#Industrial 新着一覧
Meat beat manifesto - Satyricon [ 1993 , JA ]「憲法改悪と軍事力強化に狂奔する岸田政権」
Esplendor geometrico - Comisario De La Luz [ 2009 , JA ]共産党を解体せよ!
Vomito Negro - Fall Of An Empire [ 2013 , US ]ロシアと中国の核開発反対!
Cabaret Voltaire - micro phonies [ 1984 , UK ]
LE SYNDICAT - Relikat & schraguemusik [ 1995 , US ]
videodrone - Videodrone 「修正資本主義へ狂奔する共産党一味 」
Portion control - violently alive [ 2010 , US ]
Ministry - Twitch [ 1990 , US ]現代の「雷帝」=プーチン一味どもをせん滅せよ!
Ministry - The nature of love / Halloween [ 1985 , ]
Throbbing gristle - At Sheffield universty [ 1980 , UK ]
Portion Control - Progress report 1982-86 one [ 2015 , Germany ]