
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:ミシシッピ州の政策はHIV感染を助長



(Jackson, March 9, 2011) – Thousands of Mississippians are at risk for HIV, and many who are infected are denied lifesaving measures and treatment because of counterproductive state laws and policies, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Mississippi has resisted effective approaches to HIV prevention and treatment and instead supported policies that promote stigma and discrimination, fueling one of the nation’s highest AIDS rates, Human Rights Watch said.


The 59-page report, “Rights at Risk: State Response to HIV in Mississippi,” documents the harmful impact of Mississippi’s policies on state residents, including people living with HIV and those at high risk of contracting it. Mississippi refuses to provide complete, accurate information about HIV prevention to students and threatens criminal penalties for failing to disclose one’s HIV status to sexual partners. At the same time, Mississippi provides little or no funding for HIV prevention, housing, transportation, or prescription drug programs for people living with HIV, and the state fails to take full advantage of federal subsidies to bolster these programs. In Mississippi, half of people testing positive for the virus are not receiving treatment, a rate comparable to that in Botswana, Ethiopia, and Rwanda.

報告書(59ページ)、「諸権利の危機:ミシシッピ州のHIV対策」は、HIV感染者とそれに感染する危険が高い人々を含む州住民に、ミシシッピ州の政策が及ぼしている悪影響を取りまとめている。同州は、学生へのHIV予防に関する完全かつ正確な情報提供を拒むとともに、性交渉の相手に自身の HIVの状態を明らかにしなかった場合、それを刑事犯罪として取り扱うと脅すとともに、HIV予防や、 HIV感染者の居住・移動或いは薬剤プログラム処方などに対して、殆ど若しくは全く資金援助をしていない。またそれらのプログラム強化に向けた連邦補助金の利用も怠っている。同州では、HIVウィルス検査で陽性を示した人々の半数が、治療を受けておらず、その率はボツワナ・エチオピア・ルワンダにおけるそれと肩を並べるほどである。

“Many people living with HIV in Mississippi can’t get to clinics, can’t afford treatment, and can’t keep a roof over their heads, while young people can’t get essential information about how to protect themselves,” said Megan McLemore, senior health researcher at Human Rights Watch. “These are public health failures that threaten fundamental rights to life and health of all Mississippians.”


Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 65 people in Mississippi for the report, including people living with HIV and AIDS, AIDS service organizations, and public officials throughout the state.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは今回の報告書作成にあたり、ミシシッピ州全域のHIV 感染者・エイズ発症者・その支援団体・公務員など65名以上の人々に聞き取り調査を行った。

In Mississippi, the highest rates of HIV exposure are among men who have sex with men, while heterosexual women are the second-largest group affected by the disease. Young people in Mississippi are becoming infected with HIV at increasingly high rates, and racial disparities in HIV and AIDS infections are dramatic. African-Americans constitute 37 percent of the population but 76 percent of new cases of HIV.

ミシシッピ州では、HIVに暴露する率の最も高いのは、男性と性交渉を持つ男性である一方、同性愛の女性はこの感染症の影響を受ける2番目に大きなグループである。ミシシッピ州の若者のHIV感染率は急上昇しつつあり、 HIVとエイズにおける人種的偏向は非常に大きい。アフリカ系アメリカ人は人口の37%を構成しているが、新たに HIVに感染する者の中では76%を占めている。

“HIV is taking a devastating toll on African-American communities in Mississippi,” McLemore said.


One husband and wife interviewed by Human Rights Watch are both HIV-positive. He is in a wheelchair, debilitated from AIDS, and they live in constant fear of eviction as their limited income is barely sufficient to pay the rent. Despite evidence that housing is critical to the ability of individuals with HIV to maintain their health, and the state’s own estimate that 3,500 people with HIV will have unmet housing needs in the next five years, Mississippi provides no funds for housing for people living with HIV and AIDS.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの聞き取り調査に応じた、ある夫婦は共にHIV陽性である。夫は車椅子生活を余儀なくされ、エイズを発症し衰弱しているが、夫婦は収入が乏しく家賃を払うのにやっとであるため、常に立ち退きを迫られる不安に怯えている。 HIV 感染者の健康維持能力にとって住まいは非常に重要であり、同時に、HIV感染者3,500名の今後5年間の住宅需要を満たしていないとミシシッピ州自身が推計しているにも拘らず、同州はHIV感染者やエイズ発症者の住宅に対して全く資金援助をしていないのである。

“We survive by the grace of God but not much else,” Sheila R. (a pseudonym), told Human Rights Watch about their daily struggle to meet basic needs.


Mississippi is among the poorest of all US states, which entitles it to substantial federal funds that could support HIV/AIDS housing and health care services. Yet it has consistently failed to take full advantage of these funds. The state recently sued to block national health care reform legislation that would expand Medicaid eligibility for many people living with HIV, with the cost borne primarily by the federal government. According to the report, Mississippi’s unwillingness to accept federal support for its residents with HIV contributes to death rates from AIDS that are far higher than the national average.


Mississippi also clings to failed approaches to sex and HIV education, Human Rights Watch said. Mississippi has some of the nation’s highest rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, sexually transmitted diseases that can significantly increase an individual’s risk of becoming infected with HIV. Yet the state legislature has repeatedly refused to approve programs that provide complete, accurate information about HIV and pregnancy prevention, insisting on ineffective abstinence-only curricula in the public schools. The result, Human Rights Watch said, is the denial of potentially life-saving information to adolescents, putting them at unnecessary risk of HIV infection.


Mississippi‘s laws and policies contribute to the extreme stigma associated with HIV, which for many people is more frightening than the disease itself, Human Rights Watch said. One woman told Human Rights Watch that she threw out her AIDS medications when staying with relatives for fear that they would discover her HIV status.

ミシシッピ州の法律と政策は、HIV 感染者に非常に厳しい社会的烙印を負わせ、それは多くの人々を病そのもの以上に怯えさせている、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。ある女性はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、自分のHIV感染者としての状態に家族が気づくのを恐れて、家族のもとにいる時にはエイズ治療を放棄したと話していた。

Human Rights Watch found that Mississippi laws and policies contribute to the problem by promoting prejudice and discrimination against those vulnerable and perceived to be vulnerable to HIV. Numerous legal provisions, including constitutional amendments, discriminate against homosexuals, and state sex education laws marginalize lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. In some instances, state public health workers have been found to harass and threaten people testing positive for HIV.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、ミシシッピ州の法律と政策が、HIVに感染しやすい人々やHIVに感染しやすいと考えられている人々に対する偏見や差別を増大する事によって、問題を起こしているという事実を明らかにした。憲法改正を含む非常に多くの法規定が、同性愛者を差別し、州の性教育法はレズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスジェンダーである若者を社会の片隅に追いやっている。幾つかの実例では、州の公衆衛生担当者が、 HIV検査陽性の人々に嫌がらせや脅迫を行っているのが明らかにされている。

Human Rights Watch also described the negative consequences of Mississippi laws that criminalize the potential exposure of another person to HIV. Domestic and international health organizations have urged the rejection of such laws because they undermine HIV prevention efforts. Such laws promote misinformation about HIV transmission, for example, by including behaviors such as spitting and biting that are not associated with spread of the virus. They also threaten the health and safety of women living with HIV, who may fear violence or other negative consequences if they disclose their status. These laws also penalize those who know their HIV status, providing an incentive for people to avoid HIV testing.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは又、HIV を他人に暴露させる可能性のある行為を犯罪とするミシシッピ州の法律のマイナス影響を説明している。国内及び国際的な保健機構は、予防対策を大きく損なう事から、そのような法律の撤廃を強く求めてきた。そのような法律は実例を挙げれば、HIVウィルスの拡大に関係のない、唾を吐きかけたり噛みついたりする行為を、HIV を他人に暴露させる可能性のある行為に含めるなどして、HIV感染についての間違った情報を拡大している。それらの法律は又、自分の状態を明らかにした場合の暴力その他のマイナス影響を恐れる、HIV感染者である女性の健康と安全を脅かしている。これらの法律は又、HIV感染の状態を知る人々が HIV検査を避けるよう人々に奨励する者に罰則を科している。

Mississippi’s HIV epidemic is growing fastest among men who have sex with men, a population that remains largely underground and out of the reach of public health services. The report finds that Mississippi laws prohibiting adoption by homosexuals, constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, and other anti-gay laws and policies contribute to the problem by fostering prejudice and stigma. One man told Human Rights Watch, “Being gay with HIV in Mississippi is a terrible curse.”


“Mississippi’s approach to AIDS is not working,” McLemore said. “Mississippi needs to update its policies, ensure adequate funding, and respect human rights.”


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