepts;
  but fear not, because this tutorial explains all."
"How to accelerate algorithms by automatically generating FPGA coprocessors", Programmable Logic DesignLine, 08/09/2006
 "Recent advances in C-to-FPGA design methodologies and tools facilitate the rapid creation of
  hardware-accelerated embedded systems."
DSP DesignLine

"Unite algorithm and hardware design flows", DSP DesignLine, 07/24/2006
 "Past attempts to bridge between the DSP design domain and physical implementations fell short,
  but the new "DSP synthesis" approach creates a truly integrated design flow."
"Designing control circuits for FPGA-based DSP systems", DSP DesignLine, 08/11/2006
 "Need to design a control circuit for your FPGA-based DSP system? These simple techniques
  could save you days of work. Topics covered include data-driven multiplexing, finite state machines,
  sample rate control, pattern generation, and low-rate control algorithms."
Power Management DesignLine


