

Stranglethorn Vale quests(Ally)

2005-08-17 | WoW メモ

Eastern Kingdomsの最南端にある Stranglethorn Vale。その最南端にあるBooty Bayはゴブリンの港町。クエストの数も半端じゃない。面白いクエストも多くてお勧め。港町と言っても銀行もあるかなり立派な街。Stormwindからも鳥一本で来れる便のよさ。南国情緒満点のこの場所でしばらく過ごしてみるのもいいかも。


Bloodsail Compound
Caravaneer Ruzzgot
The Caravan Road (30)
Shaky Phillipe
Return to MacKinley (41)
Captain Hecklebury Smotts
The Captain's Chest (45)
The Captain's Cutlass (45)
Facing Negolash (50)
Wharfmaster Lozgil
Goblin Sponsorship (37)
Booty Bay
Wharfmaster Lozgil
Goblin Sponsorship (37)
Captain Hecklebury Smotts
The Captain's Chest (45)
The Captain's Cutlass (45)
Facing Negolash (50)
Privateer Bloads
Akiris by the Bundle (43)
Akiris by the Bundle (43)
Favor for Krazek (37)
Return to Corporal Kaleb (37)
Investigate the Camp (32)
Supplies to Private Thorsen (32)
The Haunted Isle (37)
Tran'rek (45)
Dream Dust in the Swamp (36)
Rumors for Kravel (36)
Deeg [Blackwater Raiders]
Up to Snuff (41)
Shaky Phillipe
Return to MacKinley (41)
Hostile Takeover (36)
Skullsplitter Tusks (42)
Fleet Master Seahorn [Blackwater Raiders]
The Bloodsail Buccaneers (43)
The Bloodsail Buccaneers (45)
Sunken Treasure (40)
Whiskey Slim [Blackwater Raiders]
Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog (50)
Crank Fizzlebub
Singing Blue Shards (35)
Zanzil's Secret (44)
Venture Company Mining (41)
Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout (44)
Fool's Stout (44)
Catelyn the Blade [Blackwater Raiders]
The Curse of the Tides (40)
Pretty Boy Duncan (39)
Baron Revilgaz
The Stone of the Tides (37)
Water Elementals (37)
Magical Analysis (37)
Goblin Sponsorship (37)
Goblin Sponsorship (37)
Caravaneer Ruzzgot
The Caravan Road (30)
Scooty [Chief Engineer]
Gnomer-gooooone! (35)
Fin Fizracket [Blackwater Raiders]
Stranglethorn Fever (45)
Sea Wolf MacKinley
Scaring Shaky (41)
Stoley's Debt (45)
Voodoo Dues (44)
Cracking Maury's Foot (44)
First Mate Crazz [Blackwater Raiders]
The Bloodsail Buccaneers (41)
The Bloodsail Buccaneers (41)
Supply and Demand (31)
Some Assembly Required (36)
Excelsior (38)
Dizzy One-Eye [Blackwater Raiders]
Keep An Eye Out (42)
Xizk Goodstitch [Tailoring Supplies]
Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (34)
Jaguero Isle
Princess Poobah
Message in a Bottle (55)
Nesingwary's Expedition
Ajeck Rouack
Tiger Mastery (33)
Tiger Mastery (31)
Tiger Mastery (35)
Tiger Mastery (37)
Sir S. J. Erlgadin
Panther Mastery (38)
Panther Mastery (40)
Panther Mastery (33)
Panther Mastery (31)
Hemet Nesingwary
Raptor Mastery (34)
Raptor Mastery (36)
Raptor Mastery (41)
Raptor Mastery (43)
Big Game Hunter (43)
Barnil Stonepot
The Green Hills of Stranglethorn (40)
Chapter II (40)
Chapter I (40)
Chapter IV (40)
Chapter III (40)
Welcome to the Jungle (30)
Rebel Camp
Sergeant Yohwa
The Second Rebellion (33)
Bad Medicine (34)
Special Forces (38)
Brother Nimetz
Kurzen's Mystery (38)
Troll Witchery (40)
Mai'Zoth (46)
Private Thorsen
Jungle Secrets (33)
Lieutenant Doren
Colonel Kurzen (40)
Bookie Herod (35)
Patrol Schedules (37)
Corporal Kaleb
Krazek's Cookery (37)
Corporal Sethman
Report to Doren (37)

Stranglethorn Valeのマップとクエスト
