
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ マリ:イスラム主義武装組織による殺人とレイプが急増(前半)



  • Islamist armed groups have carried out widespread killings, rapes, and lootings of villages in northeast Mali since January 2023 forcing thousands of people to flee.
  • Security has deteriorated sharply amid clashes between two armed Islamist groups as they seek to control supply routes and increase their influence. The UN peacekeepers’ departure makes things worse.
  • The Malian authorities need to ramp up efforts to protect civilians and work closely with international partners to ensure that displaced people have access to aid and basic services.
  • イスラム主義武装組織が2023年1月以降マリ北東部の村々で広範に殺人・レイプ・略奪を行い、その結果数千人が逃げ出さざるを得なくなった。
  • 補給路の支配と影響力の強化を狙って、2つあるイスラム主義武装組織が衝突する中、治安が急激に悪化してきており、国連平和維持軍の撤退は事態を悪化させている。
  • マリ当局は民間人を守る取組を強化すると共に、難民が援助と基本的サービスを受けられるよう国際的パートナーと協力する必要がある。

(Nairobi July 13, 2023) – Islamist armed groups have carried out widespread killings, rapes, and lootings of villages in northeast Mali since January 2023, Human Rights Watch said today. Thousands of people have been forced to flee Ménaka and Gao regions.

(ナイロビ、2023年7月13日) イスラム主義武装組織が2023年1月以降マリ北東部の村々で殺人・レイプ・略奪を広範に行った、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。その結果、数千人がメナカ州とガオ州から逃げ出さざるを得なくなった。

Amid the mounting abuses, Mali’s transitional military government obtained United Nations Security Council approval for the departure of the UN peacekeeping force, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), beginning July 1. The Malian authorities will need to work more closely with regional bodies and donor governments to address the expanding security and aid vacuum.


“Islamist armed groups are brutally attacking civilians and fueling a massive humanitarian emergency,” said Ilaria Allegrozzi, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The departure of UN peacekeepers means that the Malian authorities need to ramp up efforts to protect civilians and work closely with international partners to ensure that displaced people have access to aid and basic services.”


Between March 1 and July 11, Human Rights Watch interviewed by telephone 52 people with knowledge of attacks on villages by Islamist armed groups. They included 39 witnesses to abuses, 7 members of Malian civil society organizations, and 6 representatives of international organizations.


Security in Ménaka and Gao regions has deteriorated sharply amid clashes between the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) and the rival Al-Qaeda-linked Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen, JNIM), as both Islamist armed groups seek to control supply routes and increase their areas of influence. The UN reports that fighting across Mali has forced 375,539 people from their homes, 40 percent of whom are located in the Gao, Kidal, Ménaka, and Timbuktu regions, resulting in one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent years. The two groups use a strategy of displacement to demonstrate their power and impose their authority in Mali and neighboring Burkina Faso.


Human Rights Watch documented eight attacks between January and June: six in Gao region and two in Ménaka region. Witnesses provided consistent accounts of the methods used in the attacks and similar descriptions of the attackers. ISGS fighters were armed with Kalashnikov-style assault rifles and sometimes rocket propelled grenade launchers, rode motorbikes and pickup trucks, and were dressed in civilian clothes or military fatigues with identifiable turbans. Human Rights Watch received information about five more attacks in both regions that could not be corroborated but that matched accounts of other Islamist armed groups’ attacks.


Witnesses said the fighters spoke the local languages of Tamashek, Fulfulde, Songhai, and Hausa, as well as Arabic, and sometimes carried the Islamic State flag, which usually consists of a black background with the Shahada [Islamic profession of faith] text in white. Residents said that the fighters stormed their villages, shooting, looting, burning, destroying property, and in many cases warning people to leave the area.


“They rounded up the whole village and gave us three days to leave,” said a 50-year-old man from Essaylal village in Ménaka. “They said: ‘If we find anyone around after three days, we will kill everyone.’ And that’s why I decided to flee.”


A man from Bourra, Gao region, said that in February the Islamic State-linked fighters threatened him with death if he did not give them his 15-year-old daughter for marriage: “Two fighters came to my house .… [T]hey wanted my daughter. I refused and so … they said I could be executed for refusing to grant a marriage.”


Human Rights Watch could not confirm the total death toll from the attacks in Ménaka and Gao regions since January. Accounts by aid workers and witnesses to abuses suggest that hundreds of civilians have been killed since January and tens of thousands forced to flee, having lost their livestock, livelihoods, and valuables during the attacks. “Since January, we have recorded over 100 civilians killed [by ISGS] in several villages around Ansongo [Gao region] and scores missing,” said a humanitarian worker based in Ménaka region. “Looting, targeted killings, [and] kidnappings sometimes followed by demands of ransom … Islamic State fighters have no mercy for the population.”


In early 2022, Human Rights Watch documented a similar pattern of abuse in the same regions, with fighters linked to each of the two groups killing hundreds of civilians and forcing tens of thousands to flee in attacks that appeared systematic and coordinated.


Both the Malian army and MINUSMA had forces in the cities of Gao, Ménaka, and Ansongo. In contrast to their actions in central Mali, however, these troops have conducted limited patrols, with little capacity to protect civilians outside urban centers. The authorities’ presence is also very limited in rural areas in northeastern Mali.


In a June 26 interview with the Russian media outlet RT, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that members of the Wagner Group, a Russian private security company sponsored by Yevgeny Prigozhin, were in Mali, “working there as instructors.” The Wagner Group has been implicated in atrocities in several African countries, including Mali and Ukraine.


Human Rights Watch has also documented serious abuses by the Malian security forces and apparent Wagner forces during counterinsurgency operations in central Mali.


In addition to the impact on security in Mali, the MINUSMA pullout could harm efforts toward accountability for conflict-related abuses, Human Rights Watch said, as the mission’s mandate included monitoring and reporting on human rights abuses in Mali. Malian authorities should continue to work with the UN Human Rights Office and the UN’s independent expert on human rights in Mali, Alioune Tine.


In February, the Malian government and aid groups in Mali issued a 2023 response plan with an appeal for US$751 million to meet the urgent needs of 5.7 million people. However, as of June the plan remained severely underfunded “with over 80 per cent of the food security needs unmet,” despite the “deterioration in the humanitarian situation.” MINUSMA’s departure could also worsen this precarious humanitarian situation, as the mission facilitated access to conflict-affected areas, including the town of Ménaka, for aid groups.


Experts from the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Economic Community of West African States should focus more on the human rights situation in Mali, and press Malian authorities to allow them to work with Mali’s National Human Rights Commission to monitor and report on human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said.


“Mali’s international partners should step up efforts to support the humanitarian response plan and work with Malian authorities to ensure greater humanitarian assistance to all people in need,” Allegrozzi said.


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