


2005-10-31 00:43:22 | オーストラリア wasn't like Monday. Because we dont have class any more!
i think yesterday i had dream in english(half of them were Japanese, though) but i feel my listening is getting worse....i couldn't understand what Ka** asked me without asking back many times...

this morning i was too bad to be moved out from my room by cleaner. I had just taken shower then, and they came to my room....but it was actually good timing! cos i reluctantly went to the dinning hall and got scones. yummy.

today i spent almost all of the daytime in library.(only for 4 hours, though)
SSH(Social Science and Humanities) library was so crowded with the students studying for the exam or assignment. I did study but didnt get it done so much. takes long time to read books...

after dinner, no**** visited me and soon after t** joined. No**** and i were talking how bad our english are...we can really share this kind of feeling now. we are sick of hearing "never mind"(sign of giving up telling us something) so we asked t** not give up telling us anything. but actually he has patience. i think some ppl here are too tolerant with my poooor english and im so it good for me?
shop was open so t** left and two of us went to dining to get drink. suddenly(?) many japanese was weired...
K** was going to see Scrubs(name of TV show ?sitcom?) in N**'s room, so i went there with her. "Scrubs" is fun! i like it. but still couldn't understand funny must be more fun if i can understand all what they say...
we saw DVD so it had subtitle on screen. i was always followed this unconciously. ummmm

it looks like i have more room to improve my attitude, not only for english but also for my life!?

tomorrow, i will achieve all of my resolution which i wrote after my presentation.


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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-11-01 21:37:06
あ、ごめんごめん、never mind。

この t** って男やんけぇ!!
