


2006-03-06 | WoW メモ

港町Menethil Harbor、AllianceはここがEastern Kingdomsの玄関口になり、Kaimdorへ旅立つ拠点となる。LochModanから流れ出た川は緩やかに蛇行し、扇状地を作り上げ海に注ぐ。その広大な湿地帯はWetlandsの大半を占めその名の由来となる。

Wetlands マップ

Angerfang Encampment
Black Channel Marsh
Bluegill Marsh
Direforge Hill
Dragonmaw Gates
Dun Algaz
Dun Modr
Comar Villard
Dark Iron Entrepreneur [Speciality Goods]
Longbraid the Grim
A Grim Task (34)
Motley Garmason
The Dark Iron War (30)
The Fury Runs Deep (27)
Rhag Garmason
The Thandol Span (31)
The Thandol Span (31)
Plea To The Alliance (31)
Roggo Harlbarrow
Ashlan Stonesmirk
A Dark Threat Looms (18)
Grim Batol
Ironbeard's Tomb
Menethil Bay
Menethil Harbor
Falkan Armonis [Reagent Vendor]
Kersok Prond [Tradesman]
Murndan Derth [Gunsmith]
First Mate Fitzsimmons
The Third Fleet (27)
The Greenwarden (21)
The Cursed Crew (29)
Lifting the Curse (30)
Archaeologist Flagongut [Explorers' League]
The Absent Minded Prospector (24)
Vincent Hyal
James Hyal (35)
Brahnmar [Armorer]
Junder Brokk
Samor Festivus [Shady Dealer]
Brak Durnad [Weaponsmith]
Bethaine Flinthammer [Stable Master]
Caitlin Grassman
Glorin Steelbrow
Cleansing the Eye (30)
Lightforge Iron (29)
Blessed Arm (29)
Hargin Mundar
Tapoke "Slim" Jahn
The Missing Diplomat (33)
Shellei Brondir [Gryphon Master]
Harold Riggs [Fishing Trainer]
Stuart Fleming [Fisherman]
Karl Boran
Claws from the Deep (22)
Reclaiming Goods (25)
Bart Tidewater [Captain of the Maiden's Virtue]
Dewin Shimmerdawn [Alchemy Supplies]
Telurinon Moonshadow [Herbalism Trainer]
Jennabink Powerseam [Tailoring Supplies & Specialty Goods]
Innkeeper Helbrek [Innkeeper]
Mikhail [Bartender]
The Missing Diplomat (33)
The Missing Diplomat (33)
Fremal Doohickey [First Aid Trainer]
Adam Lind
Don Pompa
Tarrel Rockweaver
In Search of The Excavation Team (24)
Harlo Barnaby
Fall of Dun Modr (25)
Neal Allen [Engineering & General Goods Supplier]
Edwina Monzor [Fletcher]
Derina Rumdnul
Digging Through the Ooze (24)
Red Jack Flint
Fiora Longears (20)
Naela Trance [Bowyer]
Gruham Rumdnul [General Supplies]
Gimlok Rumdnul
Valstag Ironjaw
Report to Captain Stoutfist (28)
Camerick Jongleur [Wandering Minstrel]
Unger Statforth [Horse Breeder]
Andrea Halloran
James Halloran
Young Crocolisk Skins (22)
Apprentice's Duties (26)
Captain Stoutfist
War Banners (28)
Nek'rosh's Gambit (31)
Menethil Keep
Mosshide Fen
Raptor Ridge
Saltspray Glen
Sundown Marsh
Fradd Swiftgear [Engineering Supplies]
Wenna Silkbeard [Special Goods Dealer]
Thandol Span
The Green Belt
Rethiel the Greenwarden
Fire Taboo (23)
Blisters on The Land (26)
Tramping Paws (21)
The Lost Fleet
Thelgen Rock
Whelgar's Excavation Site
Ormer Ironbraid
Ormer's Revenge (24)
Ormer's Revenge (27)
Ormer's Revenge (29)
Prospector Whelgar [Explorers' League]
Uncovering the Past (28)
Merrin Rockweaver [Explorers' League]
In Search of The Excavation Team (24)
Einar Stonegrip
Daily Delivery (21)
Kixxle [Potions & Herbs]
Terl Arakor
