


2005-12-19 | WoW メモ

Westfall マップ
Alexston Farmstead
Demont's Place
Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm
Gold Coast Quarry
Jangolode Mine
Saldean's Farm
CLUCK! (1)
Salma Saldean
Goretusk Liver Pie (12)
Westfall Stew (13)
Farmer Saldean
The Killing Fields (15)
Sentinel Hill
Protector Dorana [The People's Militia]
Quartermaster Lewis [Quartermaster]
A Swift Message (10)
Gryan Stoutmantle [The People's Militia]
The Defias Brotherhood (18)
The People's Militia (12)
The Defias Brotherhood (18)
The People's Militia (14)
The People's Militia (17)
The Defias Brotherhood (18)
The Defias Brotherhood (22)
Messenger to Westfall (14)
Scout Riell [The People's Militia]
Red Silk Bandanas (17)
Captain Danuvin [The People's Militia]
Patrolling Westfall (14)
Protector Weaver [The People's Militia]
Protector Gariel [The People's Militia]
Protector Bialon [The People's Militia]
Thor [Gryphon Master]
Continue to Stormwind (10)
Scout Galiaan [The People's Militia]
Red Leather Bandanas (15)
Protector Dutfield [The People's Militia]
Christopher Hewen [General Trade Goods Vendor]
The Defias Traitor
The Defias Brotherhood (18)
The Dagger Hills
Grimbooze Thunderbrew
Thunderbrew Lager (15)
Sweet Amber (44)
Sweet Amber (44)
The Dead Acre
The Dust Plains
The Jansen Stead
Old Blanchy
Verna Furlbrow
Poor Old Blanchy (14)
Westfall Stew (10)
Farmer Furlbrow
The Forgotten Heirloom (12)
The Molsen Farm
Westfall Lighthouse
Captain Grayson
The Coastal Menace (20)
The Coast Isn't Clear (19)
Keeper of the Flame (16)
Daphne Stilwell
The Tome of Valor (25)
The Tome of Valor (25)
Agent Kearnen
Klaven's Tower (24)
William MacGregor [Bowyer]
Gina MacGregor [Trade Supplies]
Mike Miller [Bread Merchant]
Protector Leick [The People's Militia]
Protector Deni [The People's Militia]
Kirk Maxwell [Stable Master]
Innkeeper Heather [Innkeeper]
Protector Korelor [The People's Militia]
Kriggon Talsone [Fisherman]
