Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Germany 19

2006-06-21 08:22:34 | Landscape
Ratstrinkstube (wonderful drinking-chugalugging).

This device clock shows a certain fable.
In 1631, this Protestant town (Rothenburg od der Tauber) was occupied by General Terry of the Catholic armed forces.
And he said " I do not seize this town if somebody drank wine of 3.25 liters at a stretch".
Because Mayor Nushu accomplished this great achievement, the town was saved.

The doll of the general whom held a pistol in the left and the right, the doll of the chuging mayor emerge each at same time on the windows.

Germany 15

2006-06-18 10:43:20 | Landscape
* The town of the birth of ・ ・ Dr.Siebold.
And X-ray was discovered by Rontgen Wilhelm Konrad at Wurzburg University in 1895.
There is a lot of highlight of this town, but it is ...

An picture was made from a digital camera on 17th, so very hot.
Alte-Main Bridge and Marienberg-Fortress.
And a seal of the lower left in this picture is a top seal of a jam small bottle attached to breakfast of my stayed hotel, so, to have nothing to do with this picture. Yeah!

Germany 13

2006-06-16 07:09:25 | Landscape
Burg Katz
---The castle is set like a crown on the hillside overlooking St Goarshausen. It was built by Count Johann of Katzenelbogem at the end of the 14th century. Napoleon destroyed in 1700 and restored a century later (1896), Burg Katz today houses a Natural Science Grammer and Boarding School. The path by which the castle is reached leads under the three-sroreyed main hall into the courtyard. The view, especially to the Loreley southward, is held to be one of the Rhein's best known.
Burg Katz is private and closed to the public.
---from a site.

Katzenelbogem means "Neko no hiji no hone".

Germany 12

2006-06-15 06:34:20 | Weblog
This is Schonburg Castle.
According to the commentary, it is the castle which Emperor Blubarossa gave faithful follower for 1166 years.
It was named "a beautiful castle" in connection with the beautiful figure. It is a hotel now.

Emperor of Emperor Blubarossa = Roman Empire Ludwig Blubarossa.
In Kaiserslautern, World Cup holding city, there is a castle that he constructed a castle.

Drawing of this picture was drawn with Mont Blanc fountainpen which I bought in Munchen.