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The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

Los Angeles Mission Report

2011-11-30 19:18:32 | overseas mission

Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord.

Thank you so much for your precious prayers and offerings.

Thank you for praying for my mother for many years.

My mother went to Heaven early in the morning on Saturday, November 12th.

In April 2001, she was diagnosed with lung cancer and in 2004 was told by a doctor

that she had less than a year to live.

However, God miraculously added seven more years to her life!

During those years, she was able to be a part of the Egypt-Israel mission trip twice,

attend multiple American missions trips and participate in other missionary work.

I am truly thankful that she was used as God’s witness and

that His glory was revealed through her life.

At my mother’s memorial and burial services, the TLCCC Los Angeles Church praise group,

“Hosanna” sang original Japanese gospel songs.

(“Hosanna” consists of three of my relatives and myself).

To my joy, the Lord made himself present at the services and reminded us of Heaven.

During the mission trip sent to Jordan and Israel this November,

some of the team members heard and answered a call from reading

2 Chronicles chapter 20 to form a praise band.

“Hosanna” also responded to the call to serve the Lord as a praise band for the rest of their lives.

I myself am entering to the next stage of missions work.

Kindly keep praying that I will be able to do God’s will with regards to mission work in Los Angeles.

May God bless you all,

Faith Sasaki

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