

The Family Pool

2008年08月28日 22時50分43秒 | Weblog
That was the first and last time to bring my son to a swimming pool during this summer vacation.
We went to one located in the heart of Hiroshima with one of my son's friends and his family, spending a really good time and having a lot of fun.
The kids were especially fond of the liverlike flowing pool. Floating on three or four floats they connected on purpose just like trains or swimming with the floats, they seemed to have never got tired of the play.
I was also having fun with looking after them at the poolside.
The cloudy sky helped us keep staying there for a longer time.

Keep waving the Uchiwa

2008年08月26日 11時06分47秒 | Weblog
 That was a faburous day and night my daughter and I spent at Ujina,Hiroshima, where the summer festival' Sound Marina' was held.
On arriving there, Ikimonogakari started their stage as if they had been waiting for us, as we were nearly forty minutes late.
My daughter is a fan of them and she was excited to be a member of the audience at their stage.
Not only the first stage but also all the artists followed afterwards
made me or us really happy, excited and feel a lot of fun.
The stage of Aqua Timez impressed me the most. Their music and words on stage moved my heart as well as giving me a lot of energy.
If I listen to their music when I feel depressed about something, I will be able to get it over more easily.
Under the autumn sky and in the breeze from sea, we had a great time.

Visiting a museum

2008年08月21日 23時22分23秒 | Weblog
I took my kids to the Hiroshima museum of art before an engagement near by this afternoon.
At the entrance of the exhibition room, my son asked me to borrow an audio guide with an ear-phone, giving me a big surprise as he seemed to have been enthusiastic about looking around the exhibits.
My daughter seemed to have enjoyed looking around French paintings pretty much as well.
 I was a bit surprised to know the fact that Utrillo's mother was used to be in love with Erik Satie who is famous as a composer worldwide.
It was a good opportunity for both my kids and me to absorb different culture a century ago out of our daily life.


2008年08月15日 17時40分57秒 | Weblog
These are the comics my daughter borrowed from the library nearby.
I read them, although my daughter didin't, finding it interesting.
This story took me to the world I had not known ever before, but I could possibly come across this situation which of course unacceptable in deed.
I think I will let my kids read this series before they leave home.

Shopping with my son

2008年08月06日 09時56分26秒 | Weblog
It has been the first time that my son went along with me for shopping since the summer vacation started this year.
He is inspired by a TV commercial of men's shampoo which seems to remove grease on head well. He looked so much satisfied to get it with a brush for it.
It is a bit strange for me that just a nine-year boy concerns about the kind of shampoo.
While we were shopping and taking a break with a friend, my daughter enjoyed seeing a movie Hanadan again with her friends this time.

Visiting the Shuhodo cave

2008年08月03日 23時46分37秒 | Weblog
I remember visiting this cave when I was almost the same age as my son.
This is the second time for me to come here. I still remember some scenes of it. It is mythical but a bit scary in the spacy cave.
It might remind my son of a world of the Indiana Jones which he recently acknowledged on the screen.
Anyway, it is good to visit here especially in the midsummmer as it always gives visitors pleasant natural cool air away from the heat outside.