
白百合女子大学岩政研究室  ―場所は本館3階英文研究室の向かいです。

■ 2012年大学院授業用メモ--作者の死

1999-01-25 12:17:27 | 大学院 英米文学
"The object of criticism cannot therefore be what the author meant by a text but what a text means in itself. Since in itself a text means what its constituents have ever meant, and since (according to deconstruction) no constituent is univocal, the text turns out to be the "crossroads" of all of its constituents' incompatible senses." (Alexander Nehamas, "The Postulated Author", p.136 from _Critical Inquiry_ Autumn, 1981) http://www.jstor.org/stable/1343210?seq=4


"If there's no meaning in it ... that saves a lot of trouble, you know, as we needn't try to find any." (from the words of the King in _Alice in Wonderland_)

作者の死とカントのコペルニクス的転回 -> 存在論(ontology)から認識論(epistemology)へ