藤沢デジ1通信 twitter編



2010-11-30 01:15:24 | 日記
20:33 from Instagram
Sushi bar's sushi at Shibaura, Tokyo. http://instagr.am/p/Z3L6/
21:44 from Instagram
I am going home by Shonan Liner of Tokaido Line. No alcohol drink today inside the car.. http://instagr.am/p/Z5I_/
22:22 from Instagram
Sushi that I ate about 2 years ago at Zengyo, Fujisawa, japan. http://instagr.am/p/Z6PC/
22:40 from Instagram
Horyuji temple in Nara, Japan, 2 years ago. http://instagr.am/p/Z6xc/
22:44 from Instagram
Horyuji temple in Nara, Japan, 2 years ago. http://instagr.am/p/Z641/
22:47 from Instagram
Kyoto Sanzen-in temple 2 years ago. http://instagr.am/p/Z6-T/
by tisonishi on Twitter


2010-11-30 01:15:23 | 日記
00:05 from TweetDeck
ブログ「藤沢デジ1通信」をアップデートしました。今日のテーマは、今日行ってきた紅葉狩り第二日。 Enjoy ! http://bit.ly/fziF2P
00:35 from Tumblr
Photo: I have updated my blog, “Fujisawa deji-ichi tsushin.” Today’s theme is the second day taking photos of... http://tumblr.com/xcgsd24t9
00:58 from Instagram
I found a rabbit looking at the river near the entrance of Meigetsuin temple.. Speaking of the moon and rabbit. It http://instagr.am/p/ZUDO/
01:05 from Instagram
Meigetsu-in temple, today. http://instagr.am/p/ZUsP/
01:08 from Instagram
Meigetsu-in temple in Kamakura, Japan. http://instagr.am/p/ZUyg/
01:09 from Instagram
Meigetsu-in temple. http://instagr.am/p/ZU2f/
01:11 from Instagram
Meigetsuin temple in Kamakura. http://instagr.am/p/ZU5S/
01:13 from TweetDeck
寝よ! 皆様、good night.
06:56 from TweetDeck
07:18 from Instagram
Good morning. Here's a picture of fallen colored leaves in Meigetsuin, Kamakura. http://instagr.am/p/ZgSd/
07:24 from Instagram
A guardian deity of children, Akajizou in Kamakura Meigetsuin, Japan. http://instagr.am/p/Zgm1/
08:00 from TweetDeck
08:38 from Instagram
Water surface with colored leaves. http://instagr.am/p/ZjJu/
12:35 from Instagram
Tiny flowers Rindou, Japanese gentian, in Kamakura Meigetsu-in yesterday. http://instagr.am/p/ZqIG/
12:44 from Echofon
RT @shinz696: 松葉杖の時、経験ありんす。 譲ってもらった時も数しれないけれど。RT @tmac0814: 電車で松葉杖の女性に対し、まさかの席譲る人おらず。さっきまで起きてたやんみなさん。結局眠気を押し殺し、少し遠いところから… 正直俺もそりゃ寝たかったよ… 情けな
12:44 from Echofon
RT @shinz696: ちなみに多くのイスラム圏の国では、年齢などに関わらず女性に席を譲るのが当たり前でした。あと、旅人みたいな外部からの客人に対しても同じで、よく席を譲ってもらった。 それが教えなんですね。 RT @tmac0814: 電車で松葉杖の女性
14:41 from Instagram
Bamboo grove at Kamakura Meigetsu-in temple. http://instagr.am/p/ZuJU/
14:44 from Instagram
Choju-ji temple in Kamakura, Japan. http://instagr.am/p/ZuTE/
14:47 from Instagram
Choju-ji temple at Kamakura. http://instagr.am/p/ZuXw/
15:00 from Instagram
Autumn leaves at Kaizo-ji temple (R). http://instagr.am/p/Zuv4/
15:01 from Instagram
Autumn leaves at Kaizo-ji temple (G). http://instagr.am/p/Zuyu/
15:03 from Instagram
Autumn leaves at Kaizo-ji temple (Y). http://instagr.am/p/Zu2n/
15:42 from Instagram
I am at Tamachi. Way to head office. http://instagr.am/p/Zv4a/
15:50 from Instagram
Shibaura, Tokyo. http://instagr.am/p/ZwHi/
20:17 from Instagram
Bottle keep. Maybe it is Japanese. It makes repeaters. http://instagr.am/p/Z2qz/
by tisonishi on Twitter