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The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

Los Angeles Mission Report

2011-09-30 16:25:58 | overseas mission

Faith Sasaki (Pastor, TLCCC Los Angeles Church)

Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord.

Thank you very much for your precious prayers and offerings.

On August 31, I returned to Los Angeles, having spent a blessed time in Japan.

In Tokyo, I joined the internet Sunday worship services of the

TLCCC Tokyo Antioch Church.

During church services, I was blessed to receive the grace of the

Holy Communion together with the church body.

While abroad, my mother and I attended the Atsugi special meeting,

led by Pastor Paul Akimoto, who was the guest speaker.

During the meeting, I received a word from the Lord,

which I am very thankful for.

During my stay, I also underwent a physical examination and

will know the results by October.

I am trusting God for good results!

I am happy to inform you that our Japanese service was blessed with

a wonderful duo of pianists: Shoko on the keyboard and Christine on the piano!

I praise God for their September arrival!

Another praise report is the two boxes of tracts that we received from

missionary Han, who is with the Light of the World International Ministry.

One box of tracts is in Japanese and the other is in English.

We are praying over our desire to use the tracts for evangelism in Los Angeles.

I am praying and preparing to do God's will for the second stage of overseas mission work.

Please continue to pray for the work in Los Angeles as well as for complete healing

for my mother.

Thank you very much.
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