NPO法人POSSE(ポッセ) blog

📣Calling all Domestic Workers!📣

📣Calling all Domestic Workers!📣

Does your boss use abusive language towards you? Is your company dormitory too expensive? Are you having trouble making ends meet? 

At NPO POSSE, we take consultations from domestic workers who have experienced exploitation or abuse and provide support and work together to solve any problem you might face. We provide consultations in Japanese, English, Tagalog, Chinese and Vietnamese, all free of charge. 

Today, economical, physical and emotional abuse towards domestic workers is rife in Japan. Reports confirm that Pinay Housekeeping Service has failed to return the passports of employees from the Philippines who wished to leave the company. Serious abuse, both verbal and physical, has been observed where workers were shouted at to go back to their country and pointed at with a pesticide spray.

Such abuse is not unique to Pinay. In September 2021, Nichii Gakkan was served administrative guidance by the government to “inform the tenant before entering and taking photos”. In other words, they were entering the houses of the workers and taking photos without consent, performing serious invasions of privacy.

Moreover, workers have been forced to sign pledges by sending companies which inflict serious restrictions on private lives (banning relationships) and illegal labour practices (imposing a fine in the case of resignation) that violate Japanese Labour law. 
At POSSE we have also received reports of the salaries being lower than what was promised before arriving in Japan, as well as extortionate rent and poor housing conditions. If you are facing any of the following problems, please contact POSSE:

  • Low wage
  • Trouble making ends meet
  • Poor housing conditions and high rent in dormitories
  • Unpaid transport cost
  • Verbal abuse at work
  • Passport taken

Address: 201 Rosenheim Shimo-Kitazawa, 4-17-15 Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
東京都世田谷区北沢4-17-15 ローゼンハイム下北沢201






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