藤沢デジ1通信 twitter編



2010-11-27 01:15:04 | 日記
05:53 from TweetDeck
おはようございます。今朝の藤沢は曇り?! あと一日、いくぞ!
06:29 from TweetDeck
ブログ「藤沢デジ1通信」をアップデートしました。今日の一枚は、iPhone4で撮った品川シーサイド(夜景)その2. http://bit.ly/i7p4Pe
06:36 from Instagram
Good morning. Sun does not rise yet, Fujisawa, Japan. http://instagr.am/p/XMJ5/
06:42 from ロケタッチ(loctouch)
善行駅にタッチ! http://tou.ch/CmkBwv
06:53 from Instagram
Morning in Zengyo, Fujisawa, Japan. http://instagr.am/p/XM0U/
06:56 from Instagram
I'm waiting in line train. at Fujisawa station. http://instagr.am/p/XM7m/
07:01 from TweetDeck
07:08 from USA TODAY for iPhone
Great! QT Fla. family makes room at the table for lots of thanks http://usat.me?41353866
07:55 from Instagram
Tokyo central post office is now under construction. http://instagr.am/p/XPRX/
16:07 from TweetDeck
メモ。メモ。メモ!RT @internet_watch: Windows Azure活用の電子書籍クラウドサービス「J!BOOK」 http://bit.ly/hrBgZL
17:27 from Echofon
メモ! RT @cloud__watch: NTTデータ、SAP Business All-in-OneをSaaSで提供する「INERPIA/イナーピア」 http://bit.ly/gxR25H
18:40 from TweetDeck
18:59 from Instagram
An example of iPhoneography. Autumn view of Tokyo Marunouchi. http://instagr.am/p/XkSj/
19:12 from Instagram
Minnie at Tokyo Disney Land last summer. http://instagr.am/p/Xkhj/
20:16 from Instagram
Night view of TOKIA, Tokyo Building. http://instagr.am/p/XmR5/
20:27 from Instagram
Japanese style pub, Echigo Soba in Tokyo. Businessmen have much discussion here. http://instagr.am/p/XmgS/
20:35 from Instagram
A menu of Japanese style pub, Izakaya. http://instagr.am/p/Xmxv/
20:50 from Instagram
Sho-chu which is a kind of spirits made of potato. http://instagr.am/p/Xm9M/
21:16 from Instagram
Sho-chu which is a kind of distilled spirits in Izakaya, Japanese style pub.. http://instagr.am/p/Xn7g/
21:21 from Instagram
Tokyo international forum. http://instagr.am/p/XoIK/
21:27 from Instagram
Japanese pickles. The color is fine. http://instagr.am/p/XoQT/
21:35 from Instagram
Buckwheat. Great! http://instagr.am/p/Xogl/
22:22 from Instagram
Marunouchi, Tokyo. http://instagr.am/p/XqDY/
22:38 from Instagram
Tokyo station at 22:30. http://instagr.am/p/Xql_/
23:34 from ロケタッチ(loctouch)
藤沢駅にタッチ! http://tou.ch/ON6qW7
by tisonishi on Twitter

