


2006年10月08日 | Weblog
 solid geology  固体地理学
 solid geology  固体地理学 《ある地域の, 漂積物を除いた地理的特性》.

"geology"を「地理学」と訳すのは絶対に変にしてはおかしい。「ある地域の, 漂積物を除いた地理的特性」という解説は、「地質学」を「地理学」と勘違いした挙げ句に無理矢理解説をこね上げてしまったものとしか思われない。

"solid geology"とは"bedrock"(岩盤)の別名に過ぎず、British Englishに属するものである。

以下は"solid geology" = "bedrock"であることを示す文例の数々:

Solid geology refers to. bedrock and comprises solid rocks such as sandstone and granite etc.
www.scotland.gov.uk/library3/ environment/bgs_nvz/1-12-bgs_nvz.pdf

Solid geology refers to the "consolidated" strata. deposited before the last glacial period deposits and. is regarded as county-rock or bedrock.
www.landmarkinfo.co.uk/corp/ graphics/corp2/envirocheck_user_guide.pdf

Much of the solid geology is concealed beneath the surface but we have some idea about these old rocks because of the records of boreholes that have been sunk in search of coal and oil.

The underlying solid geology is the Middle and Lower Chalk of the Creraceous, with some Red Chalk outcropping in those areas where the chalk and Lower Lias formations abutt; the chalk rests unconformably on impermeable Kimmeridge and Speeton clays.

The underlying solid geology is largely formed by the Lower Coal Measure comprising bedded sandstones, shales and mudstones.
www.lancscc.gov.uk/environment/landscape/ landscapecharacass/charcarea3.asp?print=yes

The Mosslands are underlain by soft Triassic mudstones and sandstones, but the solid geology is deeply buried by glacial and other drift deposits.
www.lancscc.gov.uk/environment/landscape/ landscapecharacass/charcarea16.asp?print=yes

Much of North Yorkshire was covered by ice during the last glacial of the Quaternary, or Ice Ages, and as a consequence the solid geology is largely covered by layers of glacially derived sediments.
www.english-nature.org.uk/ special/geological/sites/area_ID41.asp

The underlying solid geology is Carboniferous Limestone of the Castletown formation, but the limestone is capped by up to 4m of glacial till.

The solid geology is Oxford Clay overlain by chalky glacial till, with a mixture of sand and loess in the topsoil.

Solid geology maps showing the 'bedrock' geology of the UK in which geological strata are indicated by different colours.
www.alanaecology.com/acatalog/ Solid_Geology_Map_of_the_UK__North_Sheet.html

The County's solid geology comprises the underlying bedrock.
www.durham.gov.uk/durhamcc/usp.nsf/ pws/Planning+-+Geology+and+Mineral+Resources

A British syn. of the adjectival form is "solid," as in solid geology.

Quaternary geology deals with the sub-soil deposits while solid geology deals with. the bedrock geology.
www.fingalcoco.ie/.../Services/PropertyandEconomicDevelopment/ PublicDisplays/FileDownload,1450,en.pdf

Solid geology refers to the "consolidated" strata. deposited before the last glacial period deposits and. is regarded as county-rock or bedrock.
www.landmarkinfo.co.uk/corp/ graphics/corp2/envirocheck_user_guide.pdf

The bedrock or solid geology of the Dooncarton area is described in the Geological Survey of Ireland publication "Geology of North Mayo", by Long et al. (1992), which includes a geological map of the area at 1:100,000 scale.
http://www.gsi.ie/workgsi/geohazards/downloads/ GSI_pollatomish_Landslide_report.pdf

Solid geology refers to bedrock and comprises solid rocks such as sandstone and granite etc.
www.scotland.gov.uk/library3/ environment/bgs_nvz/1-12-bgs_nvz.pdf

Lognormal modelling ofthe indoor radon data produced estimates of the percentage of the housing stock above the UK Action Level for each combination of bedrock (solid geology) and drift (unconsolidated deposits, such as glacial sand and gravel, till, etc).

bedrock A general term for the rock, usually solid, that underlies soil or other unconsolidated, superficial material (solid geology).

Solid geology - bedrock composed of generally indurated Maydown Limestone Formation (Carboniferous).
www.environment-agency.gov.uk/ hiflowsuk/stations/203022/?lang=_w