FRANCESCO CLEMENTE(born 23 March 1952)
自分はこの人のインタビュー本が面白ぉてなんべんもなんべんも読み返したんやが アマゾンさんで調べても無い 廃版
和書でクレメンテ関係はないみたいだっせ どーなっとるん日本のアート諸事情
多分「ありがたみに欠ける」からやもしれん 蛭子さんの漫画に似てるし 蛭子さんもテレビやとあんなにおちょこられる「ありがたみに欠けるキャラ」やからな
モッタイナイ 蛭子さんの初期作品なんかほんまにインパクトの塊やったのに
で 当然ではあるが うちにはクレメンテどんのぶっとい画集は3冊ぐらいはある
ぶっとく作品数は多いが ありがたみに欠けることは確かだ
なんでやろ イイのに 好きなのに クレメンテ このありがたみに欠ける感は・・・
僕は ゴテゴテしたシャガールなんかよりずっとイイと思うねんけんどなー
Francesco ClementeChartaこのアイテムの詳細を見る |
Francesco Clemente: Works 1971-1979Deitch Projectsこのアイテムの詳細を見る |
Francesco ClementeChartaこのアイテムの詳細を見る |
Francesco Clemente (born 23 March 1952) is an Italian painter. His work shows both surrealist and expressionist references. Clemente was self taught and studied architecture in 1970 at the University of Rome. Following his studies he explored his psyche with the use of psychedelics and traveled to India to experience Hindu spirituality. Since 1982 he has spent his time between Italy, New York City and Madras (now Chennai) in India, where he collaborates with local artists. In 1986, he created the Hanuman Books series with Raymond Foye which is a collection of 48 miniature handmade books featuring American and European poets and philosophers, edited by George Scrivani and printed in Madras. He did some paintings in collaboration with Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat in the 1980s. Clemente is a member of American Academy of Arts and Letters. He still regularly works in India and lives in New York City with his wife Alba and their four children. His daughter, Chiara, is a film director and producer.